How Early Do You Start Planing Your Trip?

Julia M

DIS Veteran<br><font color =red>not clever, not wi
Jun 10, 2000
I feel a little silly, as I am planning a trip for July 2004!! Am I insane for thinking this far ahead? My last trip was in April 2001, and i began planning about 11 months in advance, but I knew NOTHING!. I'm alot more prepared this time, already.

I am also a little stressed, because as I have been looking for information again, it seems like prices have gone up alot lately. I'll be traveling with dh and 3 kids (who will be 12, 9 and 7) and coming from CA, it will be at least $1200 to get there (if we're lucky)

Any hints for families like ours? Last time, we stayed onsite 3 days and offsite 8 (exchanging our timeshare). We did lots of character meals and special events (Pirates Cruise, Illuminations Cruise, Wonderland Tea party, HDDR and more). I am guessing those won't be in our budget this time. We'll probably have to do the timeshare exchange again. We had hoped to stay at the Poly and Beach Club, but that won't be happening!!

Anyway, any thoughts are appreciated.

I wouldn't call you insane, but you'll find some challenges planning this early since there are some things you can't book more than a year out. I began planning Sept. 2002 for Dec. 2003 (partially because I thought we might actually go in September 2003). I live in Texas and have 4 children (who will be ages 11, 10, 8 and 7). So while I don't compare apples-to-apples to you, here is what I've done:

I read the latest guidebooks I could get my hands on since it has been a while since I've been to WDW. I got on this board and other websites and kept records of the best deals. Most hotels won't take bookings further out than a year, but in December I was ready to make a reservation. Now I have a reservation and can cancel, but I stay on the boards and on email lists from hotels and etc. and if I find a better deal, I switch. I am still evaluating the best options for entry tix etc and have plenty of time. I got a GREAT deal on the cruise since I booked so early btw.

Yes, I actually keep a small tabbed binder with Disney info--prices, packing tips, itineraries, etc. I know, I'm the insane one.

As you watch deals come and go (expire) it will help you know when you get a good deal.

Hope this helps.
Is insane for won't to book early that is a yes in no answer. In a way it's good. You have everything plan out what won't to do and what to see. On the other hand say lose your job and can't make the trip then out of a deposit that you can use. It can happen because it happen to me I lost may job so I won't be going to Disney this year. I was going July 2003 and think God I did not book the a room and follow my instincits.

I say it's to early to book because you never know what can happen in a year. I know some of the die-hard Disney fans will not agree with me but that's reality.

The econmy is bad right now and looks like is get worse instead of better. I would not book right now that's my opinion.
Well, take a look at my calendar and you can see I am planning already! My biggest plans are having enough for my 10 - 13 nights at the Swan and park tickets. I have about $800 saved so far. When most of my budget is getting dumped into my sons college education I had better be planning this well!
I usually book the FW campsite one year in advance. Normally, I'll buy the park tickets once I'm there (unless I have some from previous trips), but they now offer discounts if you buy in advance. My DH was putting up a stink about buying the 7 day + and then saving 1/2 the days for a future trip ... so I got the 3 day + this time.

I've just booked the hotel for the way down and for the way back (we drive).

Everything can be canceled and monies refunded because I only put down a minimum deposit (except for 3 day passes but they are good forever) if a crisis comes up. (We had to cancel last Spring Break because of my husband's back surgery.)

I try not to overplan for what I'm going to do every minute of every day ... in fact, we know what we want to do during our stay and then figure it out once we're there based on the weather (e.g. water parks, airboat rides, etc. are not good on a cold, rainy day!)

Additionally, we don't spend $$$$ on meals -- I don't go to Florida/WDW for the food and we don't eat out much at home -- that is where we can keep costs reasonable so we can go on another vacation later in the year and plan for next year's Spring Break!
There are Airfare sales 3 or 4 times a year, You should be able to get tickets for each of you for under $200. rt. Wait for a good price,but when you see it be prepared to book it. You may want to ask a Travel Agent to watch for deeply discounted airfares and then notify you.[We live in Oregon,I had seen air fare to Orlando for $199. rt,but waited to see a TA to book, but it was gone. I ask her to track that price. Well, after I had bought higher priced tickets online, she called and said the $199. seats were available,again]Lesson- Watch for your target price,when you see,buy it. Don't buy to early.

Since you have some time to research and read up on your trip here are some steps to help you.
Read 2 or 3 different Guide books,you can borrow these at the local library.
Then you can start deciding what are the things that are "must do's" and "must see's." and decide the length of your trip.

Then decide on the tickets you will need, here.

To keep an EYE on All the discounts for on-site and off-site resorts check here often and sign up for the newsletter to get all the best news.

For Air fares sign up at all the Airline Web sites that fly out of your airport that fly to Orlando or MCO in airline speak. Then Check Expedia,Travelocity for airline deals or sales. But book thru the airlines website,for the same deal. Also check out the Transporation Board air,car deals.

Start a WDW change jar to save money for extras for your trip.[there are many tips here on this board!! Just ask!]

Also you can decide where you will want to eat and start making plans to make your food budget and check the Priority Seatings Calculator to know when you can make PS's some are as far out as 730 Days.

Also to help decide where to eat you can find menu's at Deb's wdw site,this works 2 ways to see where to eat what,and how much it costs, to finalize the food budget.

To keep all this info in one place,here is a computer Disney Vacation Planner. It will print each day on a seperate sheet. Also check the pull down menu's at the top for loads of info!!

Well,this should get you start on a thousand more Questions!! So,don't be shy! Ask away!! The kind members here will share what they know! So,check back

LOL! I never stop planning! In March we have our first trip to our Disney Vacation Club resort (we bought into it last April and I am SO excited about going for the first time).

I am ALSO planning for our September cruise with is a surprise for our twin daughters on their 10th birthday.

I have only briefly given thought to our trip to Disneyland in April 2004 (but will probably give it a lot more thought this coming fall).

I am ALSO planning for a 2004 cruise at Christmas time (we want to see the decorations).

I have also starting giving thought to a 2005 cruise. That is our twins DD's 12 birthday year (last year at the lower rate for them) and I think we are going to go 'all out' and do a 7 day with a veranda for thier birthday!

That is as far out as I have planned for now. That is just 2 1/2 years, not too bad, right? ;)

We got back Oct 21st from our trip and had our next trip (Dec 2003) already booked by October 26th!!
Originally posted by Julia M
I feel a little silly, as I am planning a trip for July 2004!! Am I insane for thinking this far ahead?

When you love just thinking about and being in Disney, the planning never stops. You're always planning. So don't feel silly. :wave:
My heart goes out to you in the loss of your job. I will pray for you to find another -- even better-- one. My brother is looking, too. I know the economy is bad. I know my Disney plans could change (for a number of reasons including an ailing father). I try to make plans without putting out money or at least knowing I can get it back. I wish you the very best.
hey i too am planning a trip for 2004- i started planning a while ago, looking at websites, writing things down, seeing where we want to stay-nothing wrong with planning ahead-its a fun thing to do


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