Girls Trip Take 2 - Labor Day Weekend 2021 and Christmas 2021 Trip

Can't wait to hear all about your trip. Loved all you FB photos.
Always great to do new things on a trip.
Glad you are safely home :goodvibes
I'm back home and tired as can be. We had a great time and even did some new to us things. We did get to visit with Alicia and her DH on Friday. We had a wonderful chat over Viking Coffee.
Can't wait to hear all about your trip! Loved the pics from Dapper Day on FB!
We did get the last 2 seats on an earlier direct flight from New Orleans to Orlando. Our original flight did fly and the arrival time was well after 2 am the next day. It was quite the adventure and another first for me.
That's great that you got on an earlier flight. A 2 am arrival would not have been fun. Although I have done that coming home.....anything to squeeze out some extra Disney time!
Welcome Back! I followed on FB and it looks like a whirlwind trip packed full of fun! 🤩
Double post because I like you so much :rotfl: The Dis was acting wonky last evening and I didn’t think my first post worked!
Welcome back! I'm looking forward to hearing how your Dapper Day went. Loved the photo you shared on social media. It was great visiting with you on Friday! Sorry my plans changed every single day after that. :sad1: Probably for the best we didn't end up seeing each other at DAK on Monday, though. I was feeling very tired and attributed it to all the running, but it seems I brought home the plague. :rolleyes::rotfl:
Welcome back! I’m so glad you made it on the earlier flight (2 a.m. would’ve been rough!) and that you had a fun time with your friend! I hope you share a trip report or even an overview - I’d love to to hear about your trip!

Probably for the best we didn't end up seeing each other at DAK on Monday, though. I was feeling very tired and attributed it to all the running, but it seems I brought home the plague. :rolleyes::rotfl:

Oh no! I’m sorry to hear you came home with an illness - I feel like we’ve had some ongoing plague at our house for months. I hope you enjoyed your trip and your races before the plague hit!
Glad you had a nice trip! I saw some of your pictures on FB, looked lovely!

Thank you! I meant to share more photos but just never stopped to do that.

Welcome back. :)

Thank you!

Can't wait to hear all about your trip. Loved all you FB photos.

Thank you! It was an interesting trip. I loved Dapper Day!

Always great to do new things on a trip.

Yes it is! I think we all did something new.

Glad you are safely home

The trip home went much better than the trip there.
Can't wait to hear all about your trip! Loved the pics from Dapper Day on FB!

Thank you! We all loved Dapper Day. I'm so glad we did it.

That's great that you got on an earlier flight. A 2 am arrival would not have been fun. Although I have done that coming home.....anything to squeeze out some extra Disney time!

I would totally do a late flight going home but try not to do it on the trip down. I too want as much time in Disney as possible.

Welcome Back! I followed on FB and it looks like a whirlwind trip packed full of fun! 🤩

It was a trip packed full of fun. I really meant to post more. I DisneyBounded as Mulan on Friday and got a picture with her. I did Buzz and Saturday and got picture with him too.

Double post because I like you so much


Welcome back! I'm looking forward to hearing how your Dapper Day went. Loved the photo you shared on social media.

Thank you! We had a great day for Dapper Day. Danielle is still slowly posting her pictures on her Instagram.

It was great visiting with you on Friday! Sorry my plans changed every single day after that. :sad1: Probably for the best we didn't end up seeing each other at DAK on Monday, though. I was feeling very tired and attributed it to all the running, but it seems I brought home the plague. :rolleyes::rotfl:

Friday worked out perfect. We really enjoyed our visit. I'm so sorry you came home with the plague. You did so great on your races before it set in.

Welcome back! I’m so glad you made it on the earlier flight (2 a.m. would’ve been rough!) and that you had a fun time with your friend! I hope you share a trip report or even an overview - I’d love to to hear about your trip!

I think I will do a report. I've been making notes as I remember some of the highlights. I did tell my friend I was taking time stamp photos and that I do reports. She was great with reminding me to get food photos.
Tuesday, November 30, 2021- Rest Day

When we were planning this trip Dennis requested a rest day where we could sleep in some and NOT go to a park. We're both getting older and can't go non stop like we use to go. I can still go harder than he can but since his heart attack he really can't. We had had 2 full park days and it was time to take it a little easy.

I agreed to a rest day and it worked out that this was also the day Danielle had her Zoom interview for the Professional Internship scheduled. Originally she was going to hang out with us but she needed to this.

We had a breakfast ADR at Ale & Compass for 10:40 and besides that no definite plans. Danielle and I had really enjoyed our breakfast here in September and I wanted Dennis to try it too. I of course wanted to go check out the Christmas decorations at the Boardwalk Resorts and slip into MK if I got the chance.

Dennis and I drove to the Yacht Club and got there over an hour before our ADR. Danielle stayed back at ASM to have her interview. We popped into Yacht Club first for quick look. The lobby was beautiful with the decorations.
The front side of the train/Boardwalk display.

