Party of 4 becomes party of 5


I love Minnie!
Nov 17, 2007
We are a party of 4 with all of our reservations already made. My older son is now coming with us. Would they let us stay in a table for 4? I checked for party of 5 for everything and NOTHING is available!!! We don't mind being at a table for 4.
We are a party of 4 with all of our reservations already made. My older son is now coming with us. Would they let us stay in a table for 4? I checked for party of 5 for everything and NOTHING is available!!! We don't mind being at a table for 4.
Try searching for a table for 6…
If there’s still nothing, give them a call.

The main reason they won’t just let you cram around a 4-top, has to do with the flow of traffic, and the safety of both the waitstaff and other guests trying to move around in the space.

Please also understand that for the people around you, it can be very uncomfortable to have someone squeezed into part of their space. And I know you said that you don’t have a problem crowding together… but a busy restaurant is already trying for someone with sensory difficulties just with normal table/chair spacing. If you add an extra body where space has not already been accounted for, and it can make the meal unbearable.

No matter how sympathetic I am to you wanting to have your extra person together with you at your table… it’s not fair to my family if I have to leave because of it.

I’m sorry if you can’t get the reservation you wanted with an extra person added to your party… but I hope you can understand why it’s not as easy as saying, “We’ll just smoosh ourselves in, we’re ok with cramming an extra person in this already tight space.”

Good luck.
We are a party of 4 with all of our reservations already made. My older son is now coming with us. Would they let us stay in a table for 4? I checked for party of 5 for everything and NOTHING is available!!! We don't mind being at a table for 4.
Try for a table of 6, 7, or 8. You will not be charged a no-show fee as long as one person shows up. Also, try for a separate table of two and most likely when you arrive they can put you all together. Keep checking every day.
Another adult in your party can also try to get a separate 2-person ADR at the same restaurants at a similar time, often easier than trying for a larger res. We’ve done that several times when other guests join our trip after initial plans are made. When you get to the restaurant, you can ask if they can sit you at the same table. You might have to wait, but most places will accommodate your request. We’ve had great luck with this, though sometimes we’re sat next to each other rather than at the same table (but that’s always when we’re a party of 8 or above).

The person who makes the other ADR shouldn’t be listed as a guest on the 4-person one (they can’t make an ADR if they are), just as an FYI.
I used to be able to add 1 adult to most ADRs on app check-in but this last trip I took in Dec that had changed. I was only able to do plus 1 at like 1 restaurant out of around half a dozen. I didn’t need the extra it was just noticeable because Disney used to even have a note you could add up to 1 more and that was gone now. I would try @Ensusieasm ‘s suggestions.

Also try setting ADR alerts. A couple services will do this for free, just google Disney dining alerts. Disney itself will soon be offering this but don’t hold your breath on it being competent.
I used to be able to add 1 adult to most ADRs on app check-in but this last trip I took in Dec that had changed. I was only able to do plus 1 at like 1 restaurant out of around half a dozen. I didn’t need the extra it was just noticeable because Disney used to even have a note you could add up to 1 more and that was gone now. I would try @Ensusieasm ‘s suggestions.

Also try setting ADR alerts. A couple services will do this for free, just google Disney dining alerts. Disney itself will soon be offering this but don’t hold your breath on it being competent.
Yikes, we were counting on being able to do this for a couple of reservations, glad to find out now that it's no longer possible instead of at check-in. :|
FWIW, we ended up having one reservation we just could not modify, and when we showed up we begged them to add one more person for an adult child who joined us at the last moment (I was prepared for one of us to skip the meal if necessary) and they were able to accomodate us. I wouldn't rely on it, but it's not hopeless.


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