Family trip WDW (with a little Vero Beach) May 2024


Jun 6, 2022
So I have waited too long to write this so I will try my best to remember everything. My first trip to WDW was in May 2023 with just myself and my DD who was 3.5yo at the time. (I left my son at home for that one.)

Then I went on my first DCL in September 2023 with both DD 4yo at the time and DS 1.5 yo at the time. But it was my first time being the only grown up for a trip that big for a toddler and a baby so I wasn't good at taking pictures for a trip report but we had a really nice time even if there were some struggle moments. It was a 5 night Magic leaving from Miami and a double dip CC Halloween on the High Seas. Here are some pictures:


So now on to this trip report. Originally this was supposed to be another mother daughter trip because I just didn't think I could do a trip with my son who would be freshly 2yo at the time of this trip to WDW by myself. DCL was easier because there's just less going on and I used the nursery. For example, my daughter loves going to the pool but I would have been afraid to do that with my son and my daughter at those ages by myself. So anyway that was the original plan.

But then in November 2023 my husband (their dad) (who I had been separated from) expressed interest in getting back together and we had been reconnecting more and more. And then when I was making ADRs 60 days out I asked if he wanted to come with us. And he said yes! So we decided to drive (and I cancelled our flights) and add 1 night before and 1 night after.

So this is what the trip became:
Me, DH, DD4, DS2

May 5: Vero Beach
May 6-10: Caribbean Beach Resort
May 11: All Star Movies

We had 4 day park hoppers and the dining plan. DH and DS had never been to WDW before. DD and I had never been to Epcot or AK before.
Saturday May 4: Drive to Vero Beach

I got off of work at 7pm and I think we were on the road around 8pm. We live in the Richmond VA area so the drive is about 12 hours. We prefer to drive when the kids are asleep because they are not good at being in the car for long periods of time. Plus more time on vacation! The plan was I drive the first half and DH drives the second half.

The drive was uneventful. Maybe we stopped twice for gas...? I did not sleep well at all though when DH was driving and I was supposed to sleep.

When we were close to the resort DH realized he forgot to pack sandals (which he has actually done the very first beach vacation we took together 🤣). He wanted to stop at a store before we got to the resort but it was very early and I convince him to just buy them from Disney.

My first picture says 827am so we must have got there around then .

Sunday May 5: Vero Beach

After saying hello to the alligator, we left the car at the entrance and walked into the resort lobby. It smelled SO good. Reminded me of DCL. Ahhh I miss it. And it was just beautiful.

This next part is a little fuzzy. Remember the day before I worked all day (10 hr shift) and then left right away and I got maybe 3 hours of non-consecutive sleep. And I was pretty scared. Like the kind of scared where my mind is not clouded but my body is tense and all normal body functions go away if that makes sense.

I believe (I don't remember for sure how many there were) it was two police officers came into the lobby and asked DH if the car outside was his and he said yes and they asked him to come outside. I think either the police or DH told me to continue with the check in. Both the CM and i looked very alarmed but both trying to act normal and be happy for the kids. I don't remember anything the CM said but they did step away and brought each of my kids a stuffed animal fish. (Is this normal to give the kids a stuffed animal at check in?)

Here's some more information to know. DH is African American. But he hasn't been randomly stopped since we have lived in Virginia. He is always nervous to drive to places he doesn't know though. Like we won't stop for gas if a place looks too sketchy because he's afraid to be seen with a white wife and mixed kids.

Also a few weeks before we left one of his license plate was stolen but he had reported it to the DMV but hadn't received his new plates yet. So he had a license plate on the back but not the front. Since he had already talked to the DMV about it though we didn't think it would be an issue.

So anyway at some point I just told the CM that I think I need to go outside and make sure he's ok. And he was really nice about it and basically agreed. I just thought maybe it would be safer for him if the police saw his family and just humanized him. Honestly I wasn't sure the right thing to do because I didn't want the kids to see anything bad. So I very quickly had a serious talk with DD basically saying she was not allowed to let go of my hand and that she was not allowed to talk unless a grown up talked to her first. DS was only 2 and still nonverbal. So DD was then scared but listened to what I told her which was the important part.

