Kathi's (Eeyore64's) Traveling Mickey and Minnie pin!


Apr 23, 2000
Subject: The Many Adventures of Mickey, Minnie, and Pluto on the Road!
Author: Eeyore64
Date Posted: 04-10-01
(If you are confused by this post--see the post "Mickey, Minnie, and Pluto hit the Road" )

Today we finally got everyone packed up! Pluto seemed to think he needed to take enough bones for a year!! I assured him that the stops to the homes of many friends would also find him new bones! Now Minnie and her suitcases were another story!!! :eek: We finally got all her stuff packed in 1 VERY large suitcase. Mickey travels light!
After stocking the fridge, everyone seemed ready to go. It was a very hot 89 degress when they left today :rolleyes:
I didn't tell them where they were headed, just gave them enough directions to get started and an envelope with their next destination's address written on it ;) All I will say is that they are leaving NC and heading west! They also have a pin to trade with their host once they arrive

We'll wait for their arrival and hopefully hear all about their visit in a couple days.......

Subject: Heard from Mickey last night.....
Author: Eeyore64
Date Posted: 04-11-01
He said they had a good day driving
They checked the envelope and are very excited about their 1st destination! ( I checked the USPS website tracking feature and it only shows they are on the way-- I was hoping it might show what city they are in now....) I'm hoping they will arrive tomorrow
All I know is they are still heading west

Subject: Oh BOY!!
Author: goofymom/pop
Date Posted: 04-11-01
I sure hope they make it too Ohio...what great adventures I have planned for them if they do.....Glad to here they got safely on the road...lol!!!!

Cant wait to hear where they are going too!!!!And what great fun awaits them there...


Caribbean Beach 91
Off site 92
Off site Caribe Royale 97
All Sports 00


Subject: What a fun idea...
Author: holycow
Date Posted: 04-11-01
can't wait to hear of all of the destinations and the stories they will have to tell.


Subject: Oh boy..........hope they get out this way
Author: MadStrawberry
Date Posted: 04-11-01
I would love to take them to DL and DCA.


Author: dizneepintrader
Date Posted: 04-11-01
How do I go about getting my name and address on a list so they can come visit me, too? I, too, am an AP at DL and would love to show them around!

Subject: Well, just heard from Mickey.....
Author: Eeyore64
Date Posted: 04-12-01
The trip is going well and they are making good time---but he wouldn't tell me where they are exactly (ie the stupid USPS site only says enroute, (I like how UPS scans at different stops along the way) .....)
I think there's a good chance they will reach their first stop tomorrow though-- got my fingers crossed! Looks like they will be spending Easter with......(now you didn't really think I was gonna tell did you??)

Subject: They arrived!
Author: Eeyore64
Date Posted: 04-13-01
Just read on the other trip post that Mickey and the gang arrvied in San Diego today! They are visiting with Sharon and her family (TDC BLUE FAIRY) and she plans to take them to DL today!! Hopefully she can get pics up later(can't remember if she has a scanner or a digital camera !


Disney trips:
Offsite- Dec 84, June 86, Easter 90, honeymoon June 91, May 94, April 98, Dec 98, April 2000
_2 Whole Weeks June 2001_

On site:
Feb 99- All Star Sports
Nov 00- Dixie Landings
_Disneyana Convention!! Calif.-Sept '01!_

Subject: Hey Sharon.....
Author: Eeyore64
Date Posted: 04-15-01
How was your week-end with the RV gang??
Hope you guys had fun!

Author: Eeyore64
Date Posted: 04-17-01
Anyone heard from the RV gang??? I'm afraid poor Sharon may have been knocked offline again

Subject: No, I am not offline!
Author: TDC Blue Fairy
Date Posted: 04-17-01
I just have been horribly busy cross stitching. Mickey and the gang are en route to their new destination. I am happy to report that the gang spent Good Friday at DL watching fireworks and eating at the Plaza Inn. Saturday they helped put up a ceiling fan. Sunday, they attended an early supper at my grandparents, and Monday, they got to visit a Navy ship with my husband. They are traveling today, and I expect they will make their next destination by the end of the week. Take care!!!!!


Author: Eeyore64
Date Posted: 04-18-01
Hey Sharon...thanks for showing them such a good time-- sounds like you guys were busy!! Hope Pluto behaved himself

Disney trips:
Offsite- Dec 84, June 86, Easter 90, honeymoon June 91, May 94, April 98, Dec 98, April 2000
_2 Whole Weeks June 2001_

On site:
Feb 99- All Star Sports
Nov 00- Dixie Landings
_Disneyana Convention!! Calif.-Sept '01!_

Author: Figgy
Date Posted: 04-18-01
Sharon did you put a little printout of what they did on their visit with you in the envelope? That way when it is all over we will have a list of everything they did?

Oh yeah what did they think of Soaring over Cal?



