Dinner ideas for Epiphany?

Buzz Rules

To Infinity and Beyond
Feb 7, 2005
Dinner ideas for Epiphany? I'm trying to think ahead on what to serve/make on the feast day. I know I will make a three kings cake (the Spanish version) but that's it so far. I usually make fish Christmas Eve, turkey Christmas Day, and a ham on New Years Day. I was thinking of lasagna as the main course with some kind of soup, salad, and bread as starters but I would love to hear suggestions from Disboarders if you have any. If anyone else does celebrate Epiphany, do you have any traditional meals that you make? Thanks in advance. 🙏:thanks:🐪🐪🐪👑👑👑
Hey Buzz, being honest I have never heard of this before. Being lazy and not doing any research, what is this all about?
Three kings give baby Jesus three gifts a couple weeks after he is born. Catholics/Christians celebrate the feast day on January 6th every year. The magnitude of the feast day varies from country to country depending on how deeply religious the country is. In the USA it is pretty mellow (with the exception of NOLA). Small gifts are exchanged and some people leave out dried dates and water for the wise men's camels. Three Kings cake is the usual dessert. Many attend mass on the day (though some just celebrate on the nearest Sunday) and have a special meal to commemorate it. It should be noted that some religious people celebrate the feast day on a lesser scale than others. France, Spain, and Portugal celebrate the day on a large scale however. I have ancestry from those places, so it holds an extra special meaning to me. As just a cool aside note, the three wise men's remains are actually located in a Catholic cathedral in Germany.


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We don't typically do anything particularly special for Epiphany other than discuss it as a family, and maybe pray the Rosary, but no set in stone tradition. I like the idea of having a special meal, but often it's on a week night and because of all the kids activities, I don't usually have time to prepare something special.
We don't typically do anything particularly special for Epiphany other than discuss it as a family, and maybe pray the Rosary, but no set in stone tradition. I like the idea of having a special meal, but often it's on a week night and because of all the kids activities, I don't usually have time to prepare something special.
This year, it falls on a Saturday. Like I said earlier, some just celebrate it on the nearest Sunday to the holiday depending on their religious traditions. It's a very adaptable holiday that doesn't have to be celebrated on the day (many people pick a day of the week of the feast day that's most convenient for them).
I was in the grocery store several years ago on like January 4th and a lady was there buying food for a church Epiphany dinner. They were out of Egg Nog and the guy who managed the dairy section said it was gone for the year they had marked it all down for clearance on January 2nd.. Lady asked how you can stop carrying Egg Nog before the Ephiphany (or Orthodox Christmas in some religions)?. She apparently complained to the right person later because our store always had a good stock of Egg Nog through January 6th.
I don't celebrate Epiphany but would if in the Big Easy; love me some gumbo!

We do Réveillon on CE so that’s a fish meal, often beef on CD and back to gifts from the sea on NYE.
Hey Buzz, being honest I have never heard of this before. Being lazy and not doing any research, what is this all about?

I've always known what the Epiphany is from growing up in the church, although it wasn't any big deal.

However, check out any of the inevitable upcoming, "when will you take down your Christmas Tree" threads that will appear in about a month and you will see TONS of responses that folks won't take their trees down until the Epiphany!!!

I had never even heard of that being the big "take down the tree day" until I joined the Dis. Some Disboarders will even lecture the folks who take their trees down soon after Dec. 25th, that they can't believe they do that as, "the Christmas season is just starting on the 25th! Cracks me up every year!! Haha!!

In fact, I would be rather surprised that many people on the Dis actually cook special meals on this day, because they are so busy taking down their trees and decorations!!
I've always known what the Epiphany is from growing up in the church, although it wasn't any big deal.

However, check out any of the inevitable upcoming, "when will you take down your Christmas Tree" threads that will appear in about a month and you will see TONS of responses that folks won't take their trees down until the Epiphany!!!

I had never even heard of that being the big "take down the tree day" until I joined the Dis. Some Disboarders will even lecture the folks who take their trees down soon after Dec. 25th, that they can't believe they do that as, "the Christmas season is just starting on the 25th! Cracks me up every year!! Haha!!

In fact, I would be rather surprised that many people on the Dis actually cook special meals on this day, because they are so busy taking down their trees and decorations!!
This resonates with me. I was actually raised Catholic and still had never heard of Epiphany until I joined the DIS and started reading all the threads you mention.


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