We financed in Aug '01 and they have special financing if you decide within 30 days of your sales pres. For 3-10 yrs it is 10.95% apr and if you have it debited from bank acct. If not directlly debited it is 11.95% for 3-10 years. I can't remember what it was if you didn't join within 30 days! Hope this helps!
The e-mail we just received said something about interest rates from DVC as low as 8.5%. Did anyone else notice that? Wondered if anyone actually got that rate before. Maybe that is the great incentive that everyone is talking about when adding on. Or maybe that is the 50% down and pay off in one year. But I thought that rate was a lot lower than 8.5%.
I just purchased an add-on and I was quoted 11.5% with 20% down and 12.5% with 10% down. Those rates were with direct debit. If you want the payment coupons add 1% to each rate. I did not inquire about the 50% down rate.