Something About Nothing............ #14

This can`t be just me......but.....yes, guilty!!!


It`s "annoying" apparently :rotfl:

Going to watch another movie tonight and I promised not to do it, although Tom then asks.....what was he in, well you have to Google then!!

Enjoyed dinner, very peppery dish tonight but loved the dumplings and Tom took one too and said he really liked them, usually he`s not the biggest fan, no room for apple pie yet, but will make a cuppa later and have a slice then.

This day is going so slowly, love it.

Off to call my mum for a chat :)
Hi everyone I have settled down in my room for the rest of the evening. After lunch I wandered over to the HP area. I wanted to ride Hagrid’s coaster, but I had just eaten a can of Who Hash. I decided to take the train over to Universal and then back to IOA again. There was a bit of a delay going back because the train was having some issues. By the time I got back to IOA I felt ready to ride Hagrid’s. I went into the single rider lane and it took about an hour.
Next I wandered over to Jurassic Park. There was almost no line for this one. I think I got the wettest I ever have on this ride. The girl sitting next to me was shivering when it was over.
I went back to the AP lounge for a little while and finished a mug of Power Aide. (I took several rest and rehydration breaks.)
My last ride was Spiderman. After this ride I felt like I was done for the day and headed back to the busses.
Once back at Dockside I decided to eat dinner. I had a honey garlic chicken sandwich which was very good but very messy. I used 4 napkins.
I’m now just going to stay in my room for the rest of the evening.

Lovely Charade, incredible detail in that hobby.
Thank you. I have already started my next project.

Really like that who hash, Charade. Looks like perfect weather too. Yay, live report and picture.

Charade, I'm glad to see you made it ok and are going to AOL! How is the weather? I know you will have a great time.

The weather was almost perfect today. Not too hot or humid with a nice breeze. Ot was starting to get a little cooler when I was leaving.

I'm with Tom on the oysters
Same here. I don’t even like to look at them.

Anyone know the game Simon that a thing in America? You know the copycat game???

Tom and I are thinking of wrestling sharks and walking on glass for fun next week, wonder if that`ll become popular too!!
I think I am missing something here.

This can`t be just me......but.....yes, guilty!!!
I have been guilty of that as well.

I am going to see if there is anything worth watching on TV. Hope everyone is having a pleasant evening.

Obligatory castle picture.
How do you like Dockside, Charade? We liked our stay there, and would stay there again. Not far from the parks at all. We drove every day, into the parking garages.
It’s alright. Very basic which is all I need right now. I’m not real fond of having to keep your room key in a slot to keep the lights on. I prefer keeping my key in my lanyard at all times. The shower is really nice though.

It’s kind of funny. I am downgrading each time I come here. The first hotel I stayed at was Royal Pacific. Next was Sapphire Falls, then Aventura, and now Dockside. Next trip starts the climb back up the ladder with Cabana Bay.
Hi everyone I have settled down in my room for the rest of the evening. After lunch I wandered over to the HP area. I wanted to ride Hagrid’s coaster, but I had just eaten a can of Who Hash. I decided to take the train over to Universal and then back to IOA again. There was a bit of a delay going back because the train was having some issues. By the time I got back to IOA I felt ready to ride Hagrid’s. I went into the single rider lane and it took about an hour.
Next I wandered over to Jurassic Park. There was almost no line for this one. I think I got the wettest I ever have on this ride. The girl sitting next to me was shivering when it was over.
I went back to the AP lounge for a little while and finished a mug of Power Aide. (I took several rest and rehydration breaks.)
My last ride was Spiderman. After this ride I felt like I was done for the day and headed back to the busses.
Once back at Dockside I decided to eat dinner. I had a honey garlic chicken sandwich which was very good but very messy. I used 4 napkins.
I’m now just going to stay in my room for the rest of the evening.

Thank you. I have already started my next project.