Some lovely garland.


We made our way to the Beach Club to see the Gingerbread Carousel. It was themed for "The Little Mermaid" and looked fabulous. So many wonderful details.
Prince Eric
King Triton
And Ursula
I got a kick out of Santa's Nice List and the addition of the Naughty List too.
Traditional recipe information.

I spent so much time looking at this wonderful carousel.

Continued in next post.
We stepped outside to the most beautiful day to make our way to the Boardwalk Resort.



I love how the decorations started outside on the lawn.

The Lobby was beautiful even though there was no big display like in the Yacht and Beach Club.



We made our way back to the Yacht Club and I took some time to really look at the Train/Boardwalk display. I loved all the tiny details.



Did you see Mater?

Continued in next post.


Something you might now know about me is that I LOVE miniatures. I use to collect them and had shadow boxes with them. I don't display or collect them anymore but I still love looking at them.
I took another long look at the tree in the Lobby and really enjoyed all the different yachts, ships and boats.

I'm going to stop here now. Up next will be our breakfast.
Did you see Mater?
Yes I did! How cute he is.
I LOVE miniatures.
Me too! I spend so much time at the miniature railway in Epcot every time we visit but what I wouldn’t give to see this display at YC. It is gorgeous. I love Christmas decor and Disney really does deck the resorts out in style. They look fabulous!
Looking forward to hearing how Dennis enjoys the Ale & Compass breakfast. My youngest and I loved it. Great value and so much tasty food 😋
Christmas at Disney looks spectacular. It would be hard for me to break out of my spring/summer visit but it would be fun to experience all the holiday extras one of these years. Thanks for all the pictures of the decorations!
Yes I did! How cute he is.

He sure is!

Me too! I spend so much time at the miniature railway in Epcot every time we visit but what I wouldn’t give to see this display at YC. It is gorgeous. I love Christmas decor and Disney really does deck the resorts out in style. They look fabulous!

Disney does know how to decorate for the Holidays.

Looking forward to hearing how Dennis enjoys the Ale & Compass breakfast. My youngest and I loved it. Great value and so much tasty food 😋

It's been one of my favorites too.

Christmas at Disney looks spectacular. It would be hard for me to break out of my spring/summer visit but it would be fun to experience all the holiday extras one of these years. Thanks for all the pictures of the decorations!

I think it's worth seeing at least once.
When we were planning this trip Dennis requested a rest day where we could sleep in some and NOT go to a park.
I rarely do as my trips are usually too short to do that.
We're both getting older and can't go non stop like we use to go.
Oh how I can relate!
I can still go harder than he can but since his heart attack he really can't.
We had a breakfast ADR at Ale & Compass for 10:40 and besides that no definite plans. Danielle and I had really enjoyed our breakfast here in September and I wanted Dennis to try it too.
I’ve heard such good things about this. Must go some day.
and slip into MK if I got the chance.
:laughing: Slow day?
The front side of the train/Boardwalk display.
Trains! Yay!
We made our way to the Beach Club to see the Gingerbread Carousel. It was themed for "The Little Mermaid" and looked fabulous. So many wonderful details.
Amazing what they can do out of gingerbread.
got a kick out of Santa's Nice List and the addition of the Naughty List too.
I took some time to really look at the Train/Boardwalk display.
Love model trains. So fun. :)
Something you might now know about me is that I LOVE miniatures.
I think I knew that. :)
I stopped getting notifications, so I was WAY behind!!! You've already been back to WDW and home by the time I caught up--OOPS! :)

It's so interesting to go back and remember all the covid measurements in place, masks, plexiglass, etc. It seems like it was a minute ago and ages ago all at once!!

Glad to be caught up again, and hopefully I'll stay that way! :) I'm selfishly hoping you do a TR for your latest trip, as well!
I rarely do as my trips are usually too short to do that.

Maybe you can slow down on a future trip and enjoy more than just the parks.

I’ve heard such good things about this. Must go some day.

Yes, I think you would like their menu.

:laughing: Slow day?

You know me, if I can get more time in MK I'm going to do it.

Amazing what they can do out of gingerbread.

Yes and icing too.
I stopped getting notifications, so I was WAY behind!!! You've already been back to WDW and home by the time I caught up--OOPS! :)

I'm so glad you're back with us.

It's so interesting to go back and remember all the covid measurements in place, masks, plexiglass, etc. It seems like it was a minute ago and ages ago all at once!!

It seems so strange when I look back now. I'm glad I have some of it documented.

Glad to be caught up again, and hopefully I'll stay that way! :) I'm selfishly hoping you do a TR for your latest trip, as well!

I'm happy you're caught up too.

I think I will skip a few trips and go straight to this most recent trip. I have some interesting tidbits to share.
The carousel looks amazing! I am going to have to try and remember to show Evie those pictures. She'd love all the details that went into it. And how cute having the chefs on Santa's nice list. :laughing:


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