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  1. shadowypirate

    New PPR Walls Under Bella's Special

    Did you see what it said in the newsletter under Ned's about those walls? For a limited time, these Peter Pan Ride Neverland backgrounds will be on Sale at the Emporium under "Bella's Special!" These items are featured in this week's new Room Makeover. You ain't kidding it's a limited...
  2. shadowypirate

    Need Help !!!

    Think i had this happen before. I believe it was a password problem. Check the site for "forgot my password".
  3. shadowypirate

    New event info

    Did anyone see this in the event info section of the newsletter? Right now see never before seen conceptual art of released and unreleased magic items in the VMK Gallery. Plus, plan to visit the VMK Gallery on Thursday, February 28th and Friday, February 29th from 3-5pm PST to chat with...
  4. shadowypirate

    2-22 Close in A Days' Got Boxes? ;)

    Ever see that old arcade game, Qbert?
  5. shadowypirate

    Can Anyone Help Me Fix This??

    1. buy more memory for your computer. 2. Don't multitask while playing vmk. 3. Reboot before playing vmk
  6. shadowypirate

    Top Hat Trivia Quest Sat 1/26/08

    It would be nice to get a message from VMK saying this, thanks for the notice people.
  7. shadowypirate

    Can't Get In!!! Now IM IN MERGED

    ok, who forgot to put the batteries in the server?
  8. shadowypirate

    Can't Get In!!! Now IM IN MERGED

    They way i see it, there's a few possible reasons for them not to be open. 1. We have a new time zone. 2. They are updating something. 3. There's a problem with the updates 4. There's just a general problem with the logon server. 5. They put Hula in charge of turning on the logon server.
  9. shadowypirate

    Can't Get In!!! Now IM IN MERGED

    And Aengus is not a queen, at least i don't think so.
  10. shadowypirate

    Can't Get In!!! Now IM IN MERGED

    I'm in..........Joking. LOL
  11. shadowypirate

    Can't Get In!!! Now IM IN MERGED

    That's it, i want my money back....oh wait.
  12. shadowypirate

    Decorations are down, new splash screen

    Wow, this the new magic month? Maybe everything new for sale is invisible.
  13. shadowypirate

    Hula's Magic Pin Switch Trick 1/14 MERGED

    Pin trade events are always going to be to a limited number of people, we know that. Even if they did 1 person a minute, that's 180 for a 3 hour event, 120 for a 2 hour event. True, some hosts are late, but they pretty much stay to finish the quoted time period. If i was going to go into a...
  14. shadowypirate

    Wonder what that means, sounds fun though.

    Notice the red hat? Maybe that will be on sale or a prize.
  15. shadowypirate

    Free Santa Ears

    There's a new message on VMK home page that if you play VMK tomorrow, Christmas, you will get free Red Santa Ears.
  16. shadowypirate

    Todays Challenge!

    That's ok, save it for ppl who don't have fireworks magic.
  17. shadowypirate

    Todays Challenge!

    i stink at fireworks, lol
  18. shadowypirate

    Todays Challenge!

    Ok, here's what i do. I buy a lot of the christmas presents from small world. Then i sit in the pirates treasure room. I wait for a guest who gets an empty then give them a present.
  19. shadowypirate

    Todays Challenge!

    I said hello to all the ladies on VMK, does that count?

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