Are Deluxe Resort bus stops closer to park entrances?


Earning My Ears
Feb 4, 2024
I'm curious whether bus stop distances to the park entrances are closer based on Deluxe, Moderate or Value resort classifications?
I'm curious whether bus stop distances to the park entrances are closer based on Deluxe, Moderate or Value resort classifications?
I think it was AKL with the bus stop all the way at the end for MK and WL I think was pretty far from AK in my experience.
AKL is at end of one of bus loop spurs at AK, Epcot for AKL is rather close to where you exit but WL is all the at 2 which is down at the end


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We stayed at the BC/YC and when we visited MK, the bus stop was the 2nd to the last annoying, especially after walking around all day with TWO really bad knees...:sad1:
I don’t think that there is any intentional design behind this. I might Think that it has more of a perspective on how many buses come through. Just took a bus back to Coronado. It was the middle isle but the closest to the park.
Having stayed at all of the values, many times, I can say for certain that the values are usually the furthest away. Especially POP/AOA!
The moderates, I have been three, and also two deluxe. I feel like it varies with the mods, but CB always seems to be the furthest of all of them. And to me, it felt like CS had the best walk to busses out of the moderates.
It depends on the park. At magic for instance Pop is closer than Animal Kingdom, Saratoga or Boardwalk. But at Springs Pop is the furthest. Just one example.
I would say no. We stay at BWV. It seems like we walk past a lot of moderate and value resorts on the way to our stop at most parks and Disney Springs.
Particularly at Disney Springs. I think we walked past 8 or 9 bus loading stations before we got to the one for the BW.
Generally yes-ish. It seems to me values are the furthest out usually. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a value hotel near the front of the bus depots.

(The reason you’re getting such varied responses OP is they do change around the bus stops. So “generally” is about as dependable as this answer gets.)
Also, it appears to me that buses approaching a park go to the stop for the hotel they're going to next, not necessarily the one they came from (example - a bus going to MK from Beach Club but then heading from MK to AOA will stop at the AOA stop, not the BC stop).
Also, it appears to me that buses approaching a park go to the stop for the hotel they're going to next, not necessarily the one they came from (example - a bus going to MK from Beach Club but then heading from MK to AOA will stop at the AOA stop, not the BC stop).
This is correct, and is normal behavior for a transit bus system, and rail systems with multi-line service sharing the same equipment. I often forget that many people around here aren't familiar with transit systems since outside of the DC-Boston corridor and Chicago they tend to be pretty rare.
When I originally answered, it was based on the walk to the busses when leaving the parks/DS.
But when being dropped off heading TO the park, the locations vary and aren't ever as far as the furthest return pick up spots are.
It has to do with size of hotel - a lot of times if you have a lot of people they put you way out to capture all those people waiting for buses so you have all that congestion out-of-the-way for all the other buses and hotels - That’s why Animal Kingdom is always way out that’s what was explained to me now if that’s true or not I don’t know - I didn’t hear it from a bus driver but it was close🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I just know I’ve stayed at Animal Kingdom several times and it was a long walk and a long wait!! Same for Pop Century And no so for Bay Lake Or Port Orleans which is a decent size hotel


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