January 2024 Refurbs - World of Color, Grizzly River Run & Blue Bayou Restaurant &more...

I think it will be back by April. It has to be up and running for F! return in May. I suspect Disneyland will have rehearsals for F! after the park closes. Both the Columbia and the Mark Twain are down in January. I suspect they will doing work on Columbia too as well as in the Rivers of America. I also suspect Pirates Lair on Tom Sawyer's Island will close in January or in the winter.
So historically, HM usually goes down first and IASW goes down second, but I think this is maybe the 3rd time in the last 10-15 years where they flipped it.

If history is a guide and there are no extended closures, it will likely look like this:

IASW overlay removal (prediction): January 8-18
HM overlay removal (prediction): January 22-February 1

Overlay removals have historically started on a Monday and do not start going into a weekend. I'll post the historical dates below in a moment:

Haunted Mansion
* =
2nd ride down from holiday season (rare)

HMH InstallationHMH Removal/Refurb
  • Aug 14-31, 2023
  • Jan 30-Feb 9, 2022*
  • Aug 15-Sep 1, 2022
  • Jan 10-20, 2022
  • Aug 16-Sep 2, 2021
  • January 21, 2020 to Spring 2020*
  • Aug 26-Sep 5, 2019
  • Jan 7-17, 2019
  • Aug 20-Sep 6, 2018
  • Jan 8-18, 2018
  • Aug 28-Sep 14, 2017
  • Jan 9-19, 2017
  • Aug 22-Sep 8, 2016
  • Jan 11-21, 2016
  • Aug 24-Sep 10, 2015
  • May 4-8, 2015
  • Jan 12-22, 2015
  • Aug 25-Sep 11, 2014
  • Jan 7-16, 2014
  • Aug 26-Sep 12, 2013
  • Jan 7-17, 2013
  • Aug 27-Sep 13, 2012
  • Jan 9-23, 2012
  • Aug 29-Sep 15, 2011
  • Jan 3-13, 2011
  • Aug 30-Sep 16, 2010
  • Jan 4-14, 2010

It's a Small World
* =
1st ride down from holiday season (rare)

Holiday InstallationHoliday Removal/Refurb
  • Jan 8-___, 2024*
  • Oct 23-Nov 9, 2023
  • Jan 9-19, 2023*
  • Oct 24-Nov 10, 2022
  • Jan 24-Feb 3, 2022
  • October 24, 2021 to December 2021
    (extended closure due to flood damage)
  • Jan 7-17, 2020*
  • Oct 21-Nov 7, 2019
  • Jan 22-31, 2019
  • Oct 22-Nov 7, 2018
  • Jan 22-Feb 1, 2018
  • Oct 23-Nov 9, 2017
  • Jan 22-Feb 2, 2017
  • Oct 24-Nov 9, 2016
  • Jan 25-Feb 5, 2016
  • Oct 19-Nov 5, 2015
  • Jan 26-Feb 5, 2015
  • Oct 20-Nov 6, 2014
  • Apr 23-May 22, 2014
  • Jan 21-Apr 9, 2014
    (orig. reopen was slated for 2/4, 2/7 or 2/12
    depending on source. Used as movie set in early February.)

    (50th anniversary celebrated on 4/10/2014,
    actual anniversary 4/22/2014)
  • Oct 21-Nov 7, 2013
  • Jan 22-Feb 28, 2013
  • Oct 22-Nov 8, 2012
  • Jan 23-Feb 2, 2012
  • Oct 24-Nov 10, 2011
  • Jan 18-27, 2011
  • Oct 25-Nov 11, 2010
  • Jan 18-28, 2010
  • Oct 26-Nov 12, 2009
Fingers crossed your projected dates are correct! We're there the 19th-22nd.
A bit off topic, but I know DL was recently trying to operate 3 trains again for the first time since the NOS fire last year. Are they actually operating 3 trains regularly now? Does anyone know if they're working on the damaged building at NOS station?
A bit off topic, but I know DL was recently trying to operate 3 trains again for the first time since the NOS fire last year. Are they actually operating 3 trains regularly now? Does anyone know if they're working on the damaged building at NOS station?
DL has been running 3 trains regularly. The red light/green light switching system is fully operational now and was moved out of the NOS building. I suspect when Haunted Mansion goes down for its refurb the NOS building will be fixed as well.
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How is it possible that there are no parades, no fireworks for the entire time I am there (Jan 11-14)? I am so used to WDW--every day is something. But to have nothing? Is this normal? It's really making me regret this entire trip.
How is it possible that there are no parades, no fireworks for the entire time I am there (Jan 11-14)? I am so used to WDW--every day is something. But to have nothing? Is this normal? It's really making me regret this entire trip.
It's normal. January is a "slow" season, which means refurbs, shorter park hours and very little entertainment. Fantasmic! would be running if it wasn't down till May an WoC as well if it wasn't under refurb for your dates. Not sure where you saw no fireworks but maybe they will do the projections? I do not know, but you shouldn't despair that much, it just means more time to hit your favorite rides :)
How is it possible that there are no parades, no fireworks for the entire time I am there (Jan 11-14)? I am so used to WDW--every day is something. But to have nothing? Is this normal? It's really making me regret this entire trip.
Same way it's possible that I never rode the Matterhorn until I was in my 20's! January is a down time. Used to be the refurb time for the Matterhorn too. And January was when we always went.
DL is just different than WDW. Fireworks are not every day and often cancelled. Part of being in the midst of a city. And they don't always have daily parades. You won't be lacking for things to do though.
Just FYI Mickey's Magic Mix is a projections show. It is not guaranteed to have fireworks.
Unless something has changed, MMM gets fireworks on the weekends only in the school year, just like every other Disneyland Castle show.

Less about attendance patterns, I believe it’s a formal agreement with the city.
How is it possible that there are no parades, no fireworks for the entire time I am there (Jan 11-14)? I am so used to WDW--every day is something. But to have nothing? Is this normal? It's really making me regret this entire trip.
There almost certainly will be fireworks on the 12-14th. They haven’t announced post-Christmas January plans yet. The calendar on Disneyland.com won’t be populated with fireworks and certain other events until they release their hype up information to the Disney press.
We will be there in late February. World of Color is under refurbishment. Do they practice the WOC at night? How likely are we able to see the show being practiced late at night from the Grand Californian DVC wing - or the DVC WOC viewing area?
We will be there in late February. World of Color is under refurbishment. Do they practice the WOC at night? How likely are we able to see the show being practiced late at night from the Grand Californian DVC wing - or the DVC WOC viewing area?
You might see them test individual show elements but I doubt they’ll run through the entire show.


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