Canadian Buffoon's Disney With a Teen Vacation - 08/13 - The Wrap

Add me as another fan. I had to go to a wedding, so eventually had to leave the Sagrada Familia.

Oh, I'd have no problem leaving.
Well.... sure, you'd have to pry my fingers loose and the crying would be embarrassing...

But other than that, no problem.

Parc Guell is amazing;

You're killing me.

I don't even mind that I fell down some stone steps when a gust of wind rearranged my skirt so that I couldn't see my footing.


And the picture of the evolving bruise on my be-hind kept our family members both amused and horrified.

Let's see!

This seems do-able.

Especially the time machine - right?

:laughing: Yeah, but you could show them how to set the time on a VCR!

(You could... right?)

I plead the fifth...

Parc Guell is amazing

::yes:: We spent hours there, sketching different details. It was pretty incredible.

I'm actually amazed at how many people I know have been to Barcelona recently. I think it is one of the more affordable European destinations lately - although you still have to get there! We may end up getting there before Paris, but nothing is scheduled. Must make lots more money...
Especially the time machine - right?

Sure! Doesn't everyone have a Delorean lying around?

I plead the fifth...


::yes:: We spent hours there, sketching different details. It was pretty incredible.

I'm actually amazed at how many people I know have been to Barcelona recently. I think it is one of the more affordable European destinations lately - although you still have to get there! We may end up getting there before Paris, but nothing is scheduled. Must make lots more money...

You too??
I must move this up my list.

Hmmm.... That'd be a good trip. Barcelona, then over to Italy...
(I have unfinished business in Venice.)
You too??
I must move this up my list.

Hmmm.... That'd be a good trip. Barcelona, then over to Italy...
(I have unfinished business in Venice.)

That could work, although I haven't tried to map it out. I have to admit, I haven't had a chance to get back to your European TR. I had left it open for easy browsing a little bit at a time - and then I had to reboot my computer. And I've been busy enough at work that I really shouldn't take the time to wade through to page 34 or 35 where I left off! I think you had just arrived in Venice.

Btw, we used to own a suitcase very similar to the Evil suitcase. One of the wheels broke on its last outing, so I forced dh to throw it out before we were tempted to actually use it again! It was pretty difficult to steer even before then, too.
Was this not the PTR you were expecting?

My, my. Getting kinda dullsville around here. What to do... what to do...
Tap dance, maybe?

Oxygen masks tumbled from the ceiling,
people frantically grabbed for the swaying masks.
It wasn't easy.
The plane rocked violently through all of its axes.
Forgetting the safety briefing,
panicked parents tried to fit the masks over their children's faces first.
Overhead bins flew open scattering their contents
on the unwary heads of the passengers below.
Every loose item became a missile with deadly force.
The pandemonium muted the alarms blaring from the cockpit.
Flight attendants clawed frantically at seatbacks
as they tried to shout over the noise.
"Brace! Brace! Brace!"

Is this how it ends?

Yikes! That is almost as scarey as arguing with you daughter on a Disney ride :scared1:
Wow. Pretty macabre.
Probably not the type of TV show you want to watch
when you're flying over the Pacific on the way to Hawaii.
(Although I did once watch a Mayday episode mid-flight.)
Kinda makes you want to take a boat, no?
At least, that's what the passengers on the Titanic thought.

Well, okay. Maybe they weren't thinking of flying,
at least not in a realistic sense... for another 24 years.
And given the state of navigation in 1936,
I think I'd take a boat anyway.

Then again... not as many icebergs in the sky.
Oh, sure. On occasion one does encounter "cumulo granite"
and it just ruins one's day.

On the bright side, if anything should happen
Was this not the PTR you were expecting?

My, my. Getting kinda dullsville around here. What to do... what to do...

