Costco Disney Gift Cards

I did 2 orders of 2 yesterday and all card numbers came and were immediately applied to next year’s dues. Tried for 2 more - order went thru, but then got a cancellation email.

2 orders of 2 may be the limit!
Thanks for posting! I was able to get 2 orders. Also, BJ’s warehouse is having a sale on their Disney gift cards as well. Their best is 6 to 7 percent off depending on the size of gift card you get
Both of my purchases went through last night. I didn't wait to order the second set, I just ordered again right away. Got both order confirmations, then after a few minutes the cards were emailed. Maybe that matters if the system can see it already sent you 2 codes when placing the second order? Or it could just be luck. Worth a shot if you want 2 sets!
Last night got 2 orders of 2, both went thru, today I got the emails and combined them onto an old empty GC on the website, to be one card of $1000. Ordered 2 more today, but it got cancelled. I will get my husband (different membership #) and daughter (separate membership completely) to get me 2 more each tomorrow.
I did 2 orders of 2 yesterday and all card numbers came and were immediately applied to next year’s dues. Tried for 2 more - order went thru, but then got a cancellation email.

2 orders of 2 may be the limit!
How do you apply to next years dues if we hadn't gotten them on our accounts yet?
How do you apply to next years dues if we hadn't gotten them on our accounts yet?
Click the “Make a payment” link and the payment will post to your account, then offset the amount due once the bills are posted.
Also, you need to select 'Pay By Contract' and 'New Card'. Then you can specify the amount and type in the account number and EAN. Works like a charm. Assuming you have paid your 2023 dues in full, you will end up with a credit balance that will be applied to your 2024 dues. I got some verbiage saying so when I applied my gift cards.
Also, you need to select 'Pay By Contract' and 'New Card'. Then you can specify the amount and type in the account number and EAN. Works like a charm. Assuming you have paid your 2023 dues in full, you will end up with a credit balance that will be applied to your 2024 dues. I got some verbiage saying so when I applied my gift cards.
Can you then place your dues back on auto pay?
Can you then place your dues back on auto pay?
You don’t have to take them off of auto pay, just use the process @CarolMN outlined, and they’ll stay on auto pay until paid off for the year. We have ours on auto pay but haven’t had a draft taken out for several years - we pay them down with DGCs before the draft date and try to stay several months ahead, if we weren’t able to pay them off earlier.
You don’t have to take them off of auto pay, just use the process @CarolMN outlined, and they’ll stay on auto pay until paid off for the year. We have ours on auto pay but haven’t had a draft taken out for several years - we pay them down with DGCs before the draft date and try to stay several months ahead, if we weren’t able to pay them off earlier.
Thank you

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