Disney Magic Kingdoms

I debated between waiting to start the bot event so I could try to get the 30 gems or just starting it.... Since it’s being difficult I decided to just wing it and hope I’m lucky with drop rates :rotfl:
I had 4 controllers and 2 visors left over from BH6 so we will see.

As for regular game play - I’ve been letting my WIR side quests stack up so I could keep them collecting WiFi and hopefully finish them faster than I managed BH6 and TLM.... but I’m getting to the point where I will have to scroll down to get to the WiFi task when I cycle through, so some side tasks will be done today :rotfl:

Just need some Cinderella pumpkins and the first sister will be ready to welcome. Would’ve had her yesterday but I didn’t feel like playing and only opened the game once. Oops :confused3
Like I'm going to get all the way through this new tapper event.

With four days,the length of tasks is ridiculous. I'll be lucky if I can get the legendary chest but there's no way I'll get the Animation Studio. I just hope they add it to Merlin's shop later on.

This was my feeling exactly.

In personal news my life is tops turvey so I’m not checking into the game as much as I would like.

In game news, I’m progressing slowly with getting the mayor and the WiR crew to level ten (it’s the WiFi tokens and anything that is legendary that is slowing me down). I also am now working on the Tremaine Family. I am look8n* forward to the tower challenge and Cri-kee and Mulan’s comfy costume.

Good luck to everyone.
This was my feeling exactly.

In personal news my life is tops turvey so I’m not checking into the game as much as I would like.

In game news, I’m progressing slowly with getting the mayor and the WiR crew to level ten (it’s the WiFi tokens and anything that is legendary that is slowing me down). I also am now working on the Tremaine Family. I am look8n* forward to the tower challenge and Cri-kee and Mulan’s comfy costume.

Good luck to everyone.

Hope the tops turvey will become a blessing...even if it’s disguised as a challenge right now.
I have 10, but my tokens were still stocked up from the last time we had this event. The top five on my leaderboard have about 36, so I don’t know what the heck is going on there. They must be blowing through gems like mad.

I fought my first bot today , I simply was not getting any drops for the controller. The high on my leaderboard is 3 and I am in top ten with 1. So different between leaderboards and drop rates. My drops are horrible so don’t expect to get far.
I currently have 1 bot defeated. I’m not having good drop rates on the controllers and Mickey is my only person that can get them
Officially submitting a ticket. Cindy’s third 8 hour outing has yielded not a single drop for this bot challenge.

Let us know if you hear back with anything other than a boilerplate response. No question something is broken with drop rates, atleast for most people.

I started with a few saved up and had great drop rates at first. Went to bed with 6 bots defeated last night and 16 hours later I’m only at 7.

Time for the game to get ride of the entire rarity aspect of the game, since it broken anyways, and make drop rates 100%. Th make some things tougher (ie Imitate rarity) require more tokens or make collections times longer. That way EVERYONE is on the same playing field.

Five more dumb hair feathers and I can welcome Anastasia. Taking longer than it should, really.

:rotfl: I not even able to collect for her yet. Got Tremaine to level 2 a few hours ago, so I should be able to start soon?
Let us know if you hear back with anything other than a boilerplate response. No question something is broken with drop rates, atleast for most people.

I started with a few saved up and had great drop rates at first. Went to bed with 6 bots defeated last night and 16 hours later I’m only at 7.

Time for the game to get ride of the entire rarity aspect of the game, since it broken anyways, and make drop rates 100%. Th make some things tougher (ie Imitate rarity) require more tokens or make collections times longer. That way EVERYONE is on the same playing field.

:rotfl: I not even able to collect for her yet. Got Tremaine to level 2 a few hours ago, so I should be able to start soon?
There were two tasks for Drizella, although I do not know which prompted the welcome. There are supposedly two different icons on the tasks, both of which looked identical. I wish I paid more attention to level requirements and the like, but truthfully I don't overthink this game. I figure something will happen when it's supposed to happen. I currently have both characters at level 3 and Drizella is going to 4 eventually. Right now, I have a few WiR characters waiting to level up. You have to be close, though.
:rotfl: I not even able to collect for her yet. Got Tremaine to level 2 a few hours ago, so I should be able to start soon?

I got the quest to collect for her this morning. It was after a long quest that Drizella had to do. And she is only at Level 2 (Drizella, that is). So far I am 1/21 on Anastasia's items, so this is not going so quickly over here.
Still at only 7 ear hats for Drizella in Windows. This is ridiculous. I have 6 bots in Windows and 9 in IOS. This is also ridiculous.

Bedtime edit. 8 ear hats. So to recap 1 total today, 1 total yesterday. Up to 9 bots in Windows but only 11 in IOS.
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Pretty much given up on the attempt to get the Animation Academy. Virtually impossible with these drops unless you blow through gems. Ain't gonna do it.

Yeah, my drop rates are terrible. Bad enough that you need 4 items to defeat one bot but then add in that it is taking my multiple collecting cycles to get enough for like 1 bot and it is pretty rediculous.

Honestly I’s be willing to spend a few gems if I was close but at the current drop rate i’ll Be lucky to get halfway ther


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