Anyone here meet their SO at Disney? If not, where did you meet your person who also enjoys Disney?

I didn't meet my wife at Disney but we met from an online dating app in October 2012. She loved Disney stuff but her family could not afford to go when she was young.

7 months after we met, we went to WDW together in May of 2013 for five days. It was hot but we both had fun. It was the first of our many trips together.

In October 2018, we got engaged on the beach at the Poly during HEA.

Married October 2020 during COVID. Planned a Disney wedding but backed out due to border restrictions.

And as of today, we have a trip planned for January 2025 taking our almost 3 year old son.

Crazy how life can change so quickly but wouldnt change anything.
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I can appreciate that it is difficult. I never went to any Disney parks until I was 36 with 3 kids. I had been to Cedar Point, Geauga Lake, and Kennywood. DH had been to WDW a few times with his family when younger. I didn't discover my appreciation for WDW until our first trip. We took our kids several more times over the years, but he is not really an enthusiast. Now I go solo more often than we go together, he is a scuba diver and I am not so we do our own thing. I have to plan a different trip when we go together, he needs a much more laid-back trip with less time in the parks. Looking forward to taking our grandson when he is a bit older.

Good luck, you have a fairly narrow focus.
I met my wife while taking an evening division course at our local university. We had been married about 11 years before we could afford to take ourselves and our two young girls to WDW. My wife had some serious depression (and other problems) and really had a hard time enjoying anything, but she usually was quite willing to go to WDW whenever we could. After we divorced (29th year) I know she never went again. I dated for a while and made plans with two ladies over the following 10 years only to have them cancel out at the last minute, so I went solo for the last 20 years and since I have never actively dated since then I have not accidentally met up with my soul mate. It's getting a little late now plus they have priced me out now as well. So tain't gonna happen.
DH and I have been to WDW a few times together. However, everything changed a few years ago when I tagged along on a WDW trip with my sister, who used to go solo all the time. Since then, I go with my sister and DH stays home and takes care of the cat(s). I wish he would come with me again, but it seems unlikely since he doesn't love WDW (he doesn't hate it) and he doesn't love traveling in general. He also hates flying and the train has become quite expensive, which it didn't used to be.

We have a great relationship and I wouldn't consider this a problem.

If you can find someone who loves WDW, whose company you enjoy, and who you feel comfortable traveling with, that's good too. Then the romance could be separate from WDW. But I get that you don't want to be with someone who'd disparage WDW or your love of it. I would not be able to stand that. You don't have to love the same things I do, but don't make fun of them or of my love of them. Respect. It's necessary to have a good relationship--with anyone, really.
My first husband was working at Disney when I met him. He was a cultural rep for Morocco and was in the pavilion at EPCOT when I was on vacation at that time. When his time with the program was over, he moved in with me (I lived in MA at the time, so it had been a long distance relationship), and eventually we got married.

We did get divorced eventually and for the most part it was amicable.

I've since remarried and we met online...he's not a huge Disney fan, though he goes with me and our daughter because he sees how happy we are going there.
For what it's worth, I definitely notice when someone includes a picture of them at Disney World, etc on their dating profiles. I think that's a good way to do it (if you're on "the apps")
38 adult here and I feel so lucky that my boyfriend of over 2 years loves going to WDW with me. We are both Passholders and going to Disney is our date days basically. Whenever we feel need to blow off a little steam which is usually once a month we book a day.
My DH begrudgingly goes to WDW but he doesn’t love it, and that’s really the only thing I wish I could change about him. We compromised, I wanted to go for 2 one week trips a year but he won’t go more than once a year so we do 1 two week trip per year so I can get plenty of time in the parks and he knows it’s important to me so he pretends to enjoy it. And I go along with his favorite yearly trip, a cabin in the mountains which is as he always points out, much cheaper lol. I love everything about him (which is pretty amazing after 20 plus years) but sometimes I think how much fun it would be if he was as into Disney as I am. I hope y’all find who and what you’re looking for.
My DH begrudgingly goes to WDW but he doesn’t love it, and that’s really the only thing I wish I could change about him. We compromised, I wanted to go for 2 one week trips a year but he won’t go more than once a year so we do 1 two week trip per year so I can get plenty of time in the parks and he knows it’s important to me so he pretends to enjoy it. And I go along with his favorite yearly trip, a cabin in the mountains which is as he always points out, much cheaper lol. I love everything about him (which is pretty amazing after 20 plus years) but sometimes I think how much fun it would be if he was as into Disney as I am. I hope y’all find who and what you’re looking for.
You know, it seems petty now, but after my divorce, I tried finding someone that at least didn't mind going there, but never quite achieved that. The closest I got was one very nice person but had some serious mobility issues so didn't really want to go. It upset me that in spite of the sacrifices I might make to help her she still wasn't interested. I assumed it was because it was harder for her to go so she didn't like it. I even considered breaking up with her because of it.

