College Program Parents Thread...

Thanks to the awesome AP rates for January, we booked Pop for our pre-check-in celebration! I think I'm going to really like my DD being in the program...more trips for us (we have to visit her, you know!). ;)

:thumbsup2 We are booked at Port Orleans Riverside for our pre-celebration. :thumbsup2 Our first trip as a family was there. Of course back then it was called Dixie Landings. Our dd was 21 months old. NOW we go back to the same resort and she will be 21 years old and starting the college program. :banana: Booked an 8 night stay at Villas Wilderness Lodge for Jan. 20th. :cloud9: I also have a trip booked at Shades of Green from March 31st through April. 7th for 8 nights. I know that week will be crazy busy...but can't stand having 10 days off in Maryland for spring break and not be down there where she is. We are hoping to see her. IF she can't get off a full day...we will visit/work around her schedule. :cool1:
My daughter was just accepted today for hospitality!! Are all apartments in Chatham wellness? I heard they had non-wellness in all of the apartment buildings? Also if she does the roommate match through the CP site do they match her using a survey of her interests etc.. and then give her that persons name ahead of time so they meet up to stand in the "infamous" line on check in day? If she goes random do they just put her in with whoever she is in line with? Does she get to pick which apartment building she wants? Too many questions I know. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

CONGRATS!!!!!! :woohoo:
:thumbsup2 I also have a trip booked at Shades of Green from March 31st through April. 7th for 8 nights. I know that week will be crazy busy...but can't stand having 10 days off in Maryland for spring break and not be down there where she is. We are hoping to see her. IF she can't get off a full day...we will visit/work around her schedule. :cool1:

LOL! You sound like me. We are booked for the check in celebration for Jan 13-18. My younger DD and I will be back down February 17-24 then again March 30-April 6. I'm not sure where we are going to stay for February and March, but I'll figure it out as we go. Even though the March/April trip will be super crowded, it's my younger DD's 18th birthday, so we will have a blast anyway!
My daughter was just accepted today for hospitality!! Are all apartments in Chatham wellness? I heard they had non-wellness in all of the apartment buildings? Also if she does the roommate match through the CP site do they match her using a survey of her interests etc.. and then give her that persons name ahead of time so they meet up to stand in the "infamous" line on check in day? If she goes random do they just put her in with whoever she is in line with? Does she get to pick which apartment building she wants? Too many questions I know. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Congrats on you DD's acceptance! My DD started her CP in August. She has never been so happy! She chose roommates before her arrival. There is no screening process for roommate matching. Basically they put the kids in rooms like they fill a ride. Groups go together, singles get matched with other singles, or smaller groups. It is completely random.

Chatham is a wellness apartment block. Non-wellness rooms are in their own units, at another building. Chatham is the oldest building, from what my DD tells me. They are refurbishing units now. I don't have any comparison info, but my DD reports the rooms are quite large. It is also close to the bus, which is helpful. Hope that helps.
Congrats on you DD's acceptance! My DD started her CP in August. She has never been so happy! She chose roommates before her arrival. There is no screening process for roommate matching. Basically they put the kids in rooms like they fill a ride. Groups go together, singles get matched with other singles, or smaller groups. It is completely random.

Chatham is a wellness apartment block. Non-wellness rooms are in their own units, at another building. Chatham is the oldest building, from what my DD tells me. They are refurbishing units now. I don't have any comparison info, but my DD reports the rooms are quite large. It is also close to the bus, which is helpful. Hope that helps.

Vista Way, Chatham and Patterson are the CP apartment complexes by name. Vista Way is the oldest, Patterson the newest. Each is comprised of a number of buildings and each complex has both wellness and non-wellness.

:cheer2: YAYAYAYAY!! When does she check in? Our dd will check in on Jan. 9th. :dance3:

We aren't sure yet. She was going to accept today, but we have to talk to CP because she will be living at our vacation home...which is 12 minutes from Grand Floridian. So we need to double check couple things before finalizing. She will do program either way...home or housing, but would just prefer the house.
Vista Way, Chatham and Patterson are the CP apartment complexes by name. Vista Way is the oldest, Patterson the newest. Each is comprised of a number of buildings and each complex has both wellness and non-wellness.


hmmmm, makes me wonder about what else I've been told.... kids! Sorry for the misinformation. It's good to have other parents to set things straight. :teacher:
DD has accepted the Jan. 11 arrival day. Do they have any kind of "mixer" type thing for the kids in the first couple days/week?

Parents of former CPs...or CP alumni...what best piece of advice for parents?...for new CP?

Found of last Saturday that my Husband got into the Disney Culinary Program. He was the only one accepted at his school for the Pastry and Baking program for the Spring 2012 round! We have had a rough few years after him being laid off, so he decided to go to culinary school with the exact hopes of being able to work at Disney!

