I-77 mountains?


Mar 10, 2001
If anyone who has driven I-77 to Florida could tell me about the "mountains" It would really help me. We usually take 75 straight through from Detroit but am picking up GS in Cleveland. My Sister is very nervous about any kind of mountains and if there are steep drops on the side of the road it may be better to go back to 75. I know it is out of the way but....
I live just south of Cleveland and have driven down 77 many times through the mountains. I can't recall there being any real steep drops that were close to the road. I love the beautiful views and my grandmother always used to tell us that once we hit Fancy Gap (Virginia) it was time to roll down the windows and enjoy the warm southern air. I have lots of great memories of 77, but that is a whole different post. I wouldn't worry about it too much. The toughest part of driving through the mountains is the curvy roads. What scares your sister about the mountains? I am afraid of heights but it never has bothered me to look out into the mountains as we drive by. Maybe try 77 on the trip down and if your sister doesn't care for it go home a different route. Maybe someone else will have better advice for you but I love driving through the mountains.

I don't think you are going too far out of your way by going back to 75. I did some quick calculations (which may be wrong) and it only looks like you would add about an 1 1/2 to 2 hours to your drive time by going 75 rather than 77 to 95.

Good luck with your choice and have a great vacation :)
Thanks so much for your reply. She gets really nervous if it is like a two lane curvy road where it looks like you could just drive off into nothing. Yes, for her it is a height issue. She dosen't mind seeing mountains if it dosen't look like she is going to drive off them. We will be coming back 75 as we plan to stop at a friends house. Am I correct in thinking this is like a 4 lane highway all the way?
Oh, by the way how long does it take you to get from Cleveland to Orlando??

If that's her concern then I wouldn't worry. We've driven it several times & it's my preferred route. Yes it is a 4-lane highway with shoulders so you never feel you're going to drive over a cliff. Believe me, I'm scared of heights and this route doesn't bother me at all. The view is spectacular. I'd describe the feeling as driving through huge hills & valleys not huge mountains.. Enjoy your trip. :)
Yep it is a big 4 lane highway. I have never driven straight through to Orlando, we have realtives who live on the east coast of Florida. I would guess that it takes about 17 hours from Cleveland to Orlando. It always took us about 19 hours to get our relatives and they are about 2 hours past Orlando.

Have a great trip and enjoy the beautiful scenery on your drive.


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