Christmas or New Year at BWV?


DIS Veteran
Jul 30, 2000
We are planning a trip over the Christmas '03 holiday. We plan on spending 5 days at BWV, and 4 days at Universal at the Hard Rock Hotel. It's going to end up that we are spending Christmas at one place, and NYE at the other. Is either one, Xmas or NYE, better at BWV/WDW? I even thoght of doing both Xmas and NYE at BWV and sandwiching HRH in the middle, but I don't want to move that much. Any input? Thanks!
I was just at WDW for New Year's and it was very crowded. I heard that Christmas week, while crowded, wasn't even close to New Year's. IMHO having the front of line access at US when it is very crowded over New Yaer's would be my choice and the best way to do as many rides as possible. Do Disney at Christmas when it is slightly less crowded.

We were at the Polynesian for Christmas and BCV for NYE. The parks (and everything else) got busier and busier until the Sunday after NYE when things calmed down again.

That being said ... I love Epcot for NYE and you can walk there from BWV. That alone would make my decision to stay there on NYE :).
We said goodbye to the millennium at Boardwalk and I swore I would never visit than again. I think some may have had to do with the end of the 2000 hype, but all parks reached capacity and closed mid-day and opened on and off all day/night. It was nightmare’ish and we ended up in our rooms and than at a party on the Boardwalk (wall to wall people) from 11:30-12:30.
Hope this helps
Originally posted by InstImpres
It was nightmare’ish and we ended up in our rooms and than at a party on the Boardwalk (wall to wall people) from 11:30-12:30.

Oh man. Bummer :(. I have been to 3 NYEs, but I missed that one. I was at BWV on 99/00, 01/02 and at BCV on 02/03. We do the same thing every year. We get into Epcot by 8:00 am, hang around for a couple of hours, flee the crowds back to our hotel for lunch, a couple of drinks, swim and a nap ... general relaxation ... and then back into the fray after 5pm until midnight. Or, until we were washed out at 10:00-ish this trip ;).

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