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  1. L

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Inside The Fire - Disturbed
  2. L

    Rate that movie

    9, Better than I expected. The Corpse Bride
  3. L

    Hot or not?

    HOT!!!! Monday Mornings
  4. L

    A very sad day -your thoughts and prayers are needed

    First before I start I'll give you bit of a backstory, I heard about it yesterday after doing my newspapers as you can imagine floods of tears quickly filled my eyes and his family and the podcast teams have been in my hearts and prayers since. My condolences to Diana and Brian and all there...
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    Huge High School Musical 2: Sing It All or Nothing & 3 News

    (Don't kill me but) If the original cast are not in it, I may just see it, it depends what they make out of a the halloween plot. Maybe this could be Disney once again just milking a film franchise for all its worth.
  6. L

    Random/Wacky Movie Facts!

    Pirates of the carribean: At Worlds End They started Filming without a finished script The crew built a sixty foot replica of the front half of the Black Pearl on the back of a semi trailer in the salt flats of Utah for a shoot with the Shadow of the Pearl. The shoot was scheduled for 19...
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    I Was Braced!!!!

    I've had braces in for just over a month and their already saying I should only need them for another few months before I can have them out!!! The 1 and a half years is only a estimate and isn't right most of the time. I was supposed too have mine in for 3 years. LOL
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    walt and nazism?

    I thought Disney created an anti-nazi video? correct me if i'm wrong please
  9. L


    The only concert I have saw in a long time is LORDI and that was last year. I really should get out more but oh well :) ...

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