People Need to Mind Their Own Business

Back when I was kid, you know the olden days, lol, we used to take this subway out of Brooklyn. I was 10 or 11 years old. Nowadays they would be calling CPS in a heartbeat.

Not so long ago (in the 21st century-DD is 22 now, so I guess in 2000) my DH took the LIRR into Penn station, put my then 3rd grader on the uptown 1 train and she would finish the rest of her commute to school by herself. Maybe things are different in NY, because now I live not too far from where that nationally known Meitiv case happened and I just have to shake my head.
I tried Facebook for a few weeks years ago and I realized all the people on there were all busybodies. Even the people in my extended family who were on there were the ones who had to know everyone else's business and give their opinions on it all. All the drama people. It's like Mrs. Kravitz multiplied. Let's just say I hated it. If you were not on Facebook you wouldn't even be aware of this stuff. I love not being "in the know"-- so liberating.
I joined facebook because I was living overseas so it kept me in the loop with family and I still love it. I just don't think a lot of people respect what it can do. They all say a relationship broke up 'because of Facebook' - how about the cheating partner was stupid enough to be caught on camera. "People lose their jobs because of Facebook", how about someone was stupid enough to trash his or her boss on Facebook? People also (often unintentionally) 'out' others. My friend wanted to surprise her husband on Father's day with a "happy Father's day - see you in December" card but one person told another and eventually her Facebook was filled with "congratulations, I heard the news!" type things.
Why do parents feel the need to helicopter parent their children? It seems that most of these parents are my generation - a generation which were born in the 70's, raised in the 80's and had a heck of a lot of freedom. Some may say the best of times. We played outside, we rode our bikes without helmets, jumped on trampolines without nets on them, etc. Yet those same kids are now parents and are so over protective that they feel their 17/18 year olds can't make their own decisions or even go off to college without being able to make concerning to me.

I think i've raised my kids like I was raised and they have had freedom and decision making and now they are 16,19, and nearly 21 and I am proud of the fact that they know how to be independent and make their own decisions on things. Why would you want to hinder that? I just don't get it. Those parents on FB are just dumb. They are creating dependence - they want to be needed until they don't. Sorry for the rant I just don't get helicopter parenting AT. ALL.

I think it's great your child wanted to walk to school and you let her. Keep it up OP and forget those FB people. They don't matter in the grand scheme of things.
What an asinine thing to say. FB is a tool. Not everyone who uses the tool is a "busybody".
If you dislked what was on your FB feed its because of who YOU choose to friend. If you think they are busybodies on FB why are you friends with them IRL? That makes no sense.
Sorry, I just think it promotes certain types of behaviors. And not good ones.
What an awful thing to post on Facebook! Why people would feel the need to sit in judgement of somebody else's parenting I will never know.
A little off topic.... I was watching an older movie the other day and it was set in a school. They showed the outside of the school and there were several bike racks out front and all of them were packed with bikes. THAT took me back and I thought "those were the days." Schools don't even have bike racks anymore I would imagine and parents today would freak at the thought.
Back when I was kid, you know the olden days, lol, we used to take this subway out of Brooklyn. I was 10 or 11 years old. Nowadays they would be calling CPS in a heartbeat.

I work in Manhattan and kids are allowed to go home alone in 3rd grade but not before that. We have tons of kids who take the subway to school alone in 3rd or 4th grade and nobody calls ACS.
I totally agree with you! It's no ones business but yours. We are creating kids that are afraid of their own shadow. I grew up in the city. My mom had to leave for work before I left for school and I had to walk both there and back, a couple of city blocks. By myself!!! I was eight at the time, just turned 8. Then, I stayed at home, again by myself, until she got home. Not to mention I stayed all summer by myself. Boring yes!! Dangerous no. I knew the rules, don't answer the door and stay inside. I could answer the phone and she would call me a couple times a day to check on me. Of course it was lonely, but that's why she bought me a little poodle to keep me company. I could walk to my frieds house down the block and call her when I arrived. Do bad things ever happen??? Of course they do, but you can't live your life being scared all the time. The child is learning to be self confident. She knows her mom believes in her. People need to get a grip.
That would really bother me. I hope you responded on Facebook. People can be so critical and just plain mean! Our town had a teenager die last week. It turned out to be suicide. People on Facebook were badmouthing the parents. I don't even know the family, but no matter what I can't imaging going on Facebook and criticizing parents who just lost a child. I can't even imagine why people think that's ok.

I would have responded to the Facebook post as well. And my first question would have been "would you say this to my face?". This is my big problem with the 9th graders I teach. They hide behind social media and therefore lack zero face to face skills. It is sad and scary.

If you wouldn't say it to my face, don't hide behind a computer to say it.
I HATE Facebook and don't do it. I don't blame u for being mad. I understand people being upset though about seeing a young child walking alone. You never know what can happen in the world we live in today.
I see kids 10 ish and up walking, biking, scooter-Ing to school ALL the time without an adult (I live in downtown DC). When I first moved here, this surprised me as I never saw this in the suburbs. Now I realize it's because we are way less car dependent here.

Check the laws where you live. Here, once they turn 8 they can do this alone. minimum age to watch a child under 8 is 14. Then log off Facebook. You're a good parent.
Here JK/SK kids must be met at the bus stop by an adult on your approved list or they can't get off. First graders (so 6 year olds) must get off the bus even if no one is there to meet them. I see no problem with letting a 7-8 year old walk to school.

We started letting my 8 year old go to the park by herself (subdivision, no major roads) by bike & on foot, sometimes accompanied by one of her 6 year old brothers.

My DM just about threw a rod when she found out. Seriously woman? We routinely disappeared into the bush with hammers, nails & boards to scale trees to make clubhouses & she'd honk the car horn to let us know when lunch was ready :confused3.
Exactly!!! Left as soon as one of my friends came to get me and didn't come home until it was dinner time. I get times are changed but it is much much too helicopter parent cutrently.
Exactly why I got off Facebook years ago. It's like online high school all over again. People bullying each other, bragging about what they have, are doing or going, etc. and everyone feels the need to share their lives and opinions about others lives with everyone.


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