The weather was almost perfect today. Not too hot or humid with a nice breeze. Ot was starting to get a little cooler when I was leaving.

Same here. I don’t even like to look at them.

I think I am missing something here.

I have been guilty of that as well.

I am going to see if there is anything worth watching on TV. Hope everyone is having a pleasant evening.

Obligatory castle picture.
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Glad you got to ride Hagrid`s, and not too bad a wait. Did you get the sidecar or bike? I had heard most on the SR end up with the sidecar, not that there`s a bad seat on that ride. It sounds like you had a fun day and nicer weather, I know you like it a little cooler.

lol.....I realised I do Google when watching something more than I should, but if we`re watching a film or older tv show we are both guilty of wondering who folks are as we "know their face". Most times we get it, but well, Google is ideal when we can`t.

How is the food generally at Dockside, I hear varying reviews, that sandwich does sound nice!!

It seems I`m in the minority with loving oysters.....I`m ok with that, I do laugh when I see Tom try not to make a face as I eat do get why folks don`t like the look of them or won`t try them. I don`t remember the first oyster I had, but I was very young.

lol.....I wasn`t sure if you called the copycat game Simon Says the same in the States, we do have so many different names for things. you have Where`s Waldo, we have Where`s Wally, you have Clue, we call it Cluedo for example.

It’s alright. Very basic which is all I need right now. I’m not real fond of having to keep your room key in a slot to keep the lights on. I prefer keeping my key in my lanyard at all times. The shower is really nice though.

It’s kind of funny. I am downgrading each time I come here. The first hotel I stayed at was Royal Pacific. Next was Sapphire Falls, then Aventura, and now Dockside. Next trip starts the climb back up the ladder with Cabana Bay.

Yes, I don`t like having to put the key in to make the power work, but a good shower is always nice, one of the things I love about RP and Sapphire, the water pressure is excellent.

Have fun today, hope you get to do all you want.

After a 2am bed on Saturday night we were in bed by 10.30 last night, I don`t think I moved the whole night through and slept like a rock. We never use an alarm so I was surprised to see it was 6.30 before I woke up, not that I need to be up earlier than that, it`s purely habit, but I do enjoy my first cuppa of the day when I do get up.

Plain old toast this morning, then we are both volunteering in the morning, usually on Monday he does the PM, but doing the morning means we can hopefully get out a walk this afternoon if the rain stays off, doesn`t seem to be too cold now, still not as warm as it should be though. I`m only in school a couple of hours so will be done before Tom, he won`t finish till lunch time.

Busy week ahead though with little things that just need doing, somethings are just finnicky and time consuming but hey ho, it`ll all get dealt with.

My version of chicken pot pie for dinner tonight, making a biscuit/dumpling topped one since Tom enjoyed those dumplings so much last night, will do some healthy spring greens in butter as a side.....yes, very healthy, but so nice 🥴




Have a lovely Monday and week ahead :-)
Ah, alarm went off, and I went back to sleep. Good thing no commuting, as then I woke up 20 minutes later. But no issue firing up, though laptop took some time to boot up. Yeah, it feels like a Monday for sure.

And that warm is here for another day. Warm, with the dew point climbing higher today, so more humidity too. Yesterday was beautiful. Warm, sunny, and changed to shorts as I changed before going to my sister’s place.

Hehe, she has large container to hold the propane for the pool heater. It has a covered lid, though has an open part, so you can lift the lid. Well, some bird decided the area around the lid covered connection at the top, was a perfect place for a nest. Saw three open mouths when we took a peak at the nest. No delivery of propane until those bird babies leave. Oh well, they should be gone by the time my sister opens the pool. She usually gets it ready the week before Memorial Day. I hope so, as even if it’s warm at that time, the water is cool when it gets filled, so I assume she’s hoping to use the heater, for all to swim, as family gets together for Memorial Day.