Oxygen masks tumbled from the ceiling,
people frantically grabbed for the swaying masks.
It wasn't easy.
The plane rocked violently through all of its axes.
Forgetting the safety briefing,
panicked parents tried to fit the masks over their children's faces first.
Overhead bins flew open scattering their contents
on the unwary heads of the passengers below.
Every loose item became a missile with deadly force.
The pandemonium muted the alarms blaring from the cockpit.
Flight attendants clawed frantically at seatbacks
as they tried to shout over the noise.
"Brace! Brace! Brace!"

Is this how it ends?

Wow. Pretty macabre.
Probably not the type of TV show you want to watch
when you're flying over the Pacific on the way to Hawaii.
(Although I did once watch a Mayday episode mid-flight.)
Kinda makes you want to take a boat, no?
At least, that's what the passengers on the Titanic thought.

Well, okay. Maybe they weren't thinking of flying,
at least not in a realistic sense... for another 24 years.
And given the state of navigation in 1936,
I think I'd take a boat anyway.

Then again... not as many icebergs in the sky.
Oh, sure. On occasion one does encounter "cumulo granite"
and it just ruins one's day.

On the bright side, if anything should happen
(knock on wood, rub lucky rabbit's foot, squeeze four leaf clover)
I'm going to look like a freaking seer!

"Hey! Do you remember when the Oracle pkondz was on the DIS?"
"Why yes, I do! He was amazing! And so handsome and charming too!"

So... Maui.

Less than two weeks away.
And I can firmly say that I am in no way shape or form
remotely ready.
Let's see... what do I need to do still....
Hmmm... only everything!

Bah. It'll either work out or it won't.
What do I care?
The way I see it, I've been working almost non-stop since January 6th.
Let's see.... 30 shifts in the past 30 days.
(I took one day for a family matter and had to call in sick for two days.
Oh. And before you tell me my math's off and that's not possible,
we can work 16hours straight in a day)
I get Saturday off (so far!) then back for 10 more days, or 8 shifts
(two (non-consecutive) days off! Woot!)
and then we're off!

Hang on... Gotta check if I closed all my parentheses...
Okay. I'm good.

The joys of being short staffed.
Don't feel too sorry for me.
We get well compensated for our labours.

But I am looking forward to A WHOLE SIX DAYS OFF!!!!

So write about now (see what I did there?) is where
the PTR portion of the TR happens.
You know:
Where are we staying, what are we doing, what will we be eating.
The usual.

I hate that.

For me PTR stands for Pain in The Rear.

Don't get me wrong.
If you're writing a PTR right now, that's fine.
It's just that I prefer not to.
Plus it's impossible to run a contest
if I've already given you the answers.

Well, okay. It's quite possible, but I just prefer not to.
(This in no way should be interpreted to mean
that I am running another contest.
I don't know yet.)

So I'm basically telling you... nothing.

Oh, I will tell you that we're leaving on the 17th,
and returning on the 22nd.
I mean you have to know when to start
harassing me for the new TR, right?

Well... maybe not.
I will tell you this, too.
Don't expect too much.
I've mentioned how our Canadian dollar
is tanking against the US greenback.
So those already exorbitant excursions have just gone from
ridiculously expensive to Bill Gates-would-think-twice expensive.
Will we do any? At this moment right now... I don't know.
Honest. I really don't.

Oh. I can tell you this, too.
I don't think I've ever gone on vacation less prepared
than I am for this one.

I do know a couple of things.
Like what the
(knock on wood, rub lucky rabbit's foot, squeeze four leaf clover)
I'm going to look like a freaking seer!

"Hey! Do you remember when the Oracle pkondz was on the DIS?"
"Why yes, I do! He was amazing! And so handsome and charming too!"

So... Maui.

Less than two weeks away.
And I can firmly say that I am in no way shape or form
remotely ready.
Let's see... what do I need to do still....
Hmmm... only everything!

