Back to the Future. I read in a post people complaining of head/neck aches after riding this. I rode it last year with my mother, and we both felt sick and had very very sore necks. This year, I figured it out. Basically, it's just like riding a horse (for those who know). You MUST NOT hold on tight, and you must also not just sit there like a sack of potatoes. You have to hold on semi-loosely, and ride it like waves. By doing this, you may get bumped around a little, but you wont get slammed or wrenched. I also discovered that it is not a good idea to look around while riding dueling dragons. I decided to look to my left and the coaster banked right hard, and I smacked my face into the shoulder restraint. That did not feel too good. After that, I faced forward all the time, only glancing to the side with my eyes!