Funny pet stories, inspired by Pat_Elliott


DIS Veteran
Jun 29, 2002
Pat's wonderful thread about his kitty inspired me for funny pet stories. Here is mine:

I posted in Pat's thread about Katie and thought I would share this story about one of her adventures. Years back, Katie had been playing (wrestling) in the backyard with Scooter. She comes in the house and she is shaking her head and opening and closing her mouth. We could hear her jaw clicking as she opened and closed. All we could think of was that somehow she may have broken her jaw playing with Scooter. We called our vet at home and told him what was wrong with her. He told us that he would meet us at the office. So, we piled into the car with Katie and rushed her to his office. In the examination room, he opens her mouth and asks us if she has had any dental work. Dental work? we asked him. He said there is a crown on one of her back teeth and that was preventing her from closing her mouth and would explain the clicking noise we heard. He pried off the crown and gave it to my husband. It turned out the crown was his! A few days earlier one of his crowns had fallen out and he had placed it on top of the dishwasher. Somehow it fell off the dishwasher and Katie must have thought is was food and picked it up and somehow that crown fell perfectly flush onto one of her back teeth! To this day we still have Katie's/DH's crown.

ROTFLOL!!! Any easy solution at least!

My Blackjack was weaned to early from his momma, and because of this would gobble up any food put in front of him. Every bite. Needless to say we had to feed him on a leaving a bowl around for him.

He also scrounged for food all the time. One time we were all hanging out in the family room watching TV. We kept hearing this noise coming from the kitchen, but couldn't find anything. After a while, someone went into the refrigerator and there was our Blackie in the frig, licking the butter! He actually wasn't in any real hurry to come out. We can't figure out how we missed him jumping in there. We were just thankful we found the goofy thing in time!

Thanks for helping me smile about my baby. I miss him.
When I was a kid, my dog ate all my Halloween candy when I wasn't home! He even ate the lollipops (and left the sticks!) AND chewed the gum!

Oooooh I was soooooo mad!!

Everyone asked, "Did he get sick?"

No, he didn't. He was fine.

And foolish ME, one Xmas, I left one of those BIG Hershey's Kisses under the tree.

The dog "opened" it. I came home to tin foil all over the floor, with little chocolate left. He was fine.

OH that dog! LOL
Doyle ate some 4 leaf colver but he came out ok.His sister Cordelia does silly kitty tricks like chase her tail and bug her brother:)

(Yes,I did name them after Angel characters and Doyle on the show was Irish;) )

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