The best way I know to get discounts on WDW restaurants is to use the Food coupons at It costs $1 to sign up for a month and you can order counter service restaurant coupons for $10.50 per meal. The meal includes an entree, side, (or combo meal), large drink and dessert. We used the coupons last Sept. We always saved at least three dollars each on our meals and usually saved the dessert and part of the drink, (using covered cups we brought along), for later, so one meal also provided a snack. They also have sit-down restaurant lunch coupons for $29 per person, The meal includes an appetizer, entree, dessert and non-alcholic drinks. The tip is included in the coupon also. Hubby and I had a very nice anniversay dinner at Le Cellier in Epcot (Canada) with these coupons. The coupons cost us $58, the total bill, for our anniversary lunch, including tip was over $100. We had absolutely no problems with any of the coupons. We used 10 counter service coupons and 2 full-service lunch coupons. Since I was holding almost all the money for our trip, a side benefit was that, when DH and I seperated to nap at different times or if I wanted to go back to a park in the evening, I could go and give him his coupon to use at the hotel food court.
Connections also has discount ParkHopper and Universal/IOA tickets. You call Connections 800 number to order the tickets after you join. They deliver very quickly, free by UPS, or at least they did when I ordered last summer. The yearly membership is $79, but, you can cancel Connections after you have ordered your certificates. I'm not recommending it, just informing.
If you decide to join and are doing rewards programs, currenty offers 3000 Greenpoints for signing up and, offers 250 points for a sign up.
If you would like more info here is the link to the thread I wrote about Connections when I first found the coupons last summer.
Click here to see my old post. My old coupons had an expiration date of 1/31/2001 on them, but, when you call make sure to ask what the current exp, date is. They still have the coupons listed on the website.
Hope this helps,
Proud Survivor of the Space Mountain Morning-Mini Marathon and Splash Mountain Rapid Rampage
'00-PO/3-day Wonder
'02 - Magic 7 day/PO
2003-Family Reunion-Probably at Safari Logde
[This message was edited by Daisimae on 02-08-01 at 10:43 PM.]