Ohio Train Derailment

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But if you go to his website it says otherwise. So who's lying.
I'm not seeing that. I'm seeing a lot of people calling for him to do so but not him actively doing it. I feel like this would be an easy google search but I'm not finding it. Can you link it for everyone to see?
Palestine, Ohio residents ineligible for FEMA aid
because the train did not destroy their houses/property


Palestine, Ohio residents ineligible for FEMA aid
because the train did not destroy their houses/property


That doesn't make sense if you look at the links me and another poster have put in. Train derailment is under FEMA's prevue and is not confined to literally a train car destroying someone's house. Who is telling the residents this? Any other sources you can find that go into more detail because otherwise that is written to be a catchy headline without anything else.
I included the governor's tweet for a reason.
I don't know who was quoted re: destroying someone's house,
but it was in one of the articles.

Here are more news sources, per your request:




“Despite the severity of the wreckage, release of chemicals, and the disruption to the lives of local residents, we have just been informed that Ohio apparently does not meet the eligibility threshold for FEMA assistance at this time. Along with my colleagues, I respectfully request that you provide a detailed response as to why the residents of this community do not qualify for assistance from your agency,” wrote Rep. Bill Johnson.

There are many other sources reporting the same things.
I included the governor's tweet for a reason.
I don't know who was quoted re: destroying someone's house,
but it was in one of the articles.

Here are more news sources, per your request:




“Despite the severity of the wreckage, release of chemicals, and the disruption to the lives of local residents, we have just been informed that Ohio apparently does not meet the eligibility threshold for FEMA assistance at this time. Along with my colleagues, I respectfully request that you provide a detailed response as to why the residents of this community do not qualify for assistance from your agency,” wrote Rep. Bill Johnson.

There are many other sources reporting the same things.
I am the one who first posted about the governor asking for Federal assistance because FEMA declined eligibility so yes I know about all that. This is what in the last page or two we have been discussing. Potential reasons why complete with links from FEMA (multiple ones) discussing disaster protocols. Musings if the governor needs to declare a state of emergency of his own as the other way is the president declaring one.

What I was asking about was the line that DailyMail listed residents were being told was because homes were not destroyed or property wasn't destroyed and that's why FEMA is saying they aren't eligible. FEMA has absolutely aided in other train derailments with hazardous materials without this. And I can't see it even making sense because can you imagine needing a train car to land on your house? Or some other way destroy it?

Unfortunately none of the links you provided corroborated that claim at least at this time (although more links to the story about FEMA declining are nice to have). As far as I can tell we don't know yet exactly why FEMA is saying they are ineligible but I'd like to know.
Sorry, I couldn't get the quotes to work right for me:

"What I was asking about was the line that DailyMail listed residents were being told was because homes were not destroyed or property wasn't destroyed and that's why FEMA is saying they aren't eligible. FEMA has absolutely aided in other train derailments with hazardous materials without this. And I can't see it even making sense because can you imagine needing a train car to land on your house? Or some other way destroy it?"

I know that's what you were asking about, so I said I don't know who was quoted.
I'm assuming that one or more residents heard this and repeated it to a news source,
but of course I don't know.

Unfortunately none of the links you provided corroborated that claim at least at this time (although more links to the story about FEMA declining are nice to have). As far as I can tell we don't know yet exactly why FEMA is saying they are ineligible but I'd like to know.

I agree with you, but I also think that this is why there ARE so many news links about it.
And, I read the other posts but thought I would add the new news link
which I did not see posted.

*Edited for spelling.
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There seems to be a lot of different claims and confusion. This was from two days ago when DeWine specifically said he didn't need any federal aid.

DeWine, a second-term Republican, said he had been contacted after the disaster by President Joe Biden, who, he said, offered any necessary federal assistance. Said DeWine at the Tuesday news briefing: “Look, the president called me and said, ‘Anything you need.’ I have not called him back after that conversation. We will not hesitate to do that if we’re seeing a problem or anything, but I’m not seeing it.”​

It's only today when there have been claims that FEMA said they weren't eligible for aid. I don't think it makes much sense that this wouldn't be eligible for aid. At the very least, "hazard mitigation" is one of the things that FEMA takes care of with declared emergencies, and this would seem to at least something that qualifies. I haven't heard of any public response from FEMA. It doesn't necessarily pass the smell test, but I guess we'll have to wait until there's an official response from the federal government.
I don't use Dis as a news or media site. Never understood the need to post current news on here when there are so many actual media organizations who already have websites.

