Important Notice - Please Read: Disney Dreams or Disney_Dreamz

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Disney Dreams

Proudly afflicted with TDMA!
Mar 10, 2006
Hi all,

I have been an active member of the VMK DIS board for 10 months now. I selected the s/n Disney Dreams as I believe that Dreams are partially what Disney is all about. Who knew Disney would launch an entire "Dream" themed year?

I believe that I have established a good reputation for myself and am entertained when people call me Dreams in VMK as it is clearly an identity many of you have come to associate with me. (And one I enjoy.)

It has recently been brought to my attention that there is a VMK player that has become a DIS member this month whose DIS s/n is Disney_Dreamz.

This is NOT me. While I welcome our new member with open arms, I believe this will be causing confusion in the future and ask that you read very closely to see if posts are from Disney Dreams (me) or Disney_ Dreamz (not me) - especially with trades.

I am concerned about the confusion that can arise, and therefore have created this announcement to create awareness. I am surprised that 2 such similar names can be created, but here we are.

Again, please read closely for Disney Dreams or Disney_Dreamz.

Be careful out there,
Disney Dreams
Sure thing! I'll try to get the word out in pm's for those who haven't been on. But don't account me for it!

I am in your situation too, as Purpleducky, is equally a "too similar" title/name!

Yes there have been issues of confusion between myself and "y".. but for the most part, a little bit of time was all it took to have people learn the difference. For that matter Purpleducky has established a good rep on here for herself!

So, just hunker down for a couple months, find the humor in it, and with any luck people will quickly come to identify the right title to the right person!

I was lucky enough to get a great new friend out of the confusion, NorgeKathrine! :hug:
I am in your situation too, as Purpleducky, is equally a "too similar" title/name!

Yes there have been issues of confusion between myself and "y".. but for the most part, a little bit of time was all it took to have people learn the difference. For that matter Purpleducky has established a good rep on here for herself!

So, just hunker down for a couple months, find the humor in it, and with any luck people will quickly come to identify the right title to the right person!

I was lucky enough to get a great new friend out of the confusion, NorgeKathrine! :hug:

I promise I didn't mean to choose such a similar title :guilty:
P.S. I'm trying to get a title change, hence yours was first

I've never noticed ppl calling you Dream/Dreams in vmk..guess I'm too dull to notice
Have they been on DIS or did you see that title in a room?
Hey Duck and Ducky,

Yep, you 2 know exactly how I feel. I first saw Disney_Dreamz last night when I received a link to a post and was told, "Check this out." I was reading the linked post with my title and thought, I did not write that. I looked twice and saw that it was not my title, but Disney_Dreamz.

Seems it is not her title in vmk, just here on the boards and she joined this month. Again, I welcome all new DIS members with open arms, I am just very unhappy about such a similar title on the same DIS / VMK Board after I have established a reputation for myself and have used Disney Dreams for almost a year.

As for in vmk, yeah, LOL, lots of people from DIS call me Dreams, which as I said earlier, makes me smile - and lets me know where they know me from immediately.

My main concern is confusion in trading and other matters where your actions folllow you.

I doubt Walt would be happy with a discovering "The Walt Dizney Company," but it seems there is nothing I can in tems of someone selecting a way too similar name - except make others aware.

Thanks for your comments and support,
Disney Dreams (with an s)
WOW you have TWO!!! LOL
No thank you for helping us learn who the Real DIS Dreams is!
I guess i will have to really start paying some attention to names and name copys/similar/close
Hey Duck and Ducky,

Yep, you 2 know exactly how I feel. I first saw Disney_Dreamz last night when I received a link to a post and was told, "Check this out." I was reading the linked post with my title and thought, I did not write that. I looked twice and saw that it was not my title, but Disney_Dreamz.

Seems it is not her title in vmk, just here on the boards and she joined this month. Again, I welcome all new DIS members with open arms, I am just very unhappy about such a similar title on the same DIS / VMK Board after I have established a reputation for myself and have used Disney Dreams for almost a year.

As for in vmk, yeah, LOL, lots of people from DIS call me Dreams, which as I said earlier, makes me smile - and lets me know where they know me from immediately.

My main concern is confusion in trading and other matters where your actions folllow you.

I doubt Walt would be happy with a discovering "The Walt Dizney Company," but it seems there is nothing I can in tems of someone selecting a way too similar name - except make others aware.