Ah, that Monday feeling for sure. And house feels warm. May turn on AC this afternoon. Already sunny, and didn’t need a jacket to toss that last of the trash. 60 out, and 87 the high. Warm last days of April. Then we pay for that touch of more like Summer days. Tuesday night, thunderstorms, with hail, as cold front arrives, and after another nice, 85 degree Tuesday, then that May arriving first day gets a high of 72, and by week’s end, 60’s the high. Sigh. I’m so ready for it to stay in the 80’s highs soon.

Wonky connection with the Dis again. Retyping as what I had went poof.

Hope all have a Most Marvelous Monday. And hope Charade has some more park fun. Hope MonyK is safe, with all the tornadoes reported the other day, around her.

Yeah, back to routine I go, and yay, afternoon meeting just cancelled.
Good morning. Didn’t make early entry again today. I plan to spend most of today on the studios side. This is my favorite park of the two.

I’m currently having lunch at the Minion Cafe. I picked another messy sandwich. I need to stop getting messy food.

Did you get the sidecar or bike?
I got the sidecar this time. The past 2 times I’ve ridden the bike.

How is the food generally at Dockside, I hear varying reviews, that sandwich does sound nice!!
The only thing I have eaten there is the sandwich. It was very good, but the fries were nothing special.

Well, some bird decided the area around the lid covered connection at the top, was a perfect place for a nest. Saw three open mouths when we took a peak at the nest. No delivery of propane until those bird babies leave.
Aww…that’s sweet. Hope they don’t delay her pool opening.
Good morning. Didn’t make early entry again today. I plan to spend most of today on the studios side. This is my favorite park of the two.

I’m currently having lunch at the Minion Cafe. I picked another messy sandwich. I need to stop getting messy food.

I got the sidecar this time. The past 2 times I’ve ridden the bike.

The only thing I have eaten there is the sandwich. It was very good, but the fries were nothing special.

I think we`ll give the Minion Cafe a try next visit, hope you enjoyed the sandwich, albeit messy!! Yes, Dockside is not getting the best reviews for food, certainly not tempting us to go try it.

To be honest I don`t mind which one I sit on, side car or bike, such a fantastic ride!!

Hope you have a lovely day in the Studios.

Well, we didn`t walk this afternoon, a friend called to say they were popping round to say hello, so we had afternoon tea with them and a nice couple of hours chatting the day away, her husband is one of the funniest guys in the world and when he tells a story we just laugh constantly when he starts.

Dinner was nice, but didn`t eat much as we did have some nice treats mid afternoon, now sitting down to a slice of the apple pie I made with a very large pot of tea, planning a night in front of the tv watching Dexter.

And weather is supposed to get a little warmer soon......fingers crossed we`ll get back to walking properly along the beach soon!
My day is done and I am now back at my hotel. It was a god day and the crowds were lower than I expected. This is the first time I have ever gone during cheer season. There are so many of them and they are everywhere.

Here’s how my day went:
Villain Con - not my favorite, but I am terrible at shooting. I think I would enjoy it more if you could sit.
Lunch at the Minion Cafe
Horror Make up show - always funny. They chose a Chinese woman to be their victim. Last time I saw the show the “volunteer” didn’t speak english. This time the person they picked spoke english very well and was also a bit of a ham.
Bourne stunt show
ET - I rode next to some ladies that had never ridden the ride. They were quite giggly, possibly a little tipsy.
Animal show - I had forgotten how cute and fun this was.
Bought an Ocean Attack drink, but non-alcoholic. It was good, but the best part was watching the bart make it.
Mummy coaster - I used single rider for this and I think the regular line was moving much faster. There were groups of 3 or more people in the single rider line. I guess they thought they would get on quicker, but that was not the case.
Race through NY
Transformers - was reminded why I don’t ride this one.
Had a cookie butter crepe. Very good but I needed someone to split it with.
Did Villain Con one more time then headed back to the hotel.