Bah. It'll either work out or it won't.
What do I care?
The way I see it, I've been working almost non-stop since January 6th.
Let's see.... 30 shifts in the past 30 days.
(I took one day for a family matter and had to call in sick for two days.
Oh. And before you tell me my math's off and that's not possible,
we can work 16hours straight in a day)
I get Saturday off (so far!) then back for 10 more days, or 8 shifts
(two (non-consecutive) days off! Woot!)
and then we're off!

Hang on... Gotta check if I closed all my parentheses...
Okay. I'm good.

The joys of being short staffed.
Don't feel too sorry for me.
We get well compensated for our labours.

But I am looking forward to A WHOLE SIX DAYS OFF!!!!

So write about now (see what I did there?) is where
the PTR portion of the TR happens.
You know:
Where are we staying, what are we doing, what will we be eating.
The usual.

I hate that.

For me PTR stands for Pain in The Rear.

Don't get me wrong.
If you're writing a PTR right now, that's fine.
It's just that I prefer not to.
Plus it's impossible to run a contest
if I've already given you the answers.

Well, okay. It's quite possible, but I just prefer not to.
(This in no way should be interpreted to mean
that I am running another contest.
I don't know yet.)

So I'm basically telling you... nothing.

Oh, I will tell you that we're leaving on the 17th,
and returning on the 22nd.
I mean you have to know when to start
harassing me for the new TR, right?

Well... maybe not.
I will tell you this, too.
Don't expect too much.
I've mentioned how our Canadian dollar
is tanking against the US greenback.
So those already exorbitant excursions have just gone from
ridiculously expensive to Bill Gates-would-think-twice expensive.
Will we do any? At this moment right now... I don't know.
Honest. I really don't.

Oh. I can tell you this, too.
I don't think I've ever gone on vacation less prepared
than I am for this one.

I do know a couple of things.
Like what the top Maui attractions are.
But that's about it.

I just can't get into the whole "planning" thing.
I'm too burned out.
I pick up my overly priced tour book that I bought and...
put it down again and binge watch Netflix instead.

I think my brain is telling me it wants to stop thinking.
I agree with my brain.
This is important.
This is a first.

Speaking of Netflix.
Which happens to be a very new development
for the pkondz clan.
How new? January 21st new.

Anyway... Speaking of Netflix,
I just finished watching Tomorrowland.
I know, I know.
Not the greatest movie ever.
Only three stars on IMDB.
Heck, I've basically heard... it sucks.

Well, to those of you who've said as much.


I really liked it!
Well, the ending was a bit anti-climactic I thought.
But it's Disney and geared to a younger audience.
Overall though... it made me smile.
And really, you can't ask too much more from a movie
than that, can you?
I went in not really expecting much,
then all of a sudden I found myself thinking:
"Hey! I like this!"
So if you haven't seen it because you heard it wasn't so hot,
give it a chance. You might be pleasantly surprised.
I can see, however, that if you went in with high expectations,
that you might be disappointed.
ET, it ain't. (Whoops! Wrong theme park!)

So that's it.
There's your PTR.
Awesome, was it not? :rolleyes2


But I can promise you an extremely dull account of our days
sitting on a plane and not freezing our collective butts off.

And yes. Axes is the plural of axis.

Okay, now I double quoted and can't find the spot to correct it on this tab the sun is making it hard to see....anyway, about the planning, HAKU A MATATA! it's Hawaii, relax already! I'm sure you will find fun things to do, but go to the beach and relax! It sounds like you two work really hard and you deserve a break.

I don't do the PTR either. I don't keep readers around long enough to finish my TR, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want to know what I packed in my suitcase.:rotfl2:

If I don't make it back before you leave, aloha and have a Mai Tai for me!