Thanks for your comments and support,
Disney Dreams (with an s)

Well, it might've been a common mistake after all, with the Walt thing..purposely

Was he/she on the vmk boards?
Well, it might've been a common mistake after all, with the Walt thing..purposely

Was he/she on the vmk boards?

Oh, I am not saying it was on purpose. If I had to guess - and this is a complete guess - this person tried to register for the name Disney Dreams (coincidence? who knows...) and when it was taken, made a variation.

And if she were mainly active on another area of DIS, I honestly could care less. My concern is - we are both here on the VMK board. I do not think it was anything intentional towards me and hope I have been VERY clear about that. I have no clue if she was previously here with a different title or not. We have not met.

When I saw the name last night, I knew there will be confusion. And that concerns me greatly. So - I am trying to do the only thing I can: Raise Awareness.

-Disney Dreams (with an s)
Oh, I am not saying it was on purpose. If I had to guess - and this is a complete guess - this person tried to register for the name Disney Dreams (coincidence? who knows...) and when it was taken, made a variation.

And if she were mainly active on another area of DIS, I honestly could care less. My concern is - we are both here on the VMK board. I do not think it was anything intentional towards me and hope I have been VERY clear about that. I have no clue if she was previously here with a different title or not. We have not met.

When I saw the name last night, I knew there will be confusion. And that concerns me greatly. So - I am trying to do the only thing I can: Raise Awareness.

-Disney Dreams (with an s)

Well let us just hope it wasn't on purpose. Maybe you could put your VMK title in your sig?
I promise I didn't mean to choose such a similar title :guilty:
P.S. I'm trying to get a title change, hence yours was first

Aww I know you didn't choose that title to be similar!

I consider myself very lucky that you are a good person, and so have not inadvertantly caused any issues that Dream is concerned about: trading and repuation.

I also don't think you need to be trying to get a title change. I don't know about you, but I have not had any "similarity" issues from anyone for a while now, no one mixing us up.

(However, your dressing up and changing your color to be exactly me does bug me a bit since our titles are so very similar. But I know, you promised not do it anymore, and I appreciate that!)
If it makes y'all feel any better, I think when I first registered here way back when in March 2005, I tried about 5 names before this one, all of which were already registered. Great minds think alike, I suppose. ;) Dreams, I'm assuming it's just a coincidence, what with the Year of a Million Dreams celebration and all, and I too welcome our new member. :grouphug:

I had to modify my title here for VMK (the numbers issue), but so far I have yet to see another SorcererDonald-type character around. Hopefully I never will either, because that would even confuse me. :lmao:
Aww I know you didn't choose that title to be similar!

I consider myself very lucky that you are a good person, and so have not inadvertantly caused any issues that Dream is concerned about: trading and repuation.

I also don't think you need to be trying to get a title change. I don't know about you, but I have not had any "similarity" issues from anyone for a while now, no one mixing us up.

Purple's not my favorite color anymore...I like green, green is purtty
I should be like GreenPirate...yeah me likey :)

But now the tag fairy changed my profile to purple..arg! Me no likey purple anymore! Or at the least the purple on here
i don't remember anyone ever seein' anyone in vmk or the dis boards that have the same name as me. a few times i've seen people that start with 'kool,' and when i signed up the year vmk was made i figured too many people would choose the beginning name 'kool.'

i'm very suprised that someone would have two of the same names on vmk and dis...:confused3
i guess vmk didn't think twice about the situation before accepting it, and maybe they figured people wouldn't...get...confused???:confused: :confused3
This is the single most important thread ever created.

Sorry Dreamz you were called out like this, some welcome huh?

We are moving this thread over to the community board, while we understand Disney Dreams concerns, we also want others to know that we welcome Disney_Dreamz to the DIS.

The DIS has over 115,000 members and with new members registering everyday people with similar names are going to happen. The only names that others can not register with are names of webmasters and hosts.

We also welcome PurpleDucky.

Please remember this in the future if someone registers with a name similar to your own, why not welcome them with open arms and make them feel welcome and accepted into our community. Differences in personality will show out.

We are also closing this thread and hope that in the future we do not need to remind others that the DIS family is very large and growing each and everyday and with that growth others may register with names similar to your own.

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