Disneyland forwars


DIS Veteran
Aug 7, 2016
So with all the talk about disneyland forward what does everyone think of this? I personally think that it is kind of ridiculous when there are so many improvements that could be made at DCA, plus my other issue is cost for park goers. It is so insanely expensive to go now can you imagine what Disney is going to charge for tickets if this ever opens. It will cost a family of 5 thousands of dollars just to go. Maybe im a purist but I fear disneyland will lose some of it's intimacy that differs it for WDW. Im not sure what the timeline is for completion 10 or 20 years, since it takes them 2 years to reskin splash mountain. I would rather they spend the money upgrading dca and not tear up magic way and all the roads around disneyland. Do you think the residents of the area will object? Annual disneyland trips are hard right now but I think the cost of this for families will price disney out.
I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with Disneyland Forward. So far it's all a bunch of artist concepts and has a long way to go before we see anything real. I'll reserve my judgement until then.
Many people are already priced out of going to Disneyland once, let alone an annual trip. That doesn't have anything to do with Disneyland Forward.

Personally I'm intrigued by the project but I'm hoping it's not just copies of lands from overseas parks.
Maybe im a purist but I fear disneyland will lose some of it's intimacy that differs it for WDW.
This is how I feel about it, too. I love Disneyland as it is. I was happy with it even before DCA was built. I'm worried it will become really huge and like WDW 2.0. The size and simplicity of Disneyland is one of the things that makes it wonderful. (For me.)

But...I guess we'll have to see. Hopefully they won't change TOO much.
It is so insanely expensive to go now can you imagine what Disney is going to charge for tickets if this ever opens. It will cost a family of 5 thousands of dollars just to go.
It's Supply and Demand as Disney wouldn't charge high prices if guests didn't pay, not to sound cold but just fact of life that won't change until attendance drops.

There's no (current) reason for them to lower or stop raising ticket and Magic Key cost.
This is how I feel about it, too. I love Disneyland as it is. I was happy with it even before DCA was built. I'm worried it will become really huge and like WDW 2.0. The size and simplicity of Disneyland is one of the things that makes it wonderful. (For me.)

But...I guess we'll have to see. Hopefully they won't change TOO much.
Adding lands isn't going to change Disneyland as it is. You can still just take part in those original portions only if that is your wish. This is no different than choosing not to go up further into Galaxy's Edge if that's not your thing. Our typical first day at DLR, we don't even venture up that way. Too much in the original parts to enjoy.

I'd prefer more park space to a bunch of parking lots. The park can then disperse the crowds a lot better. Demand isn't going down. Prices aren't going down. What makes Disneyland special won't be taken away by new lands on the outskirts of the parks. If anything, the new lands make the hotels more exciting to stay in since you're a lot closer to the action. Disneyland will still be a mostly locals park. For out of towners like me, it will be an even better vacation destination for our family once this is all done. Probably at that point, I'm taking grandkids.


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