9/18/03 illuminations cruise we have room


The only thing better then one week at WDW is TWO
Jul 26, 2000
Ok, DW, DS (20months) have a cruise booked for 9/18/03 from the board walk. Looking for other dis people to share. Original guests had to cancel. So we have room if people want to share. We love disney and are DVC members. Please email me with responses.


Scott :bounce: :Pinkbounc
Thanks for the offer. We arrive on 9/20. Maybe next time.

We rented a boat in January for my sis and husband to be as a gift to them They had a blast.

Have fun.
Don't forget to post on the Adults & Solo travelers board. They have an Illuminations Cruise sign up thread there.

I hope to do this someday...after DS gets over his fear of fireworks:rolleyes:

We would love to join you, but unfortunately, we will not be there until October.
I tried to book one of these cruises exactly at the 90 day mark, but there was no availability. I was not aware of the popularity, and that you must call at the opening minute. Well, we learned for next time... :cool:

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