Fee to add adult to room for 3 days at POP?


<font color=blue>please stop the madnesssss alread
Nov 2, 1999
We currently have a standard RO at POP for myself and DD16. If adult DD comes for a few days of our stay, is there an extra charge for those days? She would buy her ticket separately since we have AP's. We are not on DDP. Do we just add her on when she gets there? We are not sure if she is coming at all so don't want to do it now.
We currently have a standard RO at POP for myself and DD16. If adult DD comes for a few days of our stay, is there an extra charge for those days?
If there are more than 2 adults (18+) the yes, $15 per night. But sounds like your situation won't incur that fee as you will only have 2 adults once she arrives.
She would buy her ticket separately since we have AP's. We are not on DDP. Do we just add her on when she gets there?
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We currently have a standard RO at POP for myself and DD16. If adult DD comes for a few days of our stay, is there an extra charge for those days? She would buy her ticket separately since we have AP's. We are not on DDP. Do we just add her on when she gets there? We are not sure if she is coming at all so don't want to do it now.
They may or may not charge you. Technically, they are, it's $15 per night for a value ($25 at moderate and $35 at deluxe).
Looked it up on Google and it says there is a charge for 3rd adult in the room, and that adult for resort purposes is 18 & over. If that is the case for the few days older DD would visit there would only be 2 adults. Is that correct?
If it's just you and your 16-yr-old currently booked into the room, there shouldn't be any additional charge to add the older (adult) daughter as well. The extra adult charge is for more than 2 adults age 18+.
There will be no extra charge for your adult DD as that would only bring capacity in the room to 2 adults, 1 child. If you are on a room-only reservation, there is no fee to simply add her now.


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