And when I got outside there were like 6 police officers and I must have looked really scared because somebody told me that everything was ok. They said the Virginia DMV had sent alerts to other states that the license plate was stolen so they thought our car was stolen.

Again I don't remember the details but DH had some sort of paperwork to prove it was his car quickly. But then they had to figure out how we could continue to drive the car. They said we can't drive with the old plate but we can't drive with no plates.

At some point somebody from the resort came out to make sure DH was ok and told the police that they were on private property and I don't remember exactly what they said but it seemed like they were basically just saying make sure you treat him right. They then stayed with us for the rest of the time the police were there.

Eventually they figured out they could print something out to use like a temporary license plate and the Disney CM took the police somewhere to print it.

One of the police officers tried to make small talk with me and DD and asked us about our trip and Disney and eventually both DD and myself felt more at ease. That officer gave the kids a lot of stickers.

Once it was clear that everyone was ok and they were just doing logistics stuff I decided to go get coffees for me and DH. I felt like maybe me and the kids were more getting in the way than helping at that point. And I really did feel better that a CM stayed with him the whole time and it seemed clear that they had our interest first.

It was at this point that I was so so so happy that we did not stop to buy his sandals at some random places like Walmart. I don't know if we were treated better because we were inside the gates of a fancy Disney resort but we were treated very well by everyone.

I got myself and DH a coffee and DD asked for some food items that I can't remember. The food was going to take some time so I said I'd be back for the food.

I brought DH his coffee and he was finishing up with the police. They told us to expect to get pulled over until we were back in Virginia but every time we do get pulled over to show them some paperwork that they gave us.

They were all very very respectful and nice. I was only freaked out because of stories I've heard from friends and things I've seen on TV plus knowing DH is afraid of things happening to us when we travel. DH grew up mostly in Okinawa and has just heard a lot of bad stories. But honestly I don't think we could have had a better experience.

But I was still scared of potentially getting pulled over and not having good interactions and having them in front of the kids.

But the police left and the CM told my husband where to park the car and I went back to the coffee place with the kids and DH was going to meet us there.

I really liked this place. They had games and bluey on TV and just out the window was the ocean. I was happy to be on vacation and really grateful that everyone was so nice to us.
Sunday May 5: Vero Beach Cont.

The picture of us in the cafe is at 10:16am so the whole police thing was only a little over an hour. I forget when but at some point a CM told us that they were going to try their best to get us a room as quickly as possible. But it wasn't ready yet. We werent expecting a room to be ready until 4pm and we're planning on just enjoying the pool and beach anyway.

So we changed into our swim stuff. I had accidentally packed DS's swim diapers in a bag we couldnt get to easily (I think it was with bell services but I don't remember when exactly we gave them our bags). Anyway, I started to freak out a little bit. I don't know why but I just felt like crying all of a sudden. Not that I did but I must have looked overwhelmed or upset and DH was just like don't worry I will buy them in the gift shop. And I just thought that was so so nice and romantic of him. (He is normally really really frugal. So buying diapers from a gift shop is very out of character) Like obviously he should be feeling more stress after what just happened but he just wanted us to have an easy and fun day.

And the rest of the day was really really great. Maybe the best day of the trip.

After we were all in our swim stuff, we left the lobby to head to the pool. When you first exit the lobby you see a lawn and high bushes on either sides of the rectangular lawn and then the ocean. And it is beautiful. Like a cinematographer was setting up a scene. And I remember thinking that we were very fortunate to be at a place like this with such beauty.

And then we went to the pool and the water was the perfect temperature. And I don't know the last time I went on a water slide but I LOVED the water slide and I realized I love water slides. And the view of the beach from the top of the water slide was so so beautiful and everyone was peaceful and happy. Even DS who was kind of an easily irritated baby at this age. Oh and they had an awesome splash pad that both the kids loved. And they had pool noodles for anyone to use so me and DD floated on those some. And it was not crowded at all.

