Opinions after having sailed first few Australian Disney cruises

HAL, Celebrity and Royal all do at least one of those a season I think.

I am looking forward to visiting Hobart. Looks fun.
I have family who are doing the NZ itinerary soon with Celebrity cruises and they’ve recommended it, though this was the first time I’ve been on a cruise and it’s because of Disney 😅 will still need some convincing to see if other cruise lines might appeal to me!
I have family who are doing the NZ itinerary soon with Celebrity cruises and they’ve recommended it, though this was the first time I’ve been on a cruise and it’s because of Disney 😅 will still need some convincing to see if other cruise lines might appeal to me!

My 9 night southern Australia cruise is the same price as the 5 night Disney I did down there. Convincing enough? But honestly if you don’t have kids with you celebrity is a great choice.
My 9 night southern Australia cruise is the same price as the 5 night Disney I did down there. Convincing enough? But honestly if you don’t have kids with you celebrity is a great choice.
We know we’re paying Disney tax for the quality of shows, service, theming etc so pricing isn’t much of a factor tbh!
Cruises never appealed to me until I was able to do a Disney one so it’ll take a while to persuade myself to trying something new 😂
It is a little nowhere-y. Sorry Aucklanders.

Problem becomes time. If you look at what other lines offer in the area the cruises that go to places like Port Vila, Honiara, Noumea are longer than 7 nights. Even pure New Zealand cruises are 9 to 13 nights to go around both Islands. I have a southern Australia cruise booked on Celebrity. Only Australian ports and it is still 9 nights.

I was on the Melbourne to Auckland cruise. Loved it. Would I rush to do it again, no. But that is more to not being in any rush to go back to Auckland or the North Island in general.
Yes, we were on the same cruise as you, I was interested to read your TR :)
I think we'd do another in the US, with cool ports , but not aust/nz
Yes, we were on the same cruise as you, I was interested to read your TR :)
I think we'd do another in the US, with cool ports , but not aust/nz

It’s funny everyone likes what is further afield than close to home. Just the whole atmosphere and vibe of the cruise was special for me compared to Caribbean cruises. That is enough to make me want to go back. If I don’t make the March 2025 one I will probably book the Disney 7 night Australian if there is one in 2025.


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