P.s. update posted, sort of the sunshine was calling my name.:cool2:

Comments in the box above , and speaking of Tomorrowland, I liked it too! We just watched it again on Monday. And I forgot you are not a sit on the beach person. Okay snorkel and relax!
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will be looking forward to the maui report. ok so no I don't mind sharing but I warn you this won't be pretty and hope I don't depress you all.
for the last few months my oldest child Max aged 32 has been having stomach issues. he has moved back here and is staying with scarlett and "those folks she lives with" (daughter shawndell and son in law randy) after a pretty nasty divorice. but as he was trying to pull things together this issue started up. we nagged him into signing up for insurance and told him that he pretty much had no choice. 3 weeks ago it got so bad he agreed it was time to go to the emergency room. they did a ct scan. found a mass on his colon. sent him on his way with some motrin for the fever and pain. told him to get set up with a primary. they said that takes some time and when we explained what he needed(colonoscopy) they said well that would take a month or two. at that point I was done with the run around done with max telling me to "calm down mom jeesh" and randy and I took him out to the Veteran's Hospital (he is an Iraqi vet) he was not happy but at that point he knew it was time. the mass had perforated causing him to go to septic shock, emergency surgery, couple days in ICU, and while in there they put some cameras in to take a better look at that mass. when he got out of surgery he was still pretty out of it, but the surgeon told us that they will be taking the colon out and it will be "a big" surgery.
again he is 32. this is going to be a rough road for him. with all the bad press the V.A. has gotten in the past I will say that the one out here is amazing. they were all over this. they are taking great care of him. he should be home in a few days and we will have to build him back up to be strong enough to make it through all they are going to have to do to him during the next round.
they are pretty darn sure with what the cameras showed this is pretty darn bad. so for those of you who have your docs telling you to get screened do it,
his father passed away from this when max was 7 the rule of thumb is to start screening 10 years before the age your parent was diagnosed, max is a few years shy of that
hey call this the silent killer by the time you get symptoms things are already happening. hence the screening. do it for your self do it for your spouse do it for your kids and grand kids. caught early this can be dealt with.
for now if you are the praying kind please pray for Max

So sorry to hear this, Max is so young. You know, at his age with insurance being what it is (I am a medical office manager), they would not have authorized a screening for him until he presented with symptoms, anyway. I will be praying for him.

A curious number, one.
And not just a number.
It can be an adjective "I'll have one for the road."
A noun "I need some ones for mousekeeping."
or a pronoun "One is on the west coast while the other is on the east coast."

As a number, it's the first whole number after zero.
Most counts begin with it.
When was the last time you counted to ten...
"Zero, one, two, three..."
Right. Never.

You can multiply it by itself and still have 1...
and divide 1 by 1 and still have 1.
(Can't say that with zero!)

It's the best rank.
"We're number one!" is a chant heard
in many a locker room after a successful game.
Not to mention the spectacle of athletes thrusting a
single digit into the air.
And speaking of games.
A run scored in baseball, a goal in soccer or hockey...
1 point.
Bowling. 1 point per pin.
Basketball. 1 point for a free throw.
(But usually it's two points! Sometimes three!)
Quiet! I'm telling the story here.

Formula 1 (there's that number again!) racing.
The champion gets to sport the number 1 on his car.
Same for Indy cars.

It's the atomic number of Hydrogen,
the most abundant element in the universe.

According to Three Dog Night,
One is the Loneliest Number.
And yet it can also be the most inclusive.
"We are one!"

You can have one for the road
and be all for one and one for all.

I could continue on and on...
But I'll stop there, except for one last point.

Of all the drivel I've written...
All the chapters, updates, anecdotes...
This has got to be the most boring ONE of all.



1 week til Maui.

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ONE WEEK DANCE!!!!:dancer::cool1::cheer2::bounce::jumping1::jumping2::jumping3::Pinkbouncparty::dance3::dance3:

:laughing: Thanks!

That should liven things up a bit. I enjoyed that dissertation

Phew! I wrote that and thought....
"Oh, boy. Way to lose readers, dumb ***!"