Sunday May 5: Vero Beach Cont

I think we got the room ready text around 1pm. We got take out from the quick service and brought it back to the room. I don't know what we got. I remember liking it though.

And then for some reason I only took pictures of the bathroom...? Just remember the basically no sleep. I must have been in a happy daze.


And then we all took a nap 😴 😴 😴 I was very happy to have the room ready early.
Sunday May 5: Vero Beach Cont

I know we went to the beach at some point this day but I took no pictures. I think we went after our nap. It was DS's first time at the beach. He did not like it. We all kind of thought he wouldn't like it. He was trying very hard not to touch the sand and if sand got on him accidentally he immediately rubbed it off. He sat in DH's lap while DH slowly coaxed him into playing with the sand. He eventually enjoyed touching the sand with his hands but did not want it anywhere else. DD and I played in the waves. I don't think we stayed that long. We went back to the pool and splash pad which we all enjoyed.

Then we went back to the room and showered/bathed. DH and DS stayed in the room... probably watching TV? DD and I went out to explore!

These next set of pictures start at 630pm.

DD saw a Disney bunny. There were actually a lot of Disney bunnies here.
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More exploring pictures! We went to the community room and did the free crafts and there was Disney junior on the TV which is nice. I just like how everything is geared to the kids.

My phone kept freezing while trying to post photos in last post. Sorry 😖

Then we explored the lobby. Just love the aesthetic.


And then we found out about the scavenger hunt to find Tinkerbell so we went to find her.


And then we went to the game rental near the pool to get our prize which was a pin! (That I now keep hanging in my laundry room so I can remember this special day.)

Then we took pictures of the menu at the quick service to show DH so he can decide what he wants for dinner.



And then we went to look at the beach again.



Sunday May 5: Vero Beach Cont

I don't remember when the kids ate dinner today but they must have at some point. DS was already asleep when we got back to the room and DD fell asleep basically as soon as she got back to the room. I went to get dinner for DH and me and we ate it on our balcony.


I think I had a soup in a bread bowl and it was a good end to a very long day and I felt very happy. We fell asleep shortly after.

Monday May 6: Vero Beach Morning

We woke up early enough to be at the pool when it opened. I think we were only there for an hour or so to give us time to shower and pack up after before check out. Love that pool. Love that slide.

When we were packing up to leave I must have remembered to take more pictures of the room besides the bathroom 🤣





It looks so messy after only one night 😂

Then I think we went to the gift shop. I got myself an ornament and the kids each picked out a plastic boat (with no Disney anything on it but I was happy they picked something cheap...only $5 each! .... And they still play with those things every time we go to a pool). I think DH got his sandals the day before when he got the swim diapers. And I got one of my coworkers daughter a stitch wallet because she loves stitch.

We saw a binder of DVDs to borrow in the gift shop which I thought was pretty cool

And then we found Tinkerbell again!


And then DD found this cute towel thing when we were doing more exploring.

I think we ate lunch at some point before we left and I think I got some whip (but maybe we got some whip the day before). Anyway I know I ate some whip at some point and I loved it and thought it was cool to be eating it outside a park and I know DH got key lime pie dole whip and I tried it and liked it very much.

At some point DH had to call his credit card because they had shut it off for weird charges so while he did that I got to explore even more with the kids!

This area was very cute and peaceful and the kids liked seeing the old cartoons


And then we left Vero Beach 😭 I was sad but I was happy to be going to WDW. I didnt expect to love this resort so much. I don't think I'd want to go without going to WDW just because there didn't to be too too much to do but I also liked that there wasn't that much to do and everything we did do I very much enjoyed.

Everything was very walkable and the grounds and buildings were beautiful and it wasnt too hot because the ocean created a breeze. We did not get to do the mini golf so I would like to do that next time. And we didn't get to go back to the coffee shop in the evening when it became a bar (although I'm not sure if the kids would be allowed so don't know about that one) but I would like to try that next time.

