few more?'s about auto train please


Mar 26, 2001
ok hope i don't sound to dumb here , i know we have to sleep on the train so we want to be comfortable but how casual can we dress and still be acceptable for dinner? also how cold will the train be for sleeping should i bring small blanket for dd (5). people don't actually change for sleeping do they ? we did not get a room it was too expensive as we are a family of 6..anything else i need to know about the train i don't really like surprises . anyone i need to tip ?guidelines for tipping amounts ? place to store carry on type luggage?lighting ?should i bing a book light if i want to read late?bathrooms, how many? how close?. anything else?:confused: :confused: thank you tomi
We took the auto train last October! I wouuld say to definitely take a blanket. they do have blankets and pillows for everyone, but an extra blanket would have been nice. As far as the clothing goes, no need to worry about dinner. It isn't really a formal affair. We wore what ever we had on, jeans and t-shirts going down shorts and t-shirts on the way back. You could change into sweats or something before going to sleep, that wouldn't be a probem. As for how far to the bathrooms, I'm not positive, but it depends on where you are sitting. The controls above the seats are just like in a bus, so a light wouldn't be necessary. Try to not have too much stuff to carry on. Take only what you will need. You just store your stuff above. Any other questions, feel free to PM me...

Originally posted by sumfun
ok hope i don't sound to dumb here , i know we have to sleep on the train so we want to be comfortable but how casual can we dress and still be acceptable for dinner? also how cold will the train be for sleeping should i bring small blanket for dd (5). people don't actually change for sleeping do they ? we did not get a room it was too expensive as we are a family of 6..anything else i need to know about the train i don't really like surprises . anyone i need to tip ?guidelines for tipping amounts ? place to store carry on type luggage?lighting ?should i bing a book light if i want to read late?bathrooms, how many? how close?. anything else?:confused: :confused: thank you tomi

Dinner is casual enough you really don't need to worry about it. You will see many persons in shorts or casual pants and sport shirts; some will be a bit more formally attired, depending on where they are coming from or going to (not all Auto-Train passengers are going to Disney or even central Florida).

Many people (sleeping in coach) like to bring a light blanket and often a (larger) pillow, as the ones provided are small. The restrooms in coach are located downstairs, while most of the seats are upstairs in the car. Most persons choose the top level, and car to car passages are from the upper floor, making it more convenient to the diner and lounge cars. The lower level, though, is closer to the restrooms. As Goofys said, try to pack lightly on the train, and leave everything possible in the truck of your car.
thanks for your replies , i feel a lot better about the train now. leaving in 4 days if there is anything else you think i should know before i go i would appreciate it , tomi


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