And as a side note.
I was kinda laughing at myself there.
Instead of typing out the actual word,
I just tapped out three asterisks.
Probably took longer than typing the word,
and the DIS would've taken care of the censoring.
Well from what you told us. I thinkit's actually one week until Vancouver airport. Tomorrow it's one week until Maui. :rolleyes1

Still :banana:

Oh boy! This is gonna be good, I can tell! What a hook!

It can be an adjective "I'll have one for the road."
A noun "I need some ones for mousekeeping."
or a pronoun "One is on the west coast while the other is on the east coast."

Ugh, grammar lessons. Never mind.

When was the last time you counted to ten...
"Zero, one, two, three..."
Right. Never.

But you have to get to zero when you count down. You can't stop at one. Unless the bomb doesn't go off in an action movie.

You can multiply it by itself and still have 1...
and divide 1 by 1 and still have 1.
(Can't say that with zero!)

On your iPod, have you ever asked Siri to divide zero by zero? It's awesome.

Not to mention the spectacle of athletes thrusting a
single digit into the air.

And drivers! I love to tell the other drivers that they're number one.:thumbsup2 <--- Like that!:rotfl2:

Of all the drivel I've written...
All the chapters, updates, anecdotes...
This has got to be the most boring ONE of all.

Hey, don't sell yourself short there.

1 week til Maui.

:woohoo:I'm sure it will go by VERY quickly.:rolleyes1
:laughing: Thanks!

Phew! I wrote that and thought....
"Oh, boy. Way to lose readers, dumb ***!"

And as a side note.
I was kinda laughing at myself there.
Instead of typing out the actual word,
I just tapped out three asterisks.
Probably took longer than typing the word,
and the DIS would've taken care of the censoring.

Might as well save them some time! :rotfl2:
What day do you leave? And when do you get back?
My friend's have just left for a three week vacation in South America. Two weeks will be on a cruise starting in Sao Paolo and ends in Chile. That would be cool!
I'm stuck here in Ohio with the cold and snow. Unfortunately, winter has come. Hopefully it won't last very long.

Will you be discussing two next?
<sigh> Yes. Yes you did.
I forgot you were cruel and heartless.


Well you can't put the smiley in there or it'll seem like you don't really believe it.

Why do you need to trip him if he's already the slowest???

The fastest guy has already passed you so you can't trip him. Sure you could outrun the slowest one but why bother? Trip him and just walk away, saving your energy for the inevitable next bunch of zombies. They tend to sneak up on you all at once, not even making a sound until you turn around and notice they're there. Like in cartoons when they can walk off a cliff but don't fall until they look down.

I did! Not bad.

Not bad??? The correct reply was "funniest thing ever!"

And the flight attendant would pass out
while yelling at you to put your mask on first.
Vicious circle.


People wouldn't connect a ship going down with an airplane going down.
As long as they don't think of that killer ocean below.

No, not at all. The two things are entirely unrelated.

And... you've been to Tokyo!
Jealousy rears its ugly head.


Your jealousy was all I've ever really wanted. :rotfl:

Funny thing about Breaking Bad, though.
There was a Breaking Bad marathon on TV about... 6 months? A year? ago. Recorded the whole thing.
We watched all of them over several weeks.
It was then that we found out I had recorded every single episode except... the last one.

:rotfl2:Nice one!!! Did the DVR just cut if off or was it never actually played?

Two nights ago we finally watched the finale on Netflix.

What did you think? I hated it.

Spoiler, .... (not that anyone else reads my crap)

I wish they would have ended the whole thing two seasons earlier when they blew up Gus. That would have been perfect. Of course I was rooting for Walt up until the end after most people had turned on him.

end spoiler

Already have Better Call Saul in my list.

It's really good so far. I also forgot to list Mad Men. That was entertaining for the first few seasons then it got sort of annoying.

According to Three Dog Night,
One is the Loneliest Number.

Thanks so much for getting that song stuck in my head :crazy2:

I'll get you back for that.

Have you packed yet? At least made a list of what to bring???


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