I've seen online that people have trouble with the
bugs there but we never put on bug spray (although we did see bottles of it provided by the resort) and had no issues. Like not one bite. So maybe there's a certain time of year the bugs come out? I wouldn't want to be there when the bugs are there based on the vlogs I've seen.

I didn't see any characters there. Is that normal? I wasn't expecting to but in retrospect I wonder if they come there???

For us I think tacking on 2 nights either at the beginning or end of a WDW vacation at Vero Beach would be ideal for us

I need to sleep now but coming up next post we drive to WDW and here's a happy spoiler- the police don't pull us over- Yay!
Monday May 6: Arrive at WDW

The kids both napped on the 2.5 hr drive to Caribbean Beach Resort. I had given DD another talk about how to act around police officers but luckily we never got pulled over.

Check in went smoothly and I don't remember if our room was ready or not. I do know shortly after we arrived, we got on a bus to MK to go to our first ADR: Chef Mickeys!

We got some sort of deal when we booked everything that basically made the DDP free. I don't remember the details but I tried to book all character meals for us since that's what the kids like and they are expensive. We would have never eaten at this many sit down restaurants without a free DDP so it was kinda cool to have so many reservations.

So we took the bus to MK and then the monorail to the contemporary. We were a little early so we went to the arcade. We all love arcades! DH bought me a few minutes in the massage chair❤️

And then to Chef Mickeys! Every restaurant we went to on this trip was new to us. We had been to Goofys Kitchen in California though so this one was very similar to that.






The characters came right away! DS wasn't too sure how to feel about them 🤣🤣🤣I agree that this restaurant felt pretty chaotic. And the food was good but not amazing. So we had a good time but probably not book again if we had to pay for it.





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Monday May 6: Chef Mickey cont


Very cool that DS could eat the buffet for free since he was 2yo. And he did eat. Lol

We must have made our way back to CBR after this. I do remember I had to go back to the lobby to connect all our magic bands. I think DD came with me to explore but I took no pictures. I think we watched 5 minutes of the movie under the stars. DD thought it was such a cool idea to watch a movie outside but I wanted us to get a good night's sleep since we had to be up early the next day. DH and DS stayed in the room. DS was probably falling asleep.

I had requested Trinidad section because I wanted the new little mermaid rooms. And we got it. Yay! (But we got the farthest section and I started to regret it later on in the trip.)

Then we went to bed.

Coming up AK morning!
Tuesday May 7: Animal Kingdom morning

But first pictures of the room! I took these at the end of our stay but makes more sense to see them first so here they are:

I really liked the little stools for the kids. We definitely used them!


We really liked the room! It felt big and fresh and very pretty. DD liked picking to either sleep in the Murphy bed or the fifth sleeper.

Back to our morning -

For this trip the basic outline of the 4 park days would be rope drop then back to the room for swimming and naps and then more park time. Last WDW trip I really disliked having to keep my phone with me midday at the pool to stack genie + at night so for this trip I had bought the standby skipper app to do all the genie + for me.

I still had to wake up at 7am but that's not really early when you have a toddler and baby though and trying to rope drop. So basically I told standby skipper what I wanted and when and the app did it for me.

The plan was to rope drop navi and then get a early LL (sorry if I mix up the new and old terms, I haven't been back to WDW since it changed but I have been reading and watching about it) for the safari.

I was really excited to see AK for the first time! All the videos I saw looked so beautiful.


We got there right when they opened and walked onto navi. This was DS's first ride ever! It was nice and relaxing but I would never wait for this ride.....and I kinda kept waiting for the ride to actually start but then it was over. I've never seen Avatar though so maybe it's just lost on me? DH watches avatar after this trip but had nothing to add about it.

Anyway...then we wanted to walk to the Moana meet and greet to be there right when she started meeting guests. Our LL for the safari was for a little later. If you read my last trip report, it was a huge let down to DD that she didn't get to meet Moana so I thought she'd be super excited but she was basically the same level of excitement for everything. Not saying she wasn't excited. Because she was happy and excited all day but she wasn't more excited for Moana. But off we went to meet Moana!