Seriously. It's like people think if it isn't being talked about here, NO ONE knows about it.

Unless a story is super compelling or had some mystery aspect to it, I don't understand the need to discuss it, really.

Trains derail and spill chemicals ALL the time.

You're right, this isn't a news outlet, it's the DISboards and many of us have made friends within this online community, some of which who are directly affected by this disaster. It's okay if you don't feel like you're part of the community or that you aren't concerned for their wellbeing, no one here is judging.

I started a thread to see what 'everyday folks' were thinking ABOUT a news event.

I don't get my news here, but I don't think it's strange to enjoy discussing current events with people. My MIL lives in the area, about 15 minutes away, and she hasn't evacuated, and I posted here to see what other people in the area might be feeling/doing. Can't really get a good picture from that off CNN, aside from the random person they might decide to interview in the course of a story.

No need to explain yourself, you did the right thing creating this thread. Thank you. I hope your MIL is getting the help and answers she needs. :hug:
No need to explain yourself, you did the right thing creating this thread. Thank you. I hope your MIL is getting the help and answers she needs. :hug:

I honestly don't know if she is as concerned as she ought to be. She says they don't smell anything; and this isn't their first rodeo, they've been through chemical spills before where they live, but they have well water. I hope they're okay.
You're right, this isn't a news outlet, it's the DISboards and many of us have made friends within this online community, some of which who are directly affected by this disaster. It's okay if you don't feel like you're part of the community or that you aren't concerned for their wellbeing, no one here is judging.

You are apparently trying to twist around what we said. DISCUSSING something/comparing notes/etc. is different to me from using legit media organizations who factually report the news. Any number of people can post heresay, opinions or conspiracy theories on social media. There is a difference which some don't seem to grasp.
You are apparently trying to twist around what we said. DISCUSSING something/comparing notes/etc. is different to me from using legit media organizations who factually report the news. Any number of people can post heresay, opinions or conspiracy theories on social media. There is a difference which some don't seem to grasp.
That’s true. Case in point, a friend of mine on Facebook. She says she’s going to continue to post about the train wreck for the people of east Palestine. But what she posts is 2 TikTok’s. One has some random person throwing something into a creek and the rainbow effect coming to the surface. That might be ok but then there are disparaging comments about Pete butteguig and rainbows. The other TikTok is JD Vance in his clean white shirt poking at the water. If she really wanted to make some statements, she would use some more credible sources.
Case in point....Did you hear about the Van Buren Township train derailment outside of Detroit today? No, well that is because it is not front page on CNN or MSNBC. It is trending on Twitter, however....lol. Twitter can be a jumping off point for researching something further.
As sad as that is it’s absolutely 100% true….same thing with an explosion in Montreal….I heard about it from twitter
Sorry, I couldn't get the quotes to work right for me:

"What I was asking about was the line that DailyMail listed residents were being told was because homes were not destroyed or property wasn't destroyed and that's why FEMA is saying they aren't eligible. FEMA has absolutely aided in other train derailments with hazardous materials without this. And I can't see it even making sense because can you imagine needing a train car to land on your house? Or some other way destroy it?"

I know that's what you were asking about, so I said I don't know who was quoted.
I'm assuming that one or more residents heard this and repeated it to a news source,
but of course I don't know.

Unfortunately none of the links you provided corroborated that claim at least at this time (although more links to the story about FEMA declining are nice to have). As far as I can tell we don't know yet exactly why FEMA is saying they are ineligible but I'd like to know.

I agree with you, but I also think that this is why there ARE so many news links about it.
And, I read the other posts but thought I would add the new news link
which I did not see posted.

*Edited for spelling.
Oh no I wasn't saying for you personally to find if that's the reason I was meaning DailyMail as a source is questionable at best precisely because they like to make sensational headlines and claims. Everything else you posted we're totally on the same page about. It's that DailyMail would say residents are being told FEMA won't help because their houses or property haven't been physically destroyed I was trying to see if anyone else backed up that claim, that's all :flower3:

And I agree the fact that we don't have more information is why the chatter is going on.
You are apparently trying to twist around what we said. DISCUSSING something/comparing notes/etc. is different to me from using legit media organizations who factually report the news. Any number of people can post heresay, opinions or conspiracy theories on social media. There is a difference