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  1. T

    Confessions of an Overeater

    If you absolutely do not think you can break your affinity for food of the junk variety, you may have some success with the Leangains and Carb Backloading programs. The sites make it seem like they are for athletes, and they do indeed work for the population, but you may find the protocols a...
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    Anyone follow Eat More 2 Weigh Less?

    It can certainly be difficult to reframe food psychologically as nothing more than fuel for our bodies; much of modern society seems to be based around particular eating traditions. I commend you for paying attention to what your particular triggers can be too, gathering as much information...
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    100 pounds to WDW!!! (comments welcome!!)

    It sounds to me like you might be under-eating, and it's possible that what you really need isn't LESS food but MORE. When was the last time you took a week off from "dieting"? Sometimes a good re-feed is what it takes to break through a stubborn plateau. Also, get off that darn scale for a...
  4. T

    The concept of circuit work for general body composition goals is proven and sound, so you've stumbled across a great form of exercise to achieve results. However the pace and the form gives me pause, I hope you scale the workouts accordingly and don't feel the need to keep up with the workouts...
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    Anyone follow Eat More 2 Weigh Less?

    I've not used the program, but I did just read a little about it and it seems well structured. I wish you continued success! I commend you for wanting to stay off the scale, many a successful program has been derailed by the weight monitoring efforts of dieters. It's usually important to...

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