My pizza that I thought wouldn’t get here for another 20 minutes just arrived. I’m too tired to go back to the cafeteria to eat dinner.
Hey all, back in the land of the living. I just had to try a Chipotle bowl @ MCO on the way home. First day I drug carcass out, only to see GD track meet I promised to attend. Figure I’ve lost at least 10# of water weight. :crazy2:

So, we returned it got our refund, came home, went online and ordered one he saw a few days ago, not coming till Saturday though. I think we`ll manage.
Enjoy that new TV!
I am turning green…..
Oh, not my intent. Thot is was wildly funny we went from an AKV value studio with 4 people squished into it, then get upgrade to a 2 BR after they left.

Although, I really do enjoy seeing the inside of hotel rooms
Looks very nice. How many hotels did you stay at?
More than a sane person would choose. Since we kept adding on ala beggars, couldn’t be choosey where we bunked with the nature of DVC beastie.

4 hotels in 9 days
You know I have never watched a Baseball game in my life!
Between my 3 DS, figure I’ve spent a few years total watching them play. Actually, loved it as it was peaceful & relaxing sort of time. Away from responsibility of work & home.
Everyone assumes all Brits love football
Well, we know you just love the Pittsburgh Steelers NFL team :)
Yep, the vegan had joined
Insert the ominous music, Dum, dum, dum lol
We drove through Colorado, New Mexico (not recommended), Nebraska (not recommended either), South and North Dakota, so we saw a lot of the USA
I’m taking notes. Sounds like quite the road-trip adventure! Welcome home.
Weather in FL probably going to be dry for a while.
Nice! Last trip one of the few we didn’t see a single drop of rain
hate chickpeas
Seriously, hard & tastless little buggers. I do stock them as GD is obsessed with them in garden salads.
I have heard a Brit say mom and it sounds so silly in our accents.
I get the Willie’s everytime i catch this episode. Props to the pic of ‘the silence’ who who :)
Old one was over 20 years old.
Holy smokes, i must be rough on them
came home to see our older ds had started making dinner. That made my momma heart happy - to not have to cook tonight.
Wow, something I’ve never said (so far, hope springs eternal)
Honestly, when did eyebrows get so huge and so dark!!!!
Hooray for Captain Spaulding (Groucho’s) although Rob Zombie’s was interesting in his own right.
Carole: Your pies look delicious. I've never seen a cherry pie like that. I love it:)
I’m seeing a happy pie, what big eyes you have sort. So cute
Mine is fine, but she never wants to cut my hair as short as I request. Oh well, she gives the best hair cut and style I've ever had, so I will put up with slightly longer hair.
Same. First time I’ve stumbled across a hairdresser gunshy to cut hair?
flying Allegiant out of Roanoke. I looked them up and it looks like they only fly on Mondays and Fridays. They also don’t fly into MCO. That won’t work for me.
Allegiant’s schedule is very limited. When the price is right, we use them whenever we are flexible to a destination as they are very generous to Veterans as to luggage, seats, etc.

Will say we’ve yet to have a flight that wasn’t late
The only time I took a discount airline flight,
I have friends who remind me all the time that SWA is indeed a discount carrier. IMO they are the cream of the crop of that ilk.

Seeing lots of rumors they are considering shaking things up and considering changing boarding process to allow a certain % of prepurchsed assigned seating.

Made this for the kids tonight. Milk, dark and white chocolate popcorn with a butterfinger crumble.

