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  1. SweetTinkerbelle

    Disney Online Studios President!

    I'd be willing to do anything to get VMK back. I live in Tennessee and my cousin, Taylor (SilverBubble) lives in another state. We connected through VMK, she was always on and so was I. We were Tink and Bubbles.. But now that it's gone we can only connect through e-mail and phone, which just...
  2. SweetTinkerbelle

    Funny VMK Memories ( Ya'll ) :D

    Yeah.. I'm doing all I can to try and find Cool and even AceGirlJennie. They were my best friends other than Alien but I have her MSN. The two people I knew I would miss the most and I didn't even try to keep in touch.. I feel terrible.
  3. SweetTinkerbelle

    Funny VMK Memories ( Ya'll ) :D

    Well we were free hug buddies and I started reallllyyyy liking him. But when VMK closed I lost all contact with him. We were always together..
  4. SweetTinkerbelle

    Funny VMK Memories ( Ya'll ) :D

    Me and Ace were fighting over Cool. XD Welll Cool's hat and the lamp behind it explains it all... Cool loved the call people fool. I miss him... Correction, I reallllyyy miss him!
  5. SweetTinkerbelle

    A Bittersweet Return... Winkler's TR ~ Many Pics! Our time is over!

    Just found this tr yesterday, and I just caught up. I wanted to say that I'm sorry for your loss of little Levi, he sure was a handsome little boy. Keeping you and your wonderful family in my thoughts!
  6. SweetTinkerbelle

    The Song That reminded you most of vmk

    Home by Switchfoot. Link to song - It just makes me think of VMK and makes me very sad... But it is a good song though.
  7. SweetTinkerbelle

    Virtual Family Kingdom Thread

    I remember pre-registering, but now I can't seem to remember it. And when I try to "register" it wants me to put in the name I signed up with and my e-mail. Why would I be registering if I knew what name I signed up under..? Well when I put in my e-mail and SweetTinkerbelle (because I guess I...
  8. SweetTinkerbelle

    A Glimmer Of Hope.

    I'm hoping it's true, and that if it is, my dad has the money to pay for it since we're in trouble with the bank. This is to hard to handle. Nothing can compare to VMK..
  9. SweetTinkerbelle

    State Of Shock

    Whoah! I didn't have the dream, but that is very freaky! I can say that I had the WORST sleep last night, though. I woke up about every thirty minutes, turned over, stayed awake for five minutes, fell asleep again. I hated it. And I had semester exams today, so that wasn't all to great for me...
  10. SweetTinkerbelle

    VMK Down.

    It's back! Woo!
  11. SweetTinkerbelle

    Warning! Protect your avatar...

    It's happening again today. I was in my friends room with another friend and the other friend said she was leaving but her avatar stayed there until VMK kicked us all off.
  12. SweetTinkerbelle

    Please, help me, Please!!

    I'll be nice and post to help move things along.. Congrats to who ever gets it!
  13. SweetTinkerbelle

    Winner! Congrats Mnemeth! :)

    702 (If thats already been guessed, my bad, I didn't read the whole thread.)
  14. SweetTinkerbelle

    Where to go after VMK?

    Honestly, I think all other games are just wastes of time! VMK was that one of a kind experience, nothing can ever fill that void.
  15. SweetTinkerbelle

    We made the news Florida channel 13 interview 4/30!!!

    I just want to say thanks so much for getting this all together and doing this for all of the VMK addicts. :D I use VMK to talk to my cousin Taylor who lives in another state than I do, and we'd be very upset if VMK got closed down! So this really makes me feel like there might be an teeny...
  16. SweetTinkerbelle

    I Just got Gimp

    I got GIMP around the beginning of December, and I had no idea who to use it. Just play around with it, you'll get the hang of it. Other than that, I'm not sure what to say.

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