There's no time to slumber we're going back in November! we came we saw and started a TR for it all!

Am I allowed to say your football players and cheerleader are soooooo cute?? I know football players are not supposed to be cute, but come adorable are they?? Just tell them I said they look fierce and tough!! :)

UGH! I'm worried I'm going to run into the same issues with the FP system! I'm trying to decide what to I go ahead and go to bed and then get up a bit before midnight to make selections, or do I just stay up. I'm an insomniac anyway so I'm used to operating on zero sleep.

So, if my calculations are correct...your HS will be on 11/15/15 which is our arrival day and our plan is to be there for late afternoon and Evening EMH hours. This means Opportunity #1 to meet up for our Dismeet!
On to FP day/night.

WHY OH WHY was FP on a Monday night?!?! WHY!
Tom woke me up at 10:45 for the 11pm start.
I booted up my computer brought up what i was going to try for and then the time just stopped...
STOPPED i tell you! so i went out for a smoke to make the time go faster..
it worked.
right on time i was able to go backwards on the trip which then POOF!
system went DOWN.

and waited some more.

MORE WAITING! refresh...


20 minutes later it was back up.

made the rest of what i could and off to bed.

this morning i was not a happy camper. Nope not at all. Im still tired..

SO wanna see how our days are going to go? because it might be a surprise to me too after my sleepy FP picks.. LOL!

Let's do a day by day shall we?

That totally sucks. Did you at least get what you wanted?
Excited to see your FP picks. Sounds like a stressful night~
First day! Woo hooo. Traveling to Disney is so much fun! So much excitement.

it's ridicules to have to jump hoops to try to plan a vacation. Thankfully it's only two nights your stressing over to get what you want then it's smooth sailing! Yet still... it's a PITA!

Meg looks way too grown in this photo! And is it really cold enough up there already for a turtle neck? The one sock is HILARIOUS!

Tell me about it.. They are getting big FAST!
It was 60 on sunday. But those turtle necks only go to to the belly they aren't full shirts. She ripped it off as soon as the game was over! LOL
SHe is a nut,

D'awww, I love this picture!

They are something else..

Are they going to be searching for the lost princess or something? :confused3

I love these lanterns! So beautiful when they are up and in the air! I do hope they do this!

Mine is going to be on a Sunday night! Thankfully, I'm a night owl and am almost always awake at midnight anyhow. It's ADR morning and being up by 5:30am that day KILLS ME.

Yuck Sunday is just as bad as a Monday. Except you can nap during the day?!?!
See ADR day doesn't bother me.. i'm already at work...

Yes, show us! Show us!

I will! LOL

Jesus, I'm stressed out just reading about your technical difficulties. :scared:

No kidding.. it was a pain.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO RAIN!!! I am tired of rain and Disney!!! this trip HAS to have a couple of days of SUN!!!

Isn't it beautiful???

Me too, me too!

YAY!!! good times! Love this place!

OMG, their faces! Especially Meg & Matt!

I LOVE ride pictures! a riot!

I have no idea what this is! You've stumped me! Is this HDDR?

Why yes it is! i cannot wait for this!

Love the plans so far!! The Frozen sing-a-long is so fun!!

Also, YAY for HDDR! You're family is going to have so much fun with that!!!

Thanks!! I am really stoked for everything! Frozen is for Meg it's the one thing she wanted! i have to allow it!

HDDR is one the top ADR's i have!! CANNOT WAIT! we are going to have a hootin good ol time!

Such cute pictures of the kids! When you said a one "socked" Meg for a minute I thought maybe she got hit and had a black eye.

BAAAAAA HA HA HA HA Nope an actual sock!

Just make sure the lanterns are legal in your area before attempting. We got in a little trouble doing that as a fund-raiser at the shelter. Apparently they are a fire hazard or something? :confused3

I would think they are as i have seen them a couple of times?!?!

Ugh! Darn that Stitch, stop eating the page! :stitch:

Your not kidding..

Hey, that's MY state you are DISsing! (see how clever I was there? ::yes:: ) I will admit that once you get through Atlanta, the rest of the way down the state is pretty boring.

Very CLEVER!!!
not just Georgia... it's Indiana too.. SO BORING! Flat boring lands down Illinois is worse!!! ugh SO BORING!
Atlanta is about the same as Chicago. Yet a lot smaller. easy to drive. I do like how the signs are painted on the ground!
Plus the worst spot i stopped at for gas was somewhere in Georgia... i turned around and SKEDADDLED out!

I love your Disney plans so far. Well other than RnRC, my old body can't handle that one any more. :worried: You are going to LOVE HDDR! So totally designed for your family.

HDDR is one of the top ADR's we have!!! going to be a load of FUN! surrounds by family friends and a hootin hollarin time!

