Chemical alley 2nd Gen RP 2

Gwendolyn: "What abs? As for your face, we spent most of our time here kissing, so foforgive me for not memorizing it."
Gwendolyn: "What abs? As for your face, we spent most of our time here kissing, so foforgive me for not memorizing it."

David: He smiled. "Yeah, I don't have abs. I totally get it, sweetheart. We did spend a lot of time kissing." He laughed, slightly embarrassed.

Gwendolyn: "Oh. Aww, thank you. I love you too."

OOC: You know, if either of us wants to bring back 1st generation characters, this might be a good time to do it, in Chemical Alley
Gwendolyn: "Oh. Aww, thank you. I love you too."

OOC: You know, if either of us wants to bring back 1st generation characters, this might be a good time to do it, in Chemical Alley

OOC: True. How should we go about doing it?

David: He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her.
OOC: There's different ways. We could have David and Gwen find them while walking in the woods. We could have the people find them, perhaps they're injured and were looking for help or something.

Gwen: She kissed him back.
OOC: Okay.

David: He leaned against the tree and pulled her to him.

Marina: She and Alex ran towards them. "Help! We found a girl-there's a spear through her throat! She's still alive! We've gotta go something!"

David: "Angela...?"
Caleb: He slowly blinked his eyes open. It felt like it had been a lifetime, a forever. He glanced to his left and saw Robin a few feet away. He got up and staggered toward her. "Robin..."

Robin: She heard a voice and woke up. "What's...what's going on?" she slurred.

Caleb: "I don't know, Robin, but we need to go." He pulled her up.

Robin: "Okay," she mumbled.


Perry: Far away from where people in Chemical Alley had begun and the territory they knew, Perry lived. He'd never gone back, but rather sequestered himself deeper in the woods. But people were stirring again, coming back. He was debating on whether to find and meet them.


Monica: She was unconscious, in stasis, frozen until her lord and master called upon her to be his weapon again.
OOC: Reading my last post over, Monica's sounds like she has a boss or some idea of who's running the show. If you want to run with that I'll leave it in but if you don't want to I can change it
Gwendolyn: "Wait - what? A girl as in Angela?"

Marina: "I don't know! We need to help her!"

David: He followed Marina to Angela.

Angela: Her eyes were glazed over, months worth of regenerated blood still dripping down her chin. She twitched every few moments.

David: "Oh my god."

OOC: I like it.
Marina: "I don't know! We need to help her!"

David: He followed Marina to Angela.

Angela: Her eyes were glazed over, months worth of regenerated blood still dripping down her chin. She twitched every few moments.

David: "Oh my god."

OOC: I like it.
OOC: Okay then.

Gwendolyn: "It is Angela!"
David: "She's a death. She kidnapped Trent and Kennedy. She deserves to be there."

Marina: "We need to help her! Two of my best friends are deaths too! She can change!" She carefully pulled the spear out of the girl's neck.

Angela: She gasped and fell to the ground, bleeding out.

Marina: She grabbed some bandages from inside a bag and started to wrap up the girl's neck.

David: He watched, clutching Gwen's hand.

Angela: She looked up at them with dull, grey eyes. "Y-you monsters..."


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