Have they slept let? That’s a lot of sugary goodness lol
I missed my oyster eating buddy last night, as soon as I saw these were on the specials, they were mine!!! You would have loved them, plump and tasted of the sea, when I asked where they were from they were from the area we used to live in Scotland which was nice.
Boohoo. They look scrumptious and at least triple the size I’ve been seeing at the boathouse in DS
Didn’t make early entry today. I woke up at 5:30 and took a while to get back to sleep. Didn’t wake up again until almost 9:00. Didn’t leave the hotel until after 10:00.
You’re on vacation, set your own schedule and enjooy

It’s kind of funny. I am downgrading each time I come here. The first hotel I stayed at was Royal Pacific. Next was Sapphire Falls, then Aventura, and now Dockside. Next trip starts the climb back up the ladder with Cabana Bay.
Hotel version of “the circle of life”. JMHO even the values (at both U & WDW) have their own special charms. Sometimes you need to dig for them, but they are there.
Oh well, they should be gone by the time my sister opens the pool. She usually gets it ready the week before Memorial Day.
I’m dropping unsubtle hints for sooner vs later.
Good Monday evening.


Sorry to hear. You are correct, very treatable and several versions of treatment. Surgery once for me, surprised the margins they take. Another, larger area equated to a chemical applied for 3 weeks daily. Then u peel like a snake lol. Hope it works out quickly for you!!!
I have a consult to talk to the doc who does the Moh’s procedure. Will feel more comfortable talking about the over all plan.

hope it was in it's early stages and they have gotten good lines on it.

I will say - after working in the radiation department of the cancer clinic - it is scary. I have seen one really sad case already - but MANY positive as well. I'll be sending you lots of healing light pixiedust:
Thank you Pumpkin.

Catching even the simplest of issues is always a good thing, always worth getting checked out regularly. You know you have all our good wishes.
Thank you Carole.

Hope the new TV is doing well.

We`ve volunteered for years Robbie in different areas, but one that I`ve continued wherever we`ve lived is the school/library reading programmes. I`m always amazed how many little ones don`t have parents that had read to them every night as a baby and toddler. It is very satisfying and Tom is the same with all he does and again, has always done. It`s nice to give back somethin
It is so nice you both enjoy volunteering.

Reading to the little ones is so important.

Hotel hopping trip is winding up swell. Pixie dusted after chatting up check in staff = comp upgrade 2BR
Nice pictures of your resort stay.

The Southwest was beautiful in Arizona. I love to see the palm trees, fruit trees,, cactus or cactii???, and landscaping everywhere:)

Ruth so nice to hear you had such a nice time in Arizona.

Enjoy playing in the dirt. Getting your flower beds and veggie beds ready to plant sounds wonderful.

Hope your back is feeling better.

Robo: So sorry to hear of your dx of skin cancer, You are right that it is very treatable. Take care:)
Thank your Ruth.

I came home to see our older ds had started making dinner. That made my momma heart happy - to not have to cook tonight. I'm thinking tomorrow night will be bbq burgers and fries - if the wind dies down.
That is so sweet that your son made you all dinner.

am going to try to get back to sleep. I finally finished the Spiderman cross stitch late last night. It’s about 21.4x 21.4 inches. It needs to be washed and pressed. The lighting for the picture isn’t the best, but here it is.
Charade your Spider-Man cross stitch is cool.

missed my oyster eating buddy last night, as soon as I saw these were on the specials, they were mine!!! You would have loved them, plump and tasted of the sea, when I asked where they were from they were from the area we used to live in Scotland which was nice.
Oysters are not all that visually appealing to most folks, but if you can get past that they are tasty when they are fresh. Those looked pretty good to me.

mac and mr mac will be celebrating their wedding anniversary........hope you both have a lovely day mac, whatever you may be doing ☺️
Happy belated anniversary to Mac and her hubby.

Charade enjoy your time at Universal. My sister K and I ate at Minion Cafe and a few of the food offerings we tried were good. I hope they stay consistent with their food.

We have rain this evening. We needed a little for sure.

I need to go shopping for flower and veggie plants this week and get those in the beds. We are past any more cold weather so its is time to get some plants in.

I’am watching little J tomorrow. Looking forward to spending time with my little sweet great-nephew.

I did receive the call from the Doctors office that is supposed to to the Moh’s procedure. I will feel better after I have my consult visit with him.