It was already hot. We went during a heat wave apparently. 🫠


On the way to Moana we saw Russel so we stopped to meet him first because no line.


DS didn't seem interested so we left him in the stroller. Then DD wanted to check out the wilderness explorer table so she did that.


And then we were back on our way to Moana!
Tuesday May 7: Animal Kingdom Morning cont

There were only a few families ahead of us when we got there so very little wait. We let them have some time to talk first. I wonder what they talked about???PXL_20240507_123114757.MP.jpg


DH really has no interest in any Disney stuff... except for star wars. So he always offered to be the one to hang back or take the picture since he knew it was more DD and my thing. (DS at this point didnt show too much interest in any Disney stuff either. Currently his world, besides his family of course, begins and ends with Elsa. If he could he would watch or read or play or listen to anything involving Elsa all day long but that didn't start until maybe 4 months after this trip once he started talking.)

So then we were off to the safari ride for our first LL. I think the walk over then was when I first realized how hot it really was in Orlando. Our last trip in May wasn't this bad.





It was a fun ride and we all like it!

Then we stopped to get a snack because mostly I felt like I was losing steam. I don't remember exactly what everyone got but mine was some sort of cake with vanilla ice cream. The first few bites were good but then it was too sweet for me. It was fun to have "free" snack credits. It made me feel like I could be more adventurous.

Next up DD and I had a LL for Dinosaur. The boys were gonna just find a shady place nearby to wait for us. I was very excited about this ride because I knew it was a similar ride structure to Indiana Jones back at Disneyland and I love that ride. (I grew up going to Disneyland.)
Tuesday May 7: Animal Kingdom Morning cont

Sooo...we didn't really like dinosaur. DD thought it was scary and for me I think I expected it to be more like Indiana Jones but it wasnt. Too jerky and I didn't like being in the dark. I like seeing all the cool stuff. (I'm happy they are replacing it with Indiana Jones. But I'm also happy we got to ride it before it was gone.)


I think I actually look more scared than DD in this picture 🤣


Then some gift shop time but we bought nothing. I told DD ahead of time she could pick one souvenir from each park.


And then we found the boys eating frozen lemonade and all headed over to the kiddie dino area.


It was all very cute theming but the heat and the asphalt just made it hard for me to enjoy truthfully.


And then the boneyard. The kids really liked playing in here. Which made me happy but the heat was really getting to me.


I suggested we head to lunch at restaurantosaurus earlier than anticipated just so we could get in the AC. The theming in that place is really cute. I don't think I liked the food that much but I think I also was having trouble eating because I was too hot...but the beer that came with it was very refreshing.


I had wanted to do more at animal kingdom but i realized I wouldn't enjoy it because I needed to get out of the heat and DD wanted to go to the pool so after lunch we headed out.

We did stop at the gift shop so DD could pick her AK souvenir. She picked a stuffed sloth from zootopia. DS fell asleep in his stroller while in the gift shop so we decided to buy him a water bottle.

Someone offered to take a family picture of us while we walked to the bus.


DS was still sleeping when the bus arrived so DH said he would rather stay at AK to let him sleep. So DD and I took the bus back to CBR, changed into our swim stuff and hit the main pool.
Tuesday May 7: Rest and Magic Kingdom Night

I know while DS napped DH got some sort of fancy drink with a snack credit and spotted Kevin and the person who dresses like a tree. I think he also did the animal trails.

DD and I went swimming at the main pool. It was definitely a different vibe(way more energy )compared to Vero Beach but it was a lot of fun. We tried all the slides and DD liked the slides in the splash pad. The theming is really great. I think the boys met us at the pool but I could be wrong.

And then we napped. I don't know what DH and DS did. I think maybe they got food at the spyglass grill.

The spyglass grill was a QS that was in the section next to Trinidad I believe. We are here more often than the QS in the main lobby because it was closer but I also enjoyed the view of the water and how it felt very relaxed.

Next up MK!

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