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  1. onesadduck

    DD's boyfriend fighting Ewing's Sarcoma

    :grouphug: I'm so sorry. Keeping the family and your daughter in my prayers, tonight.
  2. onesadduck

    My thoughts on Gay Marriage: From a young man from East Texas.

    When people tell me this, my argument is that if that is the case, then any legal recognition of marriage is unconstitutional. Only, it's not. There are many legal and tax benefits (as you mentioned) to marriage that have nothing to do with religion. Also, if marriage is purely religious, then...
  3. onesadduck

    I am so sorry that this woman is even being given air time

    Okay, I'm a total lurker and none of you know me- sorry if this is weird. OrlandoMike, that was great! Can I have your permission to print that out read it to my GSA (crediting you, of course)? I've always wondered about how people with such murky histories can run on "family values" platforms...
  4. onesadduck

    26yr. old DS diagnosed with congestive heart failure **UPdate**

    I'm am so sorry for that awful diagnosis! Do they know why? I have known a few people with CHF that all lived, but in those cases the doctors just treated it and did not give them an estimate of how much time they have left. I pray that they find a way to fix your son's CHF. Is he a candidate...
  5. onesadduck

    TSA- how to prepare my son

    The role-playing you have been doing sounds great! When we had to prepare a kid I babysit for airport security the first time (he has ASD and was 5 1/2) we told a lot of social stories, but I think role playing is even more helpful. We told him things like "Before we get to the airplane, you...
  6. onesadduck

    Holding myself back

    Ooo boy, do I know that feeling. And I'm a chronic complainer (though I try to limit it to my journal and therapist). I realized how bad it got when my (now ex) friend told me she had the precursor to lupus, and she went on and on for weeks about how she would have to change her life to avoid...
  7. onesadduck

    pressed quarters at DL?

    Yup. I remember Haunted Mansion/Nightmare Before Christmas pressed quarters. They were $1.25 as I recall. I'm not sure how many machines there are (that might be the only quarter machine). By the way, I use lemon juice or hot sauce to clean my pennies. They are all nice and shiny! ETA: The NBC...
  8. onesadduck

    Ways to cope with grief

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I definitely agree. My sister died in March, and I still have quite a few bad days. I know all about chocolate- a combination of it and a thyroid problem cuased me to gain 50 lbs after she died- don't go down that road. Things that work for me: Writing in a...
  9. onesadduck

    I lost a friend today...

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is to lose someone who is physically far away but emotionally very close. You just want to go there and make it right. :grouphug: HUGS :grouphug: I hope you will be able to attend the services.
  10. onesadduck

    August 2008 - who's going?

    I'll be at Pop 8/12-8-18 Neither my BFF or I have ever been t WDW before, so we're really excited! Though I'm way more obsessed than she is.
  11. onesadduck

    Anyone know about Autonomic Dysfunction?

    I feel like I should have some great wealth of information here as my little sister had Familial Dysautonomia. Don't look at my sig and think "Oh no! She died young, I will, too!" because she obviously had a different dysfunction than you have. If you had FD, you'd have known long ago, and would...
  12. onesadduck

    Sci-fi Drive-in???

    Hi, not to hi-jack this thread, but I have some questions about sci-fi (and ADRs in general). My BFF does not want to go here because of the mixed reviews. She says she goes to restaurants for food not atmmosphere. I still kind of want to go. I just want to go for drinks and apetizers, though...
  13. onesadduck

    Pop century, who's going?

    Just booked Aug 12-18 '08. It'll be the first trip for both my BFF and me! I am so excited (and so obsessed). POP looks so fun!
  14. onesadduck

    Prayers please for DH

    My uncle had quadruple bypass surgery 15 years ago and came out fine. The medical technology has improved a lot since then- that makes me think the outcome will be positive for your DH (and my uncle was in terrible shape beforehand). :grouphug: Sending prayers and good thoughts for your DH. I...
  15. onesadduck

    Pregnancy Issues... first time.

    :grouphug: Major hugs to you! I'm so sorry you have to go through this, and with a mother who sounds less than supportive. You had every right to miss a day of school after this! I've never been through a miscarriage myself, but a friend of mine did have one recently. She was 7 weeks along, and...
  16. onesadduck

    Some days, I just hate Asperger's...

    Just need to vent- I hope this is okay here. Erg. I went to Target today with my mom. I should preface with the fact that even though my psychiatrist recently said I have high-functioning Asperger's (she says if I have to practice my facial expressions- something is wrong besides depression)...
  17. onesadduck

    What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

    I'm thankful for: -my family to come home to. -my parents who have been so supportive. -the fact that I've never had go without food. -things that make me smile or laugh.
  18. onesadduck

    Antidepressant help

    Thank you all so much for caring, it really helps to know so many people care. I am doing 10x better now. I am on wellbutrin and have started treatment for hypothyroidism (which definitely contributed to my blobiness). I am at home right now, taking a break from cooking pumpkin soup, sweet...
  19. onesadduck

    Dis Book Club?!

    Ditto. And if I can't join, I'll read the book anyway! Mwahahaha! I'm so evil;)
  20. onesadduck

    Son w/Asperger's started middle school- Update Page 6

    Congrats! Good to see things turning out well. I must say, in almost every case I've seen, the second a lawyer is called in, the school district straightens up and flies right.

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