WDW '75, '76
WDW '81, '88, '91, '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '99, '00 way too much... LOL


Author: Eeyore64
Date Posted: 04-19-01
Hey figgy, I'll print off Sharon's trip report and put it in the scrap book

Subject: Last I heard.....
Author: Eeyore64
Date Posted: 04-23-01
These guys were in Arizona and attended a baseball game this week-end!! I believe they are back on the road today

Upcoming Disney Trips:
_2 WHOLE Weeks June 16th-July 1st 2001_
_Disneyana Convention!! Calif.-Sept '01!_
Hey Guys!
Thanks for saving the RV gang and bringing them to our new home :)

The gang most recently spent some time in Arizonia with Jeff, they attended a Diamondbacks Baseball game and had a great time :bounce: !!
It's my understanding they are now headed back east, but North of me (hehehe, don't 'cha love hints??)

Hopefully, they will arrive at their new destination soon!!

Hope everyone is having a great week-end!
You're welcome Kathi.. didn't want Mickey and Minnie lost on their big trip!!:bounce:
Indeed, our traveling friends did visit the Grand Canyon state and I tried to show them a good time while they were here. A brief trip report follows...

As I arrived home, I was met at the door by a little brown envelope. Since I had not expected company, I was surprised to see Mickey and Friends in their RV. After introductions and chatting about their trip, we immediately began to determine what sight-seeing they wanted to do while in Arizona. Of course the top thing on their list was to go to an Arizona Diamondbacks baseball game. We all loaded into the RV and headed downtown. There at the game, we watched the Diamondbacks play the Colorado Rockies. Before the game, my daughter Tiffany took the pin down to the field where she met up with Matt Mantei and Luis Gonzalez. She posed for pictures with the players and the pin. During the game, I caught a foul ball for Tiffany and Luis Gonzalez hit is NL record-tying eleventh home run.
Besides the Diamondbacks game, Mickey and friends went to the Phoenix Zoo with the kids and were amazed at the animals that survive the Arizona sun. They liked the giraffes and elephants, especially the exhibit dedicated to Ruby the elephant who painted. It was a warm day in Phoenix with the temperatures in the high 90's and Mickey and Friends were feeling the effects of the heat. As a change of pace (and temperature), we took them to the Grand Canyon which is 2 1/2 hours north of us. There we went to see what has been described as one of the great wonders of the world. To be honest, all Mickey and I could find was a giant hole in the ground. It would appear about the size of some of the pot holes found on the nearby roads. We did our part and threw a little dirt into the hole. I think if every tourist will throw just a handful in, by the end of the summer, that hole will be filled and we can then use this area for something good, like a baseball stadium or something.
After a long an fun-filled vacation stop, we shook hands and Mickey and his friends piled back into their RV and once again hit the road looking for adventure. Have a great time guys and come back in October for some play-off baseball. Above all remember, "yes, but it's a dry heat."

Thanks Jeff! Sounds like they had a wonderful time!! :p

I want to try something new........if you want the RV to come and visit you, please email you name, address, user ID to me... I am going to put together a list and as one person receives the RV they can send it and the trader pin onto someone on the list-- Sound Good???

Maybe some of you are smarter than me...but I'm having trouble with the email function! So, just in case here's my email addy ksdeyoung@earthlink.net

I'll put the list together over the next few days and forward it to the next recipient of the RV Gang!!

It does not matter to me if the RV visits the same state twice- I just want everyone to have fun!!

States visited so far:
North Carolina (home)

It was also suggested that we think about including a post card or picture from their stay with you... you can either include that with the gang or send it to me (my address is with Mickey).

I am putting together a scrap book of all their travels!

Thanks guys!
Cool-- I've had 6 people email me to be put on the list... anyone else??

Thanks much guys!
But I copied your post to here to be with Sharon's and Jeff's :)

Posted by Lauri:
When I got home from work today there was an RV parked in front of my house.. in my mailbox! Yep, Mickey, Minnie and Pluto just pulled in after a long trip from Arizona where they visited that adventurer himself, Arizona Jeff.

Pluto felt right at home with our dogs and Mickey asked if Reilly, our PTPP (Pin Trading Poodle Puppy) could show them around town. It might take a while because Reilly grabbed the pin and ran off with it. (Just kidding!)

We should be able to show them around town this weekend and send them on their way to their next destination Monday! Keep your eyes open for an RV in your mailbox soon!

I also have quite a list of people who are cleaning out their guests rooms for a visit from the Gang... so if you need a name when the gang shows up at it's next stop-- just give me a holler!

So far....
The Rv started in
Youngsville, North Carolina, then went to:
San Diego, California
Chandler, Arizonia
Richmond, Virginia

Next stop?????
This is a great thing to do. It's like the 8-10 Flat Stanleys that my class hosted this year. Hope that Mickey and gang are having a wonderful time. Wish you were here!
Bumpity bump!! Our travelling Rv was last seen in Virgina... anyone spotted them since then???

I've been wondering the same thing. I had to search through the posts to see if I'd missed a trip report. Hey, RV gang where are yoooou?

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