He starts January 9th! He almost didn't accept the position as he was worried about us (we have a son together, age 8). But we talked and decided this is the best thing for him to do to help us and himself in the long run as hopefully it will help his career after he finishes.

He would really like to get hired on full-time after the program, has anyone had this opportunity and did they pay more than the program does? (as we will have to move across country and I will have to find another job)

I am sure I will have a ton of questions prior to him leaving. His one big thing is hoping to get roomates with his same mindset that he is there to work and learn, not party. He is older (36) but still likes to have some fun. He just has different priorities than some of the younger ones who are just starting out. Don't get me wrong, he is a fun guy but also quiet and reserved.

Feel free to message me if your son (or husband) is interested in a roomate! He will be flying in on January 8th.

So excited to join the Disney family, if only for a short time. :yay::yay:

Found of last Saturday that my Husband got into the Disney Culinary Program. He was the only one accepted at his school for the Pastry and Baking program for the Spring 2012 round! We have had a rough few years after him being laid off, so he decided to go to culinary school with the exact hopes of being able to work at Disney!

He starts January 9th! He almost didn't accept the position as he was worried about us (we have a son together, age 8). But we talked and decided this is the best thing for him to do to help us and himself in the long run as hopefully it will help his career after he finishes.

He would really like to get hired on full-time after the program, has anyone had this opportunity and did they pay more than the program does? (as we will have to move across country and I will have to find another job)

I am sure I will have a ton of questions prior to him leaving. His one big thing is hoping to get roomates with his same mindset that he is there to work and learn, not party. He is older (36) but still likes to have some fun. He just has different priorities than some of the younger ones who are just starting out. Don't get me wrong, he is a fun guy but also quiet and reserved.

Feel free to message me if your son (or husband) is interested in a roomate! He will be flying in on January 8th.

So excited to join the Disney family, if only for a short time. :yay::yay:


CONGRATS!!!!!! Our daughter starts the CP on the 9th too. I have to say that whoever rooms with your dh will PROBABLY get some good cooking out of the deal. :)
Since my husband is flying down alone, we plan on sending him on Southwest as he can check 2 bags for free. We plan on stuffing them to their 50lb max per piece (plus there is always the postal service). He is hoping to just collaborate with his new roomates and pool everyones money for the necessities such as food, toaster, coffee maker and stuff that everyone will use. its a shame there isn't a Costco that the bus goes to. It would make the most sense.

Also, if we decide to go down and see him, does he have to be with us in order to get into the parks free or can he just key us in and head to work. I am thinking of visiting over our sons' birthday so that his dad can spend that day with him. (if only part of it).

Which apartments have the washing machines in them? is it Chatham? Also, I read somewhere that they can pay to have disney wash their costumes. Is this correct?

Since my husband is flying down alone, we plan on sending him on Southwest as he can check 2 bags for free. We plan on stuffing them to their 50lb max per piece (plus there is always the postal service). He is hoping to just collaborate with his new roomates and pool everyones money for the necessities such as food, toaster, coffee maker and stuff that everyone will use. its a shame there isn't a Costco that the bus goes to. It would make the most sense.

Also, if we decide to go down and see him, does he have to be with us in order to get into the parks free or can he just key us in and head to work. I am thinking of visiting over our sons' birthday so that his dad can spend that day with him. (if only part of it).

Which apartments have the washing machines in them? is it Chatham? Also, I read somewhere that they can pay to have disney wash their costumes. Is this correct?


Hi! Congratulations to your husband. :cool1: Unfortunately there isn't a Costco in the area. That would be good for bulk food. as far as getting into the parks, he must be with you when you the first park of the day. They print out individual park hoppers, so you can go without him to other parks. One of the rules for the main entrance tickets is that thee cast member must stay with you at all times. However, nobody will know if you don't follow that rule, as long as you don't do anything that could get you in trouble. All of the apartment complexes have washing machines. In Chatham and Patterson it is a laundry area in one building. In Vista there are three washers and three dryers on the first floor of every building. Also, you do not need to pay to have a costume washed. You just drop the costume in a return bin and get a clean one. They will wash it and hang it back up. :thumbsup2
DD has accepted the Jan. 11 arrival day. Do they have any kind of "mixer" type thing for the kids in the first couple days/week?

Parents of former CPs...or CP alumni...what best piece of advice for parents?...for new CP?


There are welcome events for the CPs
DD has accepted the Jan. 11 arrival day. Do they have any kind of "mixer" type thing for the kids in the first couple days/week?

Parents of former CPs...or CP alumni...what best piece of advice for parents?...for new CP?

