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  1. C

    Baby taken from parents who want second opinion

    You need to read the whole story, you missed huge chunks of it. The child originally went in to the hospital for flu like symptoms. The child has a murmur and it's not uncommon for heart issues to mimic the flu in some ways. The nurse tried to give antibiotics, they said no. The dr...
  2. C

    Thoughts on birthday party for teens.

    When I was that age we didn't do big parties anymore. Usually you MAYBE had five friends and went to a movie or out for pizza etc. Having anything more then that seems indulgent. If it was a sweet 16 then ok, maybe something a bit bigger but still, back in the 80's we just wanted to hang...
  3. C

    Names that you strongly dislike

    I'm not a fan of anything made up or super trendy. Aimee is not a made up spelling, it's the french spelling. I like names that are traditional and simple or names that are a bit elegant. I'd rather know a bunch of girls named Sophie, Ava and Louise then a bunch of Madison's, McKayla's...
  4. C

    Names that you strongly dislike

    Disagree. I think it's rather pretty and one of my favorite singers(from Ireland) has the name.
  5. C

    Warning - Thanksgiving Family Political Discussions are Coming!

    We're supposed to spend it with my dad and my siblings. Let's just say they're all one side, I'm on the other. I told my husband I'd rather stay home, because my dad will not give up an opportunity to either be mad or gloat depending on the outcome. Also, I've been avoiding him like mad...
  6. C

    Should I say/do something?

    I agree with all of this. There is something seriously wrong here that the girl feels this is the method by which she needs to gain atttention by. She probably isn't sexually active but she thinks by saying these things people might think she was cool, only what she said backfired and now...
  7. C

    Chicago suburbanites. I need some suggestions

    I always forget about that place! I really need to try that one of these days! Yeah I have no good ideas for indoors for a girl that age. Most of the indoor things around here(Naper area) are for younger kids. Yorktown mall is indoors, they have a really nice movie theater just outside the...
  8. C

    Cutting someone out of your life

    To add: One reason why advocate the going to the husband: How many stories do you read about in the paper of a mother who is experiencing depression issues but whose husband was kept so far in the dark(sometimes they saw it but kept their heads in the sand) until they snapped? Way too...
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    Cutting someone out of your life

    Because none of the woman's behaviour is the sign of someone mentally stable. There are always signs that things are progressively getting worse with someone, this is the first one. The obsessiveness, the stalking, the anger, the showing up unannounced. When is it going to end? Because it...
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    Perimenopause is making me INSANE!

    yes, yes yes!! ALL of the above!! I can't tell you how happy I am to find this thread. I feel like I've been going nuts lately. My hormones have been all over the joing. My cycle feels wonky. I barely get finished with my period and then I'm starting to ovulate. And my periods are short...
  11. C

    Can you break your pinkie toe?

    Last january I broke the pinkie toe and the one next to it. The one next to it had it the worst. The pinkie healed quick but the other one was a mess and took forever to heal. I was in a boot for two months and a shoe for a month before that. It kept getting bumped and stepped on so much it...
  12. C

    Chicago Public Schools/Teachers Strike.......

    This is rather nasty.
  13. C

    Chicago Public Schools/Teachers Strike.......

    Wow. I'm speechless by this. I hope to god you've never worked in education or know anyone who does. I also hope you don't have a jobyou like/worked hard in for years. Because not having tenure to teachers is the equivalent of working a steady paying job in a company you've been with...
  14. C

    Chicago Public Schools/Teachers Strike.......

    I think we're in agreement then with the below. It is the system and it isn't going to change unless someone does something about or fights what it is now. Nothing changes without a fight, especially when you have someone like Rahm calling the shots. It sounds to me like there is a gross...
  15. C

    Chicago Public Schools/Teachers Strike.......

    I have friends down there on the picket line. Friends that have been teaching in CPS for years. Friends who have kids in CPS. It's a cluster of a mess, CPS. I lived in the city for several years, my son went to K-2 at an elementary school in Lincoln Park. Supposedly one of the top public...
  16. C

    A question for parents that home school

    This is EXACTLY what I was going to say! How does this neighbor know this child can't read or write? Have they been with them as they try to write, did she ask the child to read to her? Perhaps the child has a learning disability that no one but the family is aware of and they move at...
  17. C

    Appropriate clothing for 10th grade boy?

    Yup, this. I live in a pretty upper middle class town and after roaming the halls of my son's HS I'll tell you that tees and jeans are the absolute normal. I don't think I've ever seen a polo on a boy. Even when I was in high school in the 80's. eesh.
  18. C

    Who pays? - UPDATE page 5

    Yup this!! He has no right to say that to you. I'd be furious. Heck, my ex has done similar and I keep reminding him he pays me under the table(it used to be legal but I ceased it for a while when kid lived with his dad more often, but now he's with me 90% of the time. We can't afford...
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    Will ferrell almost kills co star (or a really bad joke from them)

    I heard the whole story is a plant, it was a joke Farrell and Galifinakis put together and put out there to see the response. It never really happened. But the media's pretty stupid and will often report things later without realizing it's been explained or retracted already.
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    Say no to Wi-Fi (be kind)

    Ok, I can't even GET past this page but I'm going to comment on this one. The reason you feel better elsewhere is because there is something wrong with the interior of the house. Probably mold. More then LIKELY Mold. Mold can wreck havoc with your body in so many ways it's not even...

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