Are we too old to buy?


Earning My Ears
Mar 19, 2001
Just wondering if this is a consideration for any of you. DH and I are both 40ish, and he stated last night "Do you really think we'll want to go to Disneyworld when we're 80!!" (actually, I probably will!) Our children are 8 and 6, so we'll get lots of usage for at least the next 10-15 years. What do ya think?

You aren't too old!!! There are so many members that are 40ish or 50ish!!! If at 80 you don't want to go to Disney, maybe your children will, or maybe your grandchildren!!!
I am of a certain "ish" and it never occurred to me that I might be "too old" for DVC!!! My kids were 14, 16 and 18 when I bought!!! I figure when I get THAT OLD, they can use it with their families.
Geri - I'm with you. I certainly anticipate being at Disney in my 70's and 80's and God willing beyond that too!

I certainly don't think you are too old to join. We just became members and my husband is in his 40's. I'm in my 30's but I anticipate getting all 40 years use out of my points! Can't wait to welcome you and your hubby "home" soon!

We bought into DVC last May. I am 47 amd my DW is older( ;) ). We figure we will use until we can not then the points will go the kids. If I can I will use them until I am 200 but not likely. It is something to think about anyway.
DH and I bought last year to celebrate getting both kids through college. "Old" is a state of mind and we decided we don't mind at all!!
Heck, lots of folks here seem to dream about how much DVC time they'll put in when they retire! No one knows how much time they have but someone in their 40's certainly isn't too old!

Twenty years from now you may be beginning to take your grandchildren with you to DVC. I think 40's is probably a popular time for people to start buying DVC. They have their home, they're established in their career and now have some disposable income to put into something like a second home or DVC. A twenty-something would probably be guaranteed use for the entire 40 years but may not have the cash to spend that way just yet.
I would bet that you guys are near the 'average age' for DVC ownership. Enjoy! And plan on spending many wonderful vacation at WDW after the kids are grown.
I was 43 when I brought - but have we used them. Mother will be 80 this year - and she enjoys going almost more than I do. You are as young as you think you are - WDW has lots of happy memories for us.
OMG... this is a little tiny bit off topic, but does anyone remember the thread last year about turning the BW & OKW resorts into uh elderly facilities??? It was the funniest thread I've ever seen on the DVC board!!! We're all in the same boat, we'll all be OLD in 40 something years LOL.... I wish we could find that thread, it was FUNNY!!!
We joined just as our youngest was starting college. Finally we have enough time to go where we please and when we please - so far we've taken three trips on DVC points, just the two of us. Sure, I'm sure at some point we'll let our kids (and grandkids someday) come with us :D
Geri...we have about 20 years on you and we regularly go four times a year......and haven't had a bad trip yet. Considering where your from I have to ask..."where'd you to to highschool"?:cool:
My oldest daughter(13...going on 30)asked what I would do with my points when she was too old to go to WDW with us(as if she had anything to do with us going!)I told her that if she played her cards right, I would invite her and my grandchildren to vacation with us. After thinking about it for a minute, she asked"can I just let my kids go with you, and my husband and I will go someplace else?" I didn't have to think about it...sounded great to me! Having raised her and her 3 younger siblings by then, I'll know what to do with the grandkids! In the meantime, there will be high school/college graduations, weddings...all sorts of occassions to use those points! :D You will only regret not doing it sooner!
Do it. It is never too late. What fun it would be to be 80 going to WDW!!!

I will enjoy it at 70 and if I don't for some reason I hope my son and his family or friends will enjoy it.
You enjoy going to WDW? If yes, then I don't think that age is a factor at all. I joined when I was 46 and I've loved it so far and look forward to many, many years of vacations there.
...DH has sinced slipped into 50ish! (kids 18 and 21). I'm looking so forward to just the two of us for a few years...then hopefully, taking grandkids down...then... the grandkids taking us down... and so on till 2042 when we'll sign up for another 50 years! Enjoy!
We bought 3 yrs ago at age 42 and 41, we have added on 3 times what does that tell you?????? We know we will use it as long as we are able to, then we know our 2 children, ages 15 and 27 now, will have the benifits of DVC. We were fortunate enough to not take out any loans. So our kids would only have to pay the dues to have the 'Quality Vacations" of the DVC.

We go down at least twice a yr, and after we retire(in 6 yrs) we plan on going a lot more!!!!!!!!!!:D
Hi, I bought in when I was 42 last year, never thought I was to old but I do wish I had bought in 10 years ago!! Doit!
Thanks for all of the positive comments and reassurance on my age! I'll hit 40 in 3 more months, but DH is already long past!! The decision is getting easier to make!
jct wizzer--I went to high school at McCluer and DH went to Kirkwood! LOL! (It's a St. Louis Thang!)

First of all, I'm in my mid-40's and never really thought about the age thing except to wish I had bought in my mid-30's when DVC started! :)

Since most people think that DVC pays for itself in 5-9 years, it's not hard to foresee getting my money's worth out of this investment....I don't have to go for 40 years to make it work.

And by the way, I went to the U High and my DW went to Kirkwood as well. :D

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