WELL, I called Disney a couple of times yesterday and was online like a crazy person and there are literally zero rooms available at any value or moderate resort. I even switched up my days a bit to see if we got lucky with our little bit of wiggle room, but sadly, nope. SO, I headed over to my back up friend, Mom and I were able to book a room at Buena Vista Palace across from Downtown Disney. Not staying on property is KILLING ME, but we know some people who've stayed there with good experiences, so we'll see. We got our airfare as part of the package and then I was back on the phone with Disney ordering our tickets and also got two tix for MVMCP!!!! That brightened up my whole entire day, even though we now have the impossible task of securing dining and any even remotely good FPs.

I CANNOT believe how booked up Disney is!!! i feel this week is going to be jammed packed worse then summer!!! i don't know how i feel about this.

Also, it JUST occurred to me----we were 59 days yesterday, which means I think we'll be in WDW the same time as you guys!! Do I sense my very first DIS meet in our future?!

Very good padawan! we can haver a Dis meet!!!

We did some of those lanterns on Fourth of July. So fun--they'll love them!

How did you make them?

Am I allowed to say your football players and cheerleader are soooooo cute?? I know football players are not supposed to be cute, but come adorable are they?? Just tell them I said they look fierce and tough!!

You totally are able to say it.. I won't tell them! LOL.. Under it all they are still me BABIES!

UGH! I'm worried I'm going to run into the same issues with the FP system! I'm trying to decide what to I go ahead and go to bed and then get up a bit before midnight to make selections, or do I just stay up. I'm an insomniac anyway so I'm used to operating on zero sleep.

go backwards and move forwards. thats what i did.. i was able to secure some big attractions!

So, if my calculations are correct...your HS will be on 11/15/15 which is our arrival day and our plan is to be there for late afternoon and Evening EMH hours. This means Opportunity #1 to meet up for our Dismeet!

YAY for a Dis meet! i am all over it!

That totally sucks. Did you at least get what you wanted?

some.. not all!
DAY 3!

On to Day 3 YAY!

we will head over to.........................

PRAYING for a sunnier sky?


we will hit:


Then Per Zack's request along with TT we will go over and see if we can find

then get eaten by

I hope to see our friend:

We will flit around here causing as much trouble as we can muster up
before our ADR at:


SO EXCITED to eat here!!!

then hop over and gaze at the wonderful:


Yes we will be sporting our Light up Mickey ears! for the last year.. I will be headed over here as much as possible to see them!

try for a FP for F! we shall see...

back to AOA for some much needed sleep!

Sounds like a fun day at Epcot! I do hope you don't have as much rain this time.

I haven't done Teppan Edo because of my pickiness but I've heard a lot of great stuff about it.

While I totally understand why Disney needs to change the Streets of America area I'm so going to miss the Osborne Lights! Lucky you getting to see them the last year! :thumbsup2
Loving your Day 3 plans! I'm still really bummed that I will never get to see those glorious lights. :sad: I just keep telling myself that it's for the good of DHS.
Your football players are adorable, I mean tough!! And your one sock cheerleader is such a cutie...I miss the days when mine were that little..Sounds like the plans are coming together nicely.
You have so much more patience than I do to drive to FL from here. I would go crazy with the kids in the car for that long! We drove to Indy a few weeks ago and we were already done and that is only a few hours!

Love your day 2 and 3 plans! Our FP is tomorrow night... I so wish I had someone to do ToT with me, but after the last trip the kids and Erik say nope.
Love your plans for EPCOT and you guys AGAIN will LOVE Teppen Edo. That is one of my ADRs that I have even though the trip isn't official yet, because we want to go back. The kids especially will love it. Ugh I'm drooling thinking of how yummy the food is!

I keep telling my girls that they have to make it to nationals this year so that I can go back and see the Osborne lights before they shut it down :(.
I am sooooo happy we are going this year before the lights are gone and I bet you are too.
Yay for Day 3! Doesn't look there is overlap on this one for us (yes, because it is all about me and our Dismeet).

We love Teppan Edo, and I'm sure the kids will have fun with it! I like to say we ate their with Neil Patrick Harris November 2012. We really didn't eat with him of course, we ran into him and his family a couple times in Epcot and the again at Tepann Edo, I was afraid he thought I might be stalking him! LOL
Sounds like a fun day at Epcot! I do hope you don't have as much rain this time.

your not kidding.. No more of this:

Sunshine please! with cooler weather! YAHOO!

I am wearing my awesome capris i bought that day and they are WAY too big on me! so looks like i have to buy another pair right??

I haven't done Teppan Edo because of my pickiness but I've heard a lot of great stuff about it.

I am really excited about this.. looks like a fun experience! You know us.. ALL ABOUT FUN! too bad you'll have to WAIT TO HEAR ALL ABOUT IT.. LOL

While I totally understand why Disney needs to change the Streets of America area I'm so going to miss the Osborne Lights! Lucky you getting to see them the last year!

I am lucky.. even more lucky i get to have my family and friends with me!!!