Interestingly the lady that has done my hair for years had the same Doctor do surgery on her nose after she had a skin cancer diagnosis. She said he was very good. She needed some mild cosmetic reconstruction after. She was impressed with the Plastic surgeon also. So it was reassuring to get her feed back before I have the consultation.

I did some much needed housework today. Always feels good when everything is fresh and clean. It is just the two of us and we are not messy, but getting some vacuuming, dusting and floors mopped does make a difference.

A week and a half ago we had a storm come through that had some impressive lighting. Well said lightening burned out the panel on our furnace and the door bell of all things. So we are waiting for parts for both.

Not much else going on here.

Have a wonderful rest of the evening everyone.
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Interesting development at home while I’ve been gone. There is a young man who works at Kroger with B and also attends our church. I think he also attends the university where B graduated, but I am not certain. Anyway, dh texted me and said that this boy gave B some crocheted flowers. I don’t know what this means if anything. I will have to wait and see if anything happens.
Ooh, sounds like you have had a nice, short get away, Charade. Safe travels tomorrow. Cute, that B my be getting a boyfriend.

Robo, hope all goes with removal. Sending prayer, that is the only the found on you. Ack, to storm knocking out doorbell and furnace panel. Scary. Lightning is not fun when it hits your home. Closest I saw, was one strike hit the corner of my parent’s house’s garage. Knocked a small piece of it off. Glad you were not hurt. And things can be replaced. We are to be stormy tomorrow night.

Kids went out for a drive, as older one’s meet up with a friend, was a bust, as his friend called and said didn’t feel well, as older one was waiting to be picked up.

Ah, packed up and ready for those commuting days. We did indeed, turned on the AC today. Probably won’t turn it off until tomorrow night.

And by the time the kids come back, l’ll be in bed. Getting closer to my bedtime, and already changed into my pajamas. So last of show to watch, before I turn off. But as most parents know, even if I’m asleep, I’ll still hear them come in.
I have a consult to talk to the doc who does the Moh’s procedure. Will feel more comfortable talking about the over all plan.
That seems to be “the” way to go for many. As i understand can really be precise. Being educated about it always helps to soothe me when I have something pending. Do tend to hate surprises
My day is done and I am now back at my hotel. It was a god day and the crowds were lower than I expected. This is the first time I have ever gone during cheer season. There are so many of them and they are everywhere.

Here’s how my day went:
Villain Con - not my favorite, but I am terrible at shooting. I think I would enjoy it more if you could sit.
Lunch at the Minion Cafe
Horror Make up show - always funny. They chose a Chinese woman to be their victim. Last time I saw the show the “volunteer” didn’t speak english. This time the person they picked spoke english very well and was also a bit of a ham.
Bourne stunt show
ET - I rode next to some ladies that had never ridden the ride. They were quite giggly, possibly a little tipsy.
Animal show - I had forgotten how cute and fun this was.
Bought an Ocean Attack drink, but non-alcoholic. It was good, but the best part was watching the bart make it.
Mummy coaster - I used single rider for this and I think the regular line was moving much faster. There were groups of 3 or more people in the single rider line. I guess they thought they would get on quicker, but that was not the case.
Race through NY
Transformers - was reminded why I don’t ride this one.
Had a cookie butter crepe. Very good but I needed someone to split it with.
Did Villain Con one more time then headed back to the hotel.

My pizza that I thought wouldn’t get here for another 20 minutes just arrived. I’m too tired to go back to the cafeteria to eat dinner. fun to be a little tipsy in the parks, I know it wasn`t you, but it does sound fun!!!

You did well at The Studios, I`m with you on Villain Con, not impressed, but them I`m not a fan of those types of things, they bore me.

Enjoy your time today and safe travels home :)

Forgot to mention that I also stopped to talk to the Scooby Gang. They all liked my new Scooby Doo shirt.

They are so cool!!