I had an appointment with my "shrink" and expressed that and was told that I was putting to much emphasis on WDW. That was correct but it didn't solve my problem concerning the desire I had to have someone to share the fun I was having. Two days later, while carrying a number of items down a long flight of stairs, if missed the bottom step and landed on my right knee on a concrete floor. Didn't break any bones but my kneecap popped upward and severed my quad muscle completely requiring surgery and about 8 months of recovery and P.T. and the next 20 years of dealing with many severed nerves that took a very long time to find a new route to make me walk safely. Didn't I feel awful at that point, when I finally understood how having a mobility problem could put a serious damper on ones enjoyment of a place like Disney that required so much mobility. I felt awful about it, but we eventually broke up because I decided to move from Vermont to N. Carolina to be with the rest of my family and she didn't want to leave Vermont.

I never did find the person that could share my enjoyment of the place or my minor obsession with wanting to travel, even to places that weren't Disney. So I made probably 20 or more solo trips to WDW and Disneyland. However, I did at least understand some of the reasonable reasons that some people do not get enjoyment out of the place. Now deep into retirement arthritis, spine issues and Disney has priced and detail burdened me out of my ability to meet them, so it was all a lot of angst for nothing.

So if your spouse or SO has no problem with you going solo, please do it. It's not the same but it has some pretty good perks that come with it. For example, the ability to do what you want, when you want to do it without having to take someone else's concerns into consideration. Ride what you want to ride, as often as your patience allows, eat when and were you want too. Come and go as you please and afford the opportunity to stop and smell those roses for as long as you choose. The moral of the story is that not everyone is able to enjoy the same things. It's wonderful if it works that way, but we sometimes have to accept that all of us are different and enjoy each other because of those differences not in spite of them.

In the immortal words of Ferris Bueller, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it"
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I got lucky that my ex-wife grew up in OC and near DL. She had relatives who worked there for years and retired from the park around the time we started dating. We had a similar upbringing going to DL all the time though, she lived a lot closer and went more than I did.

I went almost every year for my bday growing up and went for marching band most years. After grad nite, I didn't go for about 6 years until a group of friends (ex included in this group) all got APs and my spark was ignited again. I kept an annual pass with my ex for many years. After we split I didn't visit for about 5 years or so until I entered another relationship and she just so happened to enjoy going to the parks. Since then I haven't dated much but I also haven't found anyone interested in the parks. The price is so prohibitive now and being local so many people don't find the value in it. They aren't like superfans but enjoy the parks from time to time so they'd go if it didn't cost $200. I'm not a Disney adult, myself. I just enjoy the atmosphere of the parks regardless of IP etc... I'm the odd one in my group that keeps a magic key and visits solo.

Someday I'll find someone again. It's been 5 years or so now solo and it's been alright.
DH and I met at work, and it was mutual love and affinity for Star Wars that really connected us from the start. As soon as we found out we were both avid fans, that was it.
We've been married now over 24 years, and almost every day still talk Star Wars.... like no kidding, we have at least one in depth debate/discussion or something during the day. we joke that we'll be in the nursing home, discussing if Han shot first, and surrounded by all our Star Wars memorabilia
Our first trip as an engaged couple was to Disney in 2000, and we've been going regularly ever since. Didn't know at all when we met, that we both would end up lovingDisney so much. We both had happy childhood memories, and have just made so many more over the years. So we both kinda just developed a greater appreciation for it together, and over time.

Meeting someone special can be so challenging, but even if they don't share all your passions, y'all could find new ones together, or they might surprise you and become bigger Disney addicts than you!
good luck with it all!!


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