Like your plans for Day 3!
We still haven't been to Teppan Edo. Looks yum though!

I am excited for this! just looks like fun!

I love the glow with the show ears. :)

can't wait to see them here!

I love Disney critters!

Me too..

This pic is great! I want to steal it for when I do my daily plans posts on my PTR! (If you took it, I'll surely credit you!)

Not mine! steal away!

Loving your Day 3 plans! I'm still really bummed that I will never get to see those glorious lights. :sad: I just keep telling myself that it's for the good of DHS.

Yeah... that's it.. I am SO bummed about this.

Your football players are adorable, I mean tough!! And your one sock cheerleader is such a cutie...I miss the days when mine were that little..Sounds like the plans are coming together nicely.

LOL! they are cute. I don't care.. yeah big tough rumbling football players that are ADORABLE! LOL...
thank you. They are getting big on me QUICK.. i don't like it.

You have so much more patience than I do to drive to FL from here. I would go crazy with the kids in the car for that long! We drove to Indy a few weeks ago and we were already done and that is only a few hours!

it's not easy. the way home is MUCH MUCH WORSE. at least the way there your excited. and pumped. the way home is sad and depressing and take too long.

Love your day 2 and 3 plans! Our FP is tomorrow night... I so wish I had someone to do ToT with me, but after the last trip the kids and Erik say nope.

we will do it together! LOL

Love your plans for EPCOT and you guys AGAIN will LOVE Teppen Edo. That is one of my ADRs that I have even though the trip isn't official yet, because we want to go back. The kids especially will love it. Ugh I'm drooling thinking of how yummy the food is!

I can't wait it's going to be a blast. bad thing? with my Atkins diet.. this is going to hurt afterwards. LOL i have rolaids by the dozen.

I keep telling my girls that they have to make it to nationals this year so that I can go back and see the Osborne lights before they shut it down


I am sooooo happy we are going this year before the lights are gone and I bet you are too.

you have no idea. plus this will be our last time for November...
I am wearing my awesome capris i bought that day and they are WAY too big on me! so looks like i have to buy another pair right??
Congratulations! :cool1:

the way home is MUCH MUCH WORSE. at least the way there your excited. and pumped. the way home is sad and depressing and take too long.
Driving through the states seems to take forever - especially Indiana. :faint: You just want it to be over by then.
Monday November 16th

So i really don't know how many days we will be in Disney until November gets closer I will just post the dates!

Today we will finally hit:

i do HOPE there aren't any more ominous clouds..

We better be up and ready this year.. We have an ADR for here:

at the ripe ol time of 8:20. This family better get up this year i will NOT have a repeat of last year.. AND we will be eating with our friends who moved down there! YAY!

I was very excited for the pre park opening beautiful pictures.. Sadly this is early EMH. I am still going to try to get in early.. I want the pictures!!!

After Breakfast i want to run over to Peter Pan's Flight.. I want to get Pixi Dusted!!! No FP i do want to see the new Queue

then we have FP for:

Then Meg really wants to do this:


Which i am excited for.. Didn't do it last year so it's a must for this year.

I did the FP for:

WISHES!!! I am overly excited! i have not had a great picture of this as of yet.. Time to learn how to layer pictures!

we will hang out afterwards just taking in all the sights sounds and smells of the mighty magic kingdom. Wait for the kiss goodnight!

We did the FP+ for Wishes last month and LOVED it!! I can't say enough good things about it. Especially having an AWFUL experience trying to find a spot near the hub the night before.
I still love this photo, scary clouds and all! :lovestruc

We better be up and ready this year.. We have an ADR for here:

at the ripe ol time of 8:20. This family better get up this year i will NOT have a repeat of last year.
Yes! We have an 8:30am ADR on a non-early EMH day! I'm excited! If my aunt & uncle can't get their butts up, I'm going without them! I need to get my mouth on that that puffed French toast and breakfast lasagna! :cloud9:

People in ponchos on Splash Mountain always cracks me up. Like, really? :rotfl:

Then Meg really wants to do this:

I do too! I did it in September and got shy for some reason. This time I'm gonna try to get picked so I can make a fool out of myself! :thumbsup2

I did the FP for:

WISHES!!! I am overly excited! i have not had a great picture of this as of yet.. Time to learn how to layer pictures!
YAAAAY! I'm planning to do this also! I would prefer a straight direct line-of-sight for my aunt & uncle's first time. But I'm not willing to risk getting stuck with a CRAPPY spot, so I figure this will be okay, even if it's at a slight angle! ::yes::

we will hang out afterwards just taking in all the sights sounds and smells of the mighty magic kingdom. Wait for the kiss goodnight!
I love ending the night this way! :lovestruc
Loving the plans. I got behind again. I need to find a job that allows me more Dis time. I am so excited you get to see the lights. I am sure that it will be a busier year this year, since they announced it was the last year for the lights. I am sure you will have a blast and I can't wait to see your pictures.


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