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  1. D

    How is this NOT racist?

    I'm all for diversity, but I can't understand how the President of a university could possibly believe this is an appropriate thing to say. “In the decades ahead, should we be as white as we are today, we will be relentlessly driven toward mediocrity; or, become a sad shadow of our current...
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    Social Security, Treasury target taxpayers for their parents’ decades-old debts

    Just saw that on the local news. How terrible. I hope this is resolved quickly. As far as our government being hard up for money goes....maybe they should stop giving our money away to countries that despise us :confused3
  3. D

    This is why so many people arm themselves.

    NO one or group has the right, under any circumstances, to take matters into their own hands. If your logic held true, then every family member of the victims of 9/11 should have the "right" to beat the hell out of any Muslim they see walking the streets. The man who accidentally struck the...
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    Nick Cannon - Whiteface

    He IS a racist. For what it's worth, NO ONE should be poking fun at any race these days. Black or white. It's just an incredibly stupid thing to do in these very overly-sensitive days that we live in.
  5. D

    Nick Cannon - Whiteface

    I remember that. He also did a similar skit on SNL. Those were different times, IMO. I don't remember the races being as divided back then, as they are now. Things have gotten much, much worse in recent years, thanks to people who enjoy fueling the fires. I was not offended by Nick...
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    Tell me how you successfully snagged a Cabana!

    Soon, I'll be at the 90-day point, and I BELIEVE that's the time I can go online and try to rent a Cabana, yes? Should I stay up 'til midnight to do it? Any suggestions? My kids will be thrilled with a Cabana, so I'm going to do everything I can to get one!
  7. D

    Is there a "downside" to filing personal bankruptcy?

    We're giving serious consideration to doing this, and were wondering if anyone knows of a reason not to. In the past few months, I know three people who have done this, and everything seems to be, well, pretty good! 1. A family member just filed, after incurring $57,000.00 worth of credit...
  8. D

    Can getting a flu shot actually BRING ON the flu?

    DH has been getting yearly flu shots from his employer for the past 10 years. And for the past ten years, like clockwork, he get the full blown flu about 7-10 days immediately following the shot. I can only conclude that a - he perhaps has the beginnings of the flu when he gets the...
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    Auto Industry in Crisis:should we bail

    I can understand bailing them out, but I think the unions should be forced out. JMHO, but unions were necessary back in the day, but no more. Get rid of the unions, and then you may see profitability in the auto industry.
  10. D

    This Brit has it Right (regarding our election)

    And how is she absurd and ridiculous? Oh, wait, I know....because she's calling Obama on all his sins. If she wrote a similar article about McCain, you'd be singing a different song. The author is telling the truth. It's sad that you Obama supporters are so drawn in that you still refuse...
  11. D

    Presidential Election - Who is going to win

    Hopefully McCain. I don't want a radical to preside over my country.
  12. D

    This Brit has it Right (regarding our election) I especially love her last sentence. Pretty much sums up the whole thing.
  13. D

    Is any of this true (re: Obama)?
  14. D

    Who Am I?

    I am under 45 years old I love the outdoors I hunt I am a Republican reformer I have taken on the Republican Party establishment I have many children I have a spot on the national ticket as vice president with less than two years in the governor's office...
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    Columnist predicts race war if Obama loses

  16. D

    Sex-abuse charges dropped over lag in finding interpreter

    HIS right to a speedy trial????? Obviously Judge Savage believes the little girls' rights are not as valuable or important as our African guest. I'm so sick of this nonsense. What do you think the odds are that he now suddenly speaks fluent English? Sex offenders are the lowest of low...
  17. D

    Helpful Information For You Updated 03/30/2012

    THANK YOU!!! :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3:
  18. D

    Interesting thread over on the "Rumors and News" board...

    I thought this was both interesting and maddening when I read this....
  19. D

    Does anyone have a recipe for Fruit Pizza?

    Mmmm - that is a great idea. I already make that as regular fruit dip. Thanks!
  20. D

    Does anyone have a recipe for Fruit Pizza?

    I'm not really even sure if that's the right name for this. It's a huge sugar cookie with some sort of cream cheese topping, then fruit. If you have a recipe you could share, I'd really appreciate it. I'm thinking about making one for Easter. Thanks!

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