I just blew it :(


Has a heart bigger then all of
Aug 18, 1999
Ok, I bought two outfits in my new size, and I fit into them, but they look awful...I look like the good year blimp in them. I went daring and got short skirts :( Anyway, it really brought me down, and what did I do?? I blew the diet. I had two chunks of fudge...a mint one and a peice of Rocky Roads :( they were yummy gong down, but now I feel worse....

How about a no cheating club...how many days can you go w/o cheating???

I made it 11 days :( starting over with 1 tomorrow :(
Don't beat yourself up about it. A couple pieces of fudge won't have any effect on your weight loss. Just get right back on program.:D
I bet there's not a person who has tried to lose weight who can't relate to exactly how you are feeling right now. I know I sure can.

I agree, don't let it bring you down. I am the queen of starting over, and I have learned not to beat myself up. Be your own cheerleader, and support yourself the way you would others. If I had posted what you just wrote, what would you have said to me? Learn from this and move on. You didn't blow your diet, because you have lost so much, those few pieces didn't gain back all the wt you lost. close your eyes, and think "I am strong, I am capable, and I AM DOING IT"!!!

Don't beat yourself up over it! Just hope right back on that diet! We've all been there...you can do it!!!:Pinkbounc
GLO......dearheart....please don't beat yourself up over a set-back....:)...look HOW far you've come! :):)...OK...so...you're "HUMAN".....just like on the very first day....when lossing 1 pound seemed nearly impossible.....you WILL overcome this...YOU ....CAN...DO....IT!!!.....if you are climbing a mountain...and after X thousand of feet's climb...you sit down to take a rest...is that a "failure"????....I don't think so. Friday Morning...you're gonna wake up...with a renewed sense of purpose...you're gonna realize that you need to evaluate each thing you put in your mouth with the test...."is this going to help me get closer to my goal"...and then...you'll do...what you need to do....to step closer to where you know you want..and can be!!!

WE BELIEVE IN YOU!!! GO GLO GO!!! :):):):)
Glo honey, I remember when someone posted a picture of you after you weight loss, I believe it was the first DIS Con. I didn't even recognize you, I thought it was someone completely different!

YOU HAVE NOT BLOWN ANYTHING!!! You should be VERY proud of your accomplishment and your willingness to stick to a diet and lose all that weight. I wish I had half that tenacity! O.K., so you ate two measly pieces of fudge, its not the end of the world. Get back on that horse, sister, we KNOW you can do it, we've SEEN the results!!!


Glo....I don't even want to tell you what I ate tonight, emotional eater do I say more:rolleyes: Let's just say it was a lot more. I know tomorrow is another day and I am getting right back on the horse. We all have our days where we 'give in to temptation', but that day is now gone and tomorrow the horse will be riding strong.;)
Glo, that was in the past. Keep your eye on "now". I don't think you blew your diet, you just ate a few carbs you shouldn't have.

{{{HUGS}}} sweetie. You will get past this. Tomorrow is a new day. Look how far you've come so far....you only have a short way to go now and you will do it, I have no doubt.
GLO!! I only have one question for you!! Can I have a piece of that there fudge ;) :eek:

You are doing great! Keep the clothes out where you can see them, you will look wonderful in them when you reach your goal.

((hugs)) you are my hero :)
Glo, a couple of pieces of fudge are only a small indulgence, not a major blowout! I'm sure they were wonderful, and now, you'll have to remember what they tasted like, cause it will be a while till you indulge again, right! :D :D :D

With all you have accomplished so far, you are an inspiration to us all! Hang in there!!!
This eating has to be a way of life that you can live with for the long haul. NOT a 'diet' -- a new way of eating. My new way of eating is low carb with an occasional high carb treat. Those high carb treats are not cheating me ---- they are a new way of life for me. Don't beat yourself up!

My weight loss has been slow --- only 32 pounds since June. BUT it is a weigh of life I know I can live with. I'm back on track again - but will still have that occasional 'treat'. I find that the treats I enjoy now are a side of coleslaw or pickle beets rather than that slice of cake. I surprise even myself sometimes!;)
Glo, sometimes you have to take 1 step backwards in order to take 3 steps forward! Use this small indulgence as a springboard to propel you towards your next goal. Those outfits will look great on you in no time! :D


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