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  1. TurboKitty

    Help a baby idiot, please.

    Oh yes, definitely Orajel! And, btw, Desitin was the stuff we hated. Loathed, couldn't stand, abhorred. Very sticky, gloopy stuff, that never seemed to make the rashes any better. Plus, it seemed like we had to scrape it off, and when baby's sore, that just seems so very wrong.
  2. TurboKitty

    Wasting away again in Loserville-(all welcome to grab an adult beverage and come in)

    Hi all. :grouphug: to all that need them. :cheer2: to those that need these. :dance3: with all that warrant this. Did I cover everything? Good. I need a nap.
  3. TurboKitty

    Help a baby idiot, please.

    I like to put together a cute backpack, full of the "stuff you might need in the middle of the night". Infant Tylenol, Thermometer, A&D zinc oxide cream (forget the other stuff- sticky fish oil. Baby with diarrhea + big name butt goop = unhappy sticky baby who's butt needs much wiping. Not good)...
  4. TurboKitty

    anyone else

    Here I thought you had been bad and might be in need of a spanking. :lmao:
  5. TurboKitty

    Has Anyone Seen Helenabear????

    This board has lost some of it's warmth without her.
  6. TurboKitty

    Small Town Central Florida

    Virgo left the Dis in protest of all those banned without answers. I know she'd normally love to chime in here (or in the cat threads were I miss her the most). These boards are much less colorful without her here.
  7. TurboKitty

    Birthday gift for twins who have everything?

    Personally, I would make a charitable contribution in their names. Zoo, food pantry, Humane Society, Autism awareness, Parkinson's, cancer, the local library, really anything you think is worthwhile. I would make two separate contributions though, to two different charities, one in each child's...
  8. TurboKitty

    Help please - Cat related

    I would suggest you at least bring her urine for your vet to test for kidney or uninary problems. Empty your litter box of all the litter. Put a few strips of torn newspaper into the clean litterbox. You may need to put her in there when she squats to urinate but let her do so in the box...
  9. TurboKitty

    Note to cat owners- PART TWO

    You really do this? I mean, I have a potted plant of the stuff growing on my balcony, for our kitty to just help herself and nibble on when she feels the urge...and the catnip can't get any fresher. Apparently when it's fresh she more able to stop herslef from over indulging, too.
  10. TurboKitty

    Has anyone seen the petition to make 9/11 a holiday?

    Actually, you've summed up my thoughts. I was sitting here, searching for the words, and you've been kind enough to write for me. ;)
  11. TurboKitty

    If you had three wishes...

    Wish #1 To be able to have my daughter actually talk to me, with words rather than just gestures. Wish #2 Enough money to ensure my children's well being for the span of their lives. Wish #3 Every child born would have a stable, loving family anxiously awaiting their arrival.
  12. TurboKitty

    What silly thing is your pet afraid of?

    Our cat is terrified of thunder. She's not fond of rain either. Poor thing just slinks off to the basement whenever there's a storm.
  13. TurboKitty

    Introduction Thread: Grayson Peddie from Tallahassee, FL

    Hello and welcome. I just wanted to ask, Grayson Peddie isn't your real name, is it? We don't use real names on this board, especially if we also post photos of our families or children. You may want to rethink what you go by here, if that is the case. It's funny though. My dear husband...

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