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    What do the boys wear for shoes?

    My boys wear sneakers to the parks and wear crocs around the resort.
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    Experiences with going End of Sept-early Oct?

    We went late Sept 2009. The crowds weren't that bad but it was CRAZY hot. DS1 was only 5 months at the time and it was so uncomfortable.
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    Are You Disney Obsessed?

    Yeah most people around me don't get it. People look at DH and I like we are crazy. Disney is the main topic of conversation in our house.
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    What food do you bring?

    Crackers, cookies, fruit pouches, granola bars, tuna pouches, raisins, applesauce cups, lots of fresh fruit (we drive), oatmeal, cereals, gatorade, and then small treats (mostly candy) as rewards for waiting in lines nicely.
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    Backpack or drawstring bag?

    I never go with a bag unless it have a zipper. Between being shoved under strollers or in rides, it always gets turned over. I would have to lose something.

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