Hey all, back in the land of the living. I just had to try a Chipotle bowl @ MCO on the way home. First day I drug carcass out, only to see GD track meet I promised to attend. Figure I’ve lost at least 10# of water weight. :crazy2:

Enjoy that new TV!

Although, I really do enjoy seeing the inside of hotel rooms

I`m not sure how I split your quote?? But I did!

Welcome were missed on here!!

Glad you`re picking up now and well enough to get out today to watch GD. She did well!!! Very impressed with that result. Not the way one wants to lose weight, but keep doing what you`re doing and you`ll be back to normal before you know it!!

Secretly I do like this keep saying it`s just a tv, but it is a good one.

I like seeing different types of rooms too.

4 hotels in 9 days

Between my 3 DS, figure I’ve spent a few years total watching them play. Actually, loved it as it was peaceful & relaxing sort of time. Away from responsibility of work & home.

Well, we know you just love the Pittsburgh Steelers NFL team :)

Insert the ominous music, Dum, dum, dum lol

I get the Willie’s everytime i catch this episode. Props to the pic of ‘the silence’ who who :)
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Hooray for Captain Spaulding (Groucho’s) although Rob Zombie’s was interesting in his own right.

I’m seeing a happy pie, what big eyes you have sort. So cute

Boohoo. They look scrumptious and at least triple the size I’ve been seeing at the boathouse in DS

You’re on vacation, set your own schedule and enjooy

Yes!!! Steeler`s fan fact watching two games of theirs in however many years means I`ve watched more American Football than British football lol.........tells you how boring I find British football!!!

I did get the creeps with that episode....are you my mummy gave me the chills. But, yes, it`s a British way of saying mum for sure!!

lol.....I`d forgotten about Groucho`s brows!! Although a couple we`ve seen are more like his moustache :rotfl:

Janet, you would have loved them!!! Yes, they were a decent size, bigger than I expected, I`d go back there for those alone, didn`t expect them to be so lovely!

4 hotels in 9 days is a lot, but you stayed in some gorgeous places, glad you had such a lovely trip and glad you`re getting back to normal :)

Good Monday evening.

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I have a consult to talk to the doc who does the Moh’s procedure. Will feel more comfortable talking about the over all plan.

Thank you Pumpkin.

Thank you Carole.

Hope the new TV is doing well.

It is so nice you both enjoy volunteering.

Reading to the little ones is so important.

Nice pictures of your resort stay.

Ruth so nice to hear you had such a nice time in Arizona.

Enjoy playing in the dirt. Getting your flower beds and veggie beds ready to plant sounds wonderful.

Hope your back is feeling better.

Thank your Ruth.

That is so sweet that your son made you all dinner.

Charade your Spider-Man cross stitch is cool.

Oysters are not all that visually appealing to most folks, but if you can get past that they are tasty when they are fresh. Those looked pretty good to me.

Happy belated anniversary to Mac and her hubby.
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Charade enjoy your time at Universal. My sister K and I ate at Minion Cafe and a few of the food offerings we tried were good. I hope they stay consistent with their food.

We have rain this evening. We needed a little for sure.

I need to go shopping for flower and veggie plants this week and get those in the beds. We are past any more cold weather so its is time to get some plants in.

I’am watching little J tomorrow. Looking forward to spending time with my little sweet great-nephew.

I did receive the call from the Doctors office that is supposed to to the Moh’s procedure. I will feel better after I have my consult visit with him.

Interestingly the lady that has done my hair for years had the same Doctor do surgery on her nose after she had a skin cancer diagnosis. She said he was very good. She needed some mild cosmetic reconstruction after. She was impressed with the Plastic surgeon also. So it was reassuring to get her feed back before I have the consultation.

I did some much needed housework today. Always feels good when everything is fresh and clean. It is just the two of us and we are not messy, but getting some vacuuming, dusting and floors mopped does make a difference.

A week and a half ago we had a storm come through that had some impressive lighting. Well said lightening burned out the panel on our furnace and the door bell of all things. So we are waiting for parts for both.

