...and the answer has been that there is no vacation planning tape for DL. However, with the opening of DCA and Downtown Disney, perhaps they will create one soon.
<font size=4 face="Comic Sans MS" color = blue>Dðoðdie</font>
<font size=1 color = blue>March 2001 - WDW Surprise!! (Disney Institute & Dixie Landings)
March 2001 - Our first trip to
Disneyland!! (Grand Californian)
March 2000 - WDW (All Star Music)
May 1998 - WDW (Dixie Landings)
March 1997 - WDW (Dixie Landings)
May 1996 - WDW (Dixie Landings)
March 1995 - WDW (Dixie Landings)
March 1994 - WDW (Honeymoon! Dixie Landings)</