Guardians of the Galaxy Fear

Constanza Solis

Earning My Ears
Jun 6, 2017
Hi there!

I am a huge ride chicken with trauma after rock n roller coaster, i really don’t like rides that are very fast. My limit is Hagrids and even then I feel a little fuzzy on it. I love the mummy and slinky dog, and big thunder. But I cannot ride rock n roller coaster or Forbidden Journey.

Any advice on if I should risk riding this one? Or even Tron? I’m very scared.
This ride is very fast and can make people motion sick. But it’s a lot of fun!! Try using sea bands-I think they actually work.
You should be okay with Tron. To me, if Hagrid's has an intensity of 10, then Tron is probably an 8. The seat position on Tron actually bothered me more than the intensity. My daughter and I are both on the thin side, and we were pressed flat to the vehicle. It was so uncomfortable. I strained my neck from trying to keep it up during the ride. I wish I knew about the "straight" seats in the back.

I tried Guardians twice and officially gave up. I don't think the motion was that intense, but the screen was really disorienting 😵.
What was the issue with Forbidden Journey? Motion sickness, simulated height, an issue with the ride seats, scary theming, tipping back movement, something else? Intensity/speed wise FJ is not to Hagrids level, or even Mummy level.
What was the issue with Forbidden Journey? Motion sickness, simulated height, an issue with the ride seats, scary theming, tipping back movement, something else? Intensity/speed wise FJ is not to Hagrids level, or even Mummy level.
Motion Sickness, I get a horrible headache and nausea for the rest of the day and I can’t do anything else. It’s a horrible feeling for me when I go on Forbidden Journey- the screens and movements get me
Galaxy spins so might be an issue. Other than that, if you handled Mummy and Hagrid, Galaxy is very smooth.
Guardians has a similar launch to Aerosmith, only backwards. After that it’s pretty tame, although the biggest concern is that the cars rotate. I’d lean towards saying it’s a pass, esp since you mention motion sickness issues. Maybe look at a POV vid on youtube? That helps me decide on these things.
Between the backwards launch and the rotation of the ride vehicles, Guardians honestly sounds like it isn’t for you. But it’s so fun and such a good ride it’s one that’s worth taking the gamble on.

Contrast with Tron, which isn’t so bad for motion sickness… it doesn’t feel more intense to me than Test Track… but is so short that even if it does work out for you isn’t necessarily worth the wait.

I felt soooo sick my one and only time doing Forbidden Journey but any real thrill rides are fine for me. Can’t do things like Star Tours either. Wife sat out Forbidden Journey but loves Guardians, even though she’s generally prone to motion sickness. She tried closing her eyes the one time though and nope. That does not make it better (she felt nauseous afterwards and we needed to grab something to eat to settle her stomach).
Guardians was a one and done for me. I didn’t get nauseous or dizzy. I just can’t handle the G force feeling on my body. Same reason I don’t do Everest or RNRC anymore. I did like TRON tho and look forward to riding it again on my upcoming trip.
I think people's reactions are so individualized. My husband usually gets motion sickness on rides and on car rides (takes bonine) and loved Guardians. My son was one and done due to the intensity but felt ok after. I don't usually get too affected by theme park rides (other than tea cups) and Guardians destroyed me for the day. I blacked out during the ride and was so dizzy/nauseous for the rest of the day. If you decide to ride, don't it do it as the very first ride on your WDW vacation like I did.

All three of us love Tron though. It is fast and intense but did not cause me any issues.
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I agree people's reactions are quite individualized. From the description, I think the OP should pass on Guardians. I have only once felt queasy after it, when I had eaten a big lunch before. I have not felt a strong G force on it though; I have felt G forces on Everest (oh and on Rip Ride Rockit at Universal!). To me Guardians is like a fast ride through space. I can see how the screens can bother people.
I say if you are prone to motion sickness to all GoTG, but you’ll probably be okay on Tron. Do you take anything? Our family uses bonine (non drowsy) and it helps immensely.

GoTG has a lot going on, and is quite intense. The first time I rode it I got off feeling disoriented. I skipped it the next two trips and just rode it again this past week, and I think since I knew what to expect I did much better! I took bonine about an hour before, and requested first row in first cart. So if I felt sick I could focus on the track- I did okay though!

I wouldn’t risk it, but if you do, ride toward the end of your park day so you so don’t ruin the rest of the day if you feel unwell.
Based on the experience of family and friends, If you are prone to motion sickness, I would definitely recommend anti nausea meds for Guardians. Tron less so.
I find that rides like that it does help to push yourself back into the seat as hard as you can to keep yourself from shifting around and your head from moving around. Then again the last time I was on the ocean not far from land... in a little boat... the motion sickness made me sick as hell. Yes, last time. Never again.
I can’t ride Guardians anymore. Rode it 3 times in the past. Wore Sea Bands each time. But the last time, I felt so dizzy and decided I’m not riding it anymore. I also don’t ride Rock n Roller or Everest anymore.
Wow I'm a ride chicken I wouldn't even consider going on the mummy and I chicken out on Hagrid's but I did galaxy and loved it! I love Tron but that is very mild.
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I agree with most comments on Guardians, but I am of the opposite opinion with Tron. If you thought Rock n Rollercoaster was too fast, then Tron will definitely also be too fast for you. The launch is intense, although the rest of the ride is pretty quick (I mean in actual length).
Hagrids and Guardians are hard to compare. The backward section of Hagrids is more intense (and longer) than Guardians. Hagrids has a freefall drop that Guardians doesn't. The only strike against Guardians that the cars pivot and rotate but they don't really spin. You never actually rotate a full 360 degrees. Everyone has their own tolerance, but if Hagrids is your limit then Guardian's may not be for you. That being said, would I recommend taking some Dramamine about an hour before and trying it anyway. The answer is yes.
I don’t love RnRC due to how I feel tossed around but while Tron is fast, it is smooth which I find 100% easier to handle than RnRC.
It is fast, but really smooth. It is not rough like RnRC.. We have not noticed the turns of the car to be disorientating . If you have issues with motion sickness, I would use Dramamine or bonine before riding. If you can tolerate it, it is an amazing fun ride

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