Not much else going on here.

Have a wonderful rest of the evening everyone.

I did have to Google what moh is, there is a lot of positivity with that type of treatment, so you know you still have all our thoughts and prayers for a very good outcome. And good luck with the consultation.

Always believed in giving little ones the best possible start in life and reading has always been so important to me, it is nice to be able to do this.

lol....yes, I admit oysters are not the most visually beautiful creatures, darn tasty!!!!

Oh I hear you Robbie......I hate housework, but I`m a housework fiend and we are not untidy or messy, but I do enjoy both of us working through our home together, Tom is not as fond of it as I am.....surprise surprise lol.....but he is good at it, except the inside of windows, I don`t let him near them!!

Enjoy your time with the little guy today, so good for the soul!!

Interesting development at home while I’ve been gone. There is a young man who works at Kroger with B and also attends our church. I think he also attends the university where B graduated, but I am not certain. Anyway, dh texted me and said that this boy gave B some crocheted flowers. I don’t know what this means if anything. I will have to wait and see if anything happens.

Awww, that is so sweet!

That seems to be “the” way to go for many. As i understand can really be precise. Being educated about it always helps to soothe me when I have something pending. Do tend to hate surprises

lol....I was banned years ago from Googling symptoms if I was poorly :rotfl: doesn`t stop me though, seems he can tell though when I`m googling medical issues and does give me a huge sigh lol.....but, I do prefer to know what something might be, or not!

I need to call my favourite niece today, she goes in to hospital tomorrow for hip replacement surgery, she is young but she really needs it. Weirdly my sister in law who is younger than me is getting a similar surgery next week. Niece`s is more complex so I`ll be sitting waiting for news tomorrow.

Today, sunny but very windy, we have a few things to pick up and get for others today, will drop them off and then a quiet day ahead before May hits us!! It`s a busy one.

Making a mixed seafood dish tonight in a creamy cajun spiced sauce, usually served with linguine but I think I`ll make some cheddar bay biscuits, my own recipe but it`s identical to Red Lobster`s biscuits, I usually add a little spice too, but might not today with the dish being spicy. Will pick up the fresh seafood this morning, one of our favourite dishes.

On my third cup of tea, avocado on toast for breakfast later before we head out, maybe a poached egg on top, perfect.

Last day of April!!!! How`d that happen.




Have a wonderful Tuesday 😁
Ah, DH as alarm went off, asked did older one turn on the AC. Um, it’s been on since early yesterday. I can see it off now, until Thursday night. Saying 60’s overnight and still low 80’s until a what? Friday’s high is 67. Ack. No matter, making it a lazy one for me.

But today, nice to sit outside and have a taco in the partly cloudy sky at lunchtime, or the overall cloudy sky at dinner time.

Yep, the food of this day is a Taco. So make a run to Taco Bell, another taco place, make your own, or at least think of those tacos 🌮 today.

Ah, got out the door later than I usually do, DH was not moving fast, and had to get my slacks from the wash room, as forgot to take them up to my closet. Then DH came running out as I pulled away. Seems little one left her wallet in my car. But commute was almost as fast as usual, but the entry was so crowded, I thought I would not make the light that was green, to get in that line. And ooh, four of us parking where I do. Yay, they didn’t pick my favorite spot. So parked and into my office quick.

Boot up was fast, and yay, no bottle to change, tea sipping for me. Came up with another lady, then my nose started to run. Hmm, I could smell the perfume she was wearing. Sigh. There’s another person who uses so much perfume, you know where they have recently walked by. Breathing better now, as I did not think I had any allergies, but maybe to some perfumery.

Hope all have that month ending Terrific Taco Tuesday today. Woot! May starts tomorrow, and May has two nice events, our Mother’s Day, and ending with a holiday Monday, Memorial Day.

Yay the sun is already up, and no jacket today. Woot!


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