Do any of you use the big exercise balls?


DIS Veteran
Apr 27, 2000
Maybe it's the kid in me, but these look fun! What areas do they help, if any? The stomach? Thanks for any information.:D
I do an abs class at work that we use the ball in....I really enjoy it. The instructor was telling me last week that there is a Pilates class that uses the ball.
I have a ball, but I haven't really started using it. I need to get out the instructions that came with it to get me started on some exercises. The kids have enjoyed bouncing on it.:D
The trainer at the gym put me on a ball rather than ab equipment. I can honestly say my abs burn every day. It feels like I'm getting more bang for the buck with the ball. You can also do a back strengthening exercise on it.

I know it may be difficult, but could you explain the exercises that you are using? Thanks a bunch!
For crunches, sit on the ball, spread your legs until it is a VERY unladylike position and roll back until your lower back is supported by the ball. The way my trainer put it, "make your stomach as small as you can." Rather than rolling up like a roly-poly, concentrate on making the area from your ribs to your legs as small as you can. If you are doing it right, your abs will be burning before you finish the 3rd one on your first set. OUCH! They say start out with 3 sets of 15. I'm still trying to reach that goal.

The back strengthening exercise is a little easier. Get on your knees in front of the ball and roll forward on it until your stomach is supported by the ball. Your legs will be in another unladylike position, otherwise you'll roll right off. Then do what I call a reverse crunch. An added benefit is that is stretches the abs you were so abusive to just a minute ago. This is 2 sets of 10.

Hope this helps. :)
Thanks for the information. I will give those a try in the morning after I get done walking. Thanks again!

jimmytammy - did you try crunches on the ball?

At first it was difficult to finish 2 sets of 12, but it's getting easier to finish 3 sets and I love the burn. :)
I love the stabilizer ball! You can use it for EVERYTHING!



Even cardio! Try raising the ball over your head then back to your chest, keep alternating and marching or dancing to music! Your heart rate will increase!

My favourite ball exercise (my classes HATE it) is like this: Get yourself into a prone position on the ball; that's tummy on ball, legs open enough for support, not too wide. Roll yourself out until your legs are straight and together and the ball is around your knees. Your arms will be in the straight arm push up position. Make sure that the ball is far down the legs (the knee area is good, play with this position until you feel comfy). Stabilize your straight arms and slowly bring your knees to your chest. The ball will roll down to your lower shins, your back and arms are straight. Slowly straighten your legs until the ball is around your knees again. REPEAT. This is a total body toning exercise. is a site for fitness instructors and enthusiasts. It's got lots of great choreography and a section on stabilizer ball. Good luck! S
donald's daisy-I did try the crunches last night and boy can I tell it today. I couldn't finish two sets of twelve last night, hopefully tonight. You are right, it does burn, I guess the saying "no pain-no gain" has some truth in it.

Thanks for your suggestions!
jimmytammy - how are you doing with the crunches?
I did not do them everyday last week. I was getting slack near the end of the week. I did them this morning and still couldn't get 2 sets of 15's (you don't think they would be that hard until you start doing them), but I will keep working. I am going through some frustration right now. I can't seem to control the snacking like I was able to when I first started losing weight. My goal this week is to do the ball 5 days and the treadmill 3 days. I am also working on snacking on healthy snacks instead of what the children are having. I hope that by setting my goals, I will see them through.

Thanks for checking in on me.
Hmm ... I'm going to try this tonight when I go to the gym. With my luck though, I'll probably slip right off :rolleyes: I'll let you know how it goes!
jimmytammy - hang in there. Some of my motivation disappeared yesterday when I got on that dadblasted scale. Grrrr. I have gained 6 pounds in 2 weeks. SO says it's muscle and that he can tell I'm losing inches but it's discouraging when the scale is going the wrong way!

Instead of having a snack different from your kids, can you change their snacks to something that you would be eating?

bunnyfoo - I slid right off mine the other morning. After I get tired and can barely lift up to do the crunch my balancing act gets quite hilarious.
donald's daisy-I am proud to report that I am able to do the 3 sets of 15. I am not saying it is easy, but I am doing it. When I went to the grocery store, I also picked out fruit and veg's for us to snack on. I bought FF Sour Cream and the Ranch Dip mix and I hope that helps this week with the snacking. Thanks for your encouragement. I am still not losing, but hope that by making changes I will soon see some change. I also got back on the treadmill this morning. I am determined that I am not going back up a pant size. Have a great week.

Yay for you! Keep up the good work! Baby steps will get you there and before you know it, you'll be down a pant size! :teeth:


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