My DD started in August. There were two groups who began after her group. She and her roomies attended all three welcome parties- all compliments of Disney. They even provide alcohol for those over 21. They also have pool parties and cast only events. All the kids seem very friendly, so your child should not have too much trouble making friends. Good luck, and enjoy! :surfweb:
My DD started in August. There were two groups who began after her group. She and her roomies attended all three welcome parties- all compliments of Disney. They even provide alcohol for those over 21. They also have pool parties and cast only events. All the kids seem very friendly, so your child should not have too much trouble making friends. Good luck, and enjoy! :surfweb:

That's the great thing about the welcome events, you can go even if it's not your arrival date, assuming you are off then.

None of the welcome events, or any of the housing sponsered events that I've ever been to had alcohol at them. Usually there is just pizza and chips and lemonade.
That's the great thing about the welcome events, you can go even if it's not your arrival date, assuming you are off then.

None of the welcome events, or any of the housing sponsered events that I've ever been to had alcohol at them. Usually there is just pizza and chips and lemonade.

:rolleyes: I can never be sure that I'm getting the full/true story. Sorry if I mispoke, and thanks for the clarification!
:beach: I am trying to plan a visit to DW in the spring. :surfweb: I know CP's get some sort of family discount. I'm not sure if the info I am getting from DD is correct, because I don't think she has actually checked yet.:confused3 In any event, I "know" the discount is substantially more, if our DD stays with us, but again, I don't know if she will. Are the discounts on room only? Or can we take advantage of the free dining, and still get a discount? I believe the kids get a limited number of free passes into the parks, but how many, and can you park-hop?

There are several different seasons during that time, too. I would prefer off season, but are the discounts bigger at certain times? Any help would be appreciated by this :worship: very grateful mom. The CM I spoke with said they cannot give out info, except to the CM, even if I know her PERNER. :confused:
:beach: I am trying to plan a visit to DW in the spring. :surfweb: I know CP's get some sort of family discount. I'm not sure if the info I am getting from DD is correct, because I don't think she has actually checked yet.:confused3 In any event, I "know" the discount is substantially more, if our DD stays with us, but again, I don't know if she will. Are the discounts on room only? Or can we take advantage of the free dining, and still get a discount? I believe the kids get a limited number of free passes into the parks, but how many, and can you park-hop?

There are several different seasons during that time, too. I would prefer off season, but are the discounts bigger at certain times? Any help would be appreciated by this :worship: very grateful mom. The CM I spoke with said they cannot give out info, except to the CM, even if I know her PERNER. :confused:

Resort discounts are "room only." Your daughter has to make the room reservations herself on the Hub. The discount does vary , but can be as much as 50%. In addition, she will have to physically go to the resort to show her ID sometime within a day or so of your arrival.

No, you cannot get Free Dining if you use a CM discount on the room.

Your daughter can get a limited number of people in for free while she is on the program. I do not remember exactly, but I think it was 6 days total and up to 4 (or 6?) people each day. What can make this difficult is that she must be present with you when you enter your first park each day. Once you enter, you do get a Park Hopper for the day- so you can go anywhere from there. They only give you one days' pass at a time. So, if she is scheduled to work one (or more) morning, you will have to buy your own tickets that day or maybe do non-park activities. She cannot leave her job to come let you into the park.
My son often did not know his schedule until the week prior. So for planning nuts like me- it would be far too stressful not knowing what I could do on which days. But DH and I have Annual Passes anyway- so we never have used his Main Gate Pass.
Another option might be to purchase non-expiring PH passes and that way you'd have whatever days you didn't use available for another trip.

Hope that helps!
:beach: I am trying to plan a visit to DW in the spring. :surfweb: I know CP's get some sort of family discount. I'm not sure if the info I am getting from DD is correct, because I don't think she has actually checked yet.:confused3 In any event, I "know" the discount is substantially more, if our DD stays with us, but again, I don't know if she will. Are the discounts on room only? Or can we take advantage of the free dining, and still get a discount? I believe the kids get a limited number of free passes into the parks, but how many, and can you park-hop?

There are several different seasons during that time, too. I would prefer off season, but are the discounts bigger at certain times? Any help would be appreciated by this :worship: very grateful mom. The CM I spoke with said they cannot give out info, except to the CM, even if I know her PERNER. :confused:

Hi! The discounts for the room can sometimes include the dining, but not always. It depends on the season, and what kind of specials they are running. It is best to find this out by calling. Also, the free passes are park hoppers. She can use them up to six times during her program, and each time she uses them she can bring up to three people in with her. Any other tickets that she need she can buy at Company D for about 10% off. Discounts on rooms definitely do vary by the season. The best discounts are usually during lower attendance times, but that can sometimes change too.


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