Anyone competing in the CrossFit Open?

Princess Jes

DIS Veteran
Jun 15, 2013
just wondering if anyone is competing in the CrossFit open?
I thought this could be a good place to share scores, tactics, achievements and support for the next 5 weeks?

Maybe share a bit about yourself, your CrossFit journey, your CF likes and dislikes, and may be your CF strengths and weaknesses?

This is my first Open, I've dabbled in CrossFit for about 3 years now but only been properly doing it for 7-8 months now.
I'm from australia so it's already friday here and 15.1 comes out at midday for us! I've booked my spot for 7:30am Saturday to be judged (24.5 hours away!)
I train 4-5 days a week, but I'm sloooowww!!!
Weightlifting is my favorite area of CrossFit as I seemed to pick up the movements/techniques quickly and have been able to increase weights steadily, but as I was a bit of a gymnast as a kid, I like the bar movements too (kipping I picked up quickly once I got some strength)
I'm average in strength but yet to do a strict pull up.
I hate anything that involves running, I lose breath very quickly and it gets into my head.
And let's be honest, who likes burpees?!
Good Luck in the Open!

This is actually the first year in many many years that I'm not competing. I put Crossfit on the back burner for now to concentrate on my running because I build a lot of muscle and quickly. I stopped in October/November of last year and immediately lost 19 lbs and gained lean mass. I was thin and super lean after quitting Crossfit and really committing to clean up my diet.
I do enjoy most aspects of Crossfit, I'm your average Crossfitter who can lift moderately heavy weights, do strict, kipping, butterfly pull-ups and bar muscle ups. I love the Crossfit community, that would be what I like about it. I hate that everyone thinks they're a coach, that's what I hate about Crossfit. Why do I hate that, because I am a Crossfit coach and have seen too many injuries due to bad coaching.

You'll do great at the open and what I tell my folks that are competing, this is all about you competing against yourself and seeing where you kinda fit with other crossfitters. Just have fun!

P.S....I LOVE Burpees :)
I started crossfit just like four months ago so this is my first time doing the Open and I'm doing a lot of scaling as some of these moves are still so new to me!

I do great with the endurance type workouts but I get killed on lifting heavy, just never really had a history with lifting. So 15.1 I did well on but 15.1a I didn't do as well on.
That's awesome to hear!! great work!
I must be your CrossFit opposite! I'm no good with endurance, but lifting is where I go better, love it!!
What were your scores?
I ended up with 87 reps (RX'd) and 121lb clean & jerk
Good Luck in the Open!

This is actually the first year in many many years that I'm not competing. I put Crossfit on the back burner for now to concentrate on my running because I build a lot of muscle and quickly. I stopped in October/November of last year and immediately lost 19 lbs and gained lean mass. I was thin and super lean after quitting Crossfit and really committing to clean up my diet.
I do enjoy most aspects of Crossfit, I'm your average Crossfitter who can lift moderately heavy weights, do strict, kipping, butterfly pull-ups and bar muscle ups. I love the Crossfit community, that would be what I like about it. I hate that everyone thinks they're a coach, that's what I hate about Crossfit. Why do I hate that, because I am a Crossfit coach and have seen too many injuries due to bad coaching.

You'll do great at the open and what I tell my folks that are competing, this is all about you competing against yourself and seeing where you kinda fit with other crossfitters. Just have fun!

P.S....I LOVE Burpees :)
Firstly... Only Coaches love burpees, it must be a sick twisted desire to watch people hurt! lol

Yeah, I'm a very average Crossfitter, not good at anything aerobic, I can only kip because I have a gymnastics background (still not close to a strict pull up, though I work on it as much as I can) and I cant even come close to thinking about a bar muscle up (which will be an immediate scale for me in the open)
I've lost very little weight doing crossfit (when I started, I weighed about 80kg, and I'm about 5'6") and now im sitting at about 73kg (which I think is around 161lb?) but my body comp has changed, im getting a little bit more tone and definition, but yeah, weight loss isn't there. I also don't worry too much about my eating which doesn't help my cause, but im not overly fussed.

I'm currently sitting in around the 25% mark for 15.1/15.1a (both worldwide and in Australia) because I was lucky enough to not have to scale this week (can hit toes to bar, slowly, but can do it) and because I love weights, 34kg/75lb snatch is not quite my 1RM so could hit that at multiples, some touch and go, some singles.

I feel ill have to scale in the coming weeks though as I would still consider myself a beginner, and muscle ups will make an appearance, so unless they're at the end of a chipper, ill have to scale.
That's awesome to hear!! great work!
I must be your CrossFit opposite! I'm no good with endurance, but lifting is where I go better, love it!!
What were your scores?
I ended up with 87 reps (RX'd) and 121lb clean & jerk

I ended up with 185 reps scaled and a 95lb clean & jerk. I have to say there's three lifting moves I struggle with... snatch, clean and overhead squats. So when I saw two of them were in the opening workout I knew I'd struggle a little. Even scaled those snatches were absolutely a struggle by the end. Started off strong but half way in my body was letting me know I was pushing it. I also know that there will be a week with overhead squats, I looked back at the past years and they seem to always show up. So my plan will be to try to move as fast as I can on the other moves if they're part of one week.

A few of the people at my gym who saw my attempt said I was doing well for my first opens and considering I am only four months in. I hate waiting till Thursday to find out the next workout!!

I've lost very little weight doing crossfit (when I started, I weighed about 80kg, and I'm about 5'6") and now im sitting at about 73kg (which I think is around 161lb?) but my body comp has changed, im getting a little bit more tone and definition, but yeah, weight loss isn't there.

I've probably lost about ten pounds while doing crossfit which probably is a good deal but the big thing is my clothes fit differently. My body is changing and definitely starting to get more toned and I can tell that in my clothes and the way I look. So to heck with the scale. I use it to make sure I'm not suddenly packing on a ton of weight but I'm not too worried about the number.
I do ok with snatch and clean and jerk but overhead squats are no good. They're tough though, so don't beat yourself up.
I suck at squats, my back squat has gone backwards while my front has improved. Frustrating.

Yeah! the scale isn't a good indicator! body shape is, so as long as you're happy with the changes, then that's awesome!!
Can't wait to see what the next round brings!! I just keep hoping there's one workout that I go yes I can handle all these. Like a dead lift, box jump amrap would be ideal for me!
Yeah, I'm hoping that I can keep up the RX status for another week or so, before muscle ups appear.
I also suck pretty badly at double unders, I can only link a handful together most of the time and like 10 every so often, I get so frustrated that i'll lose a lot of time if there is a DU WOD. My sister on the other hand, smashes DU's so she's hoping for a max rep DU WOD... lol.
Well I knew overhead squats were coming eventually so I'm glad we're just getting them out of the way. I have to get some practice in before my official run at this on Saturday. I think a lot of my issue with them is mental so I have to just get over it.
Yeah O/H squats are brutal. 29kg isn't TOO bad, but chest to bar pull ups... I don't think I can hit 10 plus no reps, plus O/H squats, plus doing it again in 3 minutes.
Its already 2:19pm on Friday here in Australia, and im doing mine at 7:30am Saturday (so, in 17 hours) im scared!!
Still not sure if i'll do scaled or not. might give both a try.
Ok so now that I've looked at this workout again I have a feeling I won't make it past the first round. The weights for overhead squats I've managed before but I'm not sure I can move fast enough on them. Then the chest to bar or chin over bar I still do both with assistance. Minimal assistance for the chin over bar but I'm not sure I'm ready for unassisted. I'll probably go Rx and do the 10 reps then 0 reps chest to bar. It'll be a better score then scaling and getting 6 overhead squats and 1 chin over bar.

I had planned to take tonight off from working out but I'm going to head in and work on the movements a little before doing it tomorrow. Let me know how you do!
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So I found out that apparently my squats don't go past parallel so I went scaled and got 52 reps.
I got a minute to rest in the first 3 minutes and didn't get 4 reps out in the second 3 minutes :-(
I'm going to give it another shot on Monday morning (AEDST) and see what I get

How did you go with your practice?
At least you found out with plenty of time to make another run. Looking at the scores on the website not a lot of people are making it far in.

Squats went well last night, chin over bar did not go as well. One of my coaches told me to come in earlier then my workout time and she's going to work on seeing if we can get me to a point when I can do a few reps.
Yeah, do a heap of warm up. Rower, shoulder dislocates and around the worlds, get really warm. Lots of squats.
Shoulder mobility is the only reason I can do kipping pull ups, I'm really mobile in the shoulders which helps with momentum.

A lot of our girls did the rx and just got the 10 squats out, which technically gives them a much higher score than me with my 52 scaled reps, but I'm glad I got through a round.

You'll do fine, just pull and pull and you'll probably surprise yourself!

Let me know how you go!!
So it was so/so. I did my first two reps of squats and started psyching myself out. I dropped the bar and just felt defeated. Thank goodness for my coach who saw me feeling defeated. She basically told me to pick up the bar and grind the squats out even if it took me three minutes. (It didn't and I did much better with them once she told me to get myself together.)

I couldn't pull off even one pull up without assistance so I got just the ten reps. Then I did two more rounds with assisted chest to bars just to get a good workout in. I was told my strength is there but my kip needs work.

So I got a score of 10 and a goal to work on kipping. If this is where I'm at after four months I'll be excited to see where I am next year.
Good work!!
It's a very mental game so good for you for pulling yourself together.
I'm conflicted. Do I attempt to get the squats done RX and then see how many cheat to bars I can actually hit (I get probably one out of 2-3) or just stick with the scaled version?
Let me know what you ended up doing. I hate waiting all week to see the new workout! I feel like a kid waiting to see what I'm going to get next.
I didn't bother :-(
My sister did it twice yesterday morning in the space of 20 minutes.
She hit 38 reps RX the first time, then her husband did it for his second time and hot 57 reps, and she was having none of that, so she went again and got 64 reps.
She's amazing and my inspiration.
That's awesome that she went three times so close together!!

I'm really curious to see what they will scale to for things like muscle ups. I have my guesses but after this week I could be totally off.


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