Do you dream in color?


<font color=teal>I don't get in cars with strange
Mar 1, 2001
I just woke up from a dream that was so real I was sure that I was in Colorado overnight when I first woke up. I had things that were definitely certain colors in my dream (pink heart candy, yellow banana pudding, this green mat lining a bobsled run-don't ask me why it was there, and my ex boyfriend was in it and he was very definitely wearing a lime green shirt.) I think it was the most vivid dream I've ever had in my life and I was wondering who else dreams in color.
I always dream in color. It's neat...:D
Only 1 time. It was a nightmare.:( I saw the color red displayed as a lot of blood. Only 1 person was seen clearly in that dream.:( I never want to dream in color again.
Yes, I do dream in color!
I dream in both..not sure which I prefer...colors or balck and white....probably black and white..more classic :)
I always dream in color - I had an odd dream last night that I think I'll do research on.. it was very, very odd.
My first thought was "Doesn't everyone??":)
I dream every night and I've always dreamed in colour, never black and white. I even dream when I'm under anesthesia.:p
Not only do I dream in color, but this morning, I had a dream that was censored!!! A part of what I was seeing was "fuzzed out" so I could not see any naughty bits. :earseek:
I've never dreamed in B&W. I think that would look odd.
Yes and I can even remember tastes sometimes. Some of my dreams seem so real that I have to ask myself if it really happened.
I've only ever dreamed in black and white once. :D I love to dream! I hate nightmares :eek: :( , but I love dreams. Mine are always whacky! :p
i always dream in color. a lot of times i'll wake up and i won't know if something actually happened or if it was a dream. does this happen to anyone else?

<marquee>GO STEELERS</marquee>
Quite often!! My DH hates it, because sometimes we're fighting in my dream and then I'm mad at him when I wake up.:p
Originally posted by Towncrier
Not only do I dream in color, but this morning, I had a dream that was censored!!! A part of what I was seeing was "fuzzed out" so I could not see any naughty bits. :earseek:

LOL! Luckily there's not any censoring in my dreams.:earseek::teeth:
Yes, I do.

By the way, did you know that only 10% of the population dreams in color?
Wow, there sure are a lot of us who dream in color for it to only be 10% of the population. I wonder what it means about you if you dream in color.
Originally posted by Deb in IA
By the way, did you know that only 10% of the population dreams in color?

only 10%? i would have thought it to be higher. everyone here seems to dream in color. why would you dream in black and white when you see in color?

i'm going to set up a poll to see how many disboards dream in color. make sure to vote. :D
Originally posted by Deb in IA
By the way, did you know that only 10% of the population dreams in color?
Hmmm, where did you hear this? I've heard that women dream in color & men olny dream in black & white, but this isn't true. I think it might be a right brain vs. left issue. I mostly dream in color.


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