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  1. Willowwind

    Trailer for 'King Arthur'

    Well I must admit amongst the throngs of medievalists I know, I'm a 16th Century gal, so arguing the merits of a 6th Century hero isn't my strong point. I happen to believe in King Arthur and several of the symbologies surrounding him and his mythos. I firmly believe that his legend stands...
  2. Willowwind

    Trailer for 'King Arthur'

    dzneelvr, how do you figure a King Arthur Movie is a remake of LOTR when the ledgends of Arthur have been told since the Middle Ages!?!?! Bob O, As for a market for the movie, ever hear of the SCA? It's a 90,000 member medieval reenactment organization spread in every state of the union and...
  3. Willowwind

    Orange or grapefruit - front or back

    My husband worries about stuff like that too. I wanted to plant grapes along a chain link fence that we have, and he thought that they would get stolen. ::shrug:: Must be a guy thing. I would plant an orange tree, I *love* the smell of orange blossoms. :-)
  4. Willowwind

    Autumn Begins

    Wonderful Mabon story Snowwark, I was very happy to find it here!! As the 2nd harvest festival, my family celebrates Mabon as a time of reflection and thanksgiving for all the earth provides.
  5. Willowwind

    Outdoor decor for Fall?

    Look! I'm still; alive :earsgirl: August and September were rotten months for us, deaths, car accidents, injury and a fibromyalgia diagnosis. It just sucked. But now Fall has come and soon it will be a new year. I'm very happy about that! With our new house I've *finally* gotten to...
  6. Willowwind

    Just how do you get rid of Ivy ???

    LoL... my hubby has really been into burning things off this year to get rid of unwanteds in difficult areas. If your house is brick you could cut the ivy, rip it down, then burn the base plant. Of course, if it's not brick, I wouldn't try this.
  7. Willowwind

    A Monarch.....FINALLY!

    Ooooo... very nice :-) Since we've moved up to Rockford we've seen tons of Butterflies this summer. They just weren't around where we moved from like they are here. Maybe I'll have to plant a butterfly bush or two to encourage them to stop by our house. How tall do they get?
  8. Willowwind

    So did ya know what today is??? It's someones BIRTHDAY!!!

    Oh, I'm late, but it's the thought that counts. :-) Happy Birthday Kim, I hope that it was magical. :-)
  9. Willowwind

    Monarchs for Swallowtail thread

    I'm a calligrapher and artist who works in the medieval style, so I frequently have black ink all over my fingers. Hence, it's said that us scribes have "sable thumbs". Much to my dismay, my DH Grumpy is right, and mine extends to the garden as well. I can design a garden, I can plant a...
  10. Willowwind

    Monarchs for Swallowtail thread

    I love this forum, it's been *so* informative even with me only being on it the past few weeks! This weekend we went out foraging and came home with 10 pints of wild blackberries. While we were deep in the bramble we saw several Swallow tails and I was able to identify them for my kids...
  11. Willowwind

    Plants to Share

    Well, I don't quite understand your post, but I do think that it was pretty rude of your neighbors to be so critical of your garden. Unless you're sellling your home don't worry about what others think. Simply plant the garden that speaks to your heart and enjoy it.
  12. Willowwind

    any one else flying and worried?

    Huckster, I gave up my Dec 2001 Anniversary trip for fear of flying. The kids weren't coming with us and I just couldn't do it. I held out until a week before the flight, everything was paid for, but when it came down to go, I just couldn't. We canceled everything, the unused tickets are...
  13. Willowwind

    Rust Fungus, GggrRrRrrr.....

    Well, it's been very wet here of late. Warm days, cool nights, and with my husbands work schedule we just haven't gotten the lawn mowed for about 2 weeks. We went out yesterday, and we've been invaded by a bloom of rust fungus all over the lawn. I'm not a real happy camper about this...
  14. Willowwind

    GIANT Pumpkins (Updated - Pics!)

    So, do all pumpkins take up that much space, or just the giant ones?
  15. Willowwind

    With some luck!

    Whoo hoo!! Yeah Mamu! No more pines and bare backed brutes to boot!!:smooth:
  16. Willowwind

    With some luck!

    Good luck Mamu! Watch out for the pointy bits. I was trimming some pine boughs last week and a branch whiped up and caught me across the neck. You would have thought someone tried to kill me!
  17. Willowwind

    um, so what do y'all know about Pixar?

    That would be pretty rude, don't you think? I mean really, on the internet no body knows if you're a dog, and that's the beauty of it for many. It's often hard to get honest opinions if people are concerned about "who you are". Just enjoy the fact that they do hear us. :smooth:
  18. Willowwind

    Happy August!

    Thanks Mermaid! SHeesh! I thought that July would never end, I'm happy to see the calander change at last.
  19. Willowwind

    Holiday Buds

    I'm pouting now. :( I *really* need a vacation, but after buying this house in April there's just no extra funds. Everybody have fun, and have a drink for me. :earsgirl:
  20. Willowwind

    GIANT Pumpkins (Updated - Pics!)

    Very Cool Drat! I second the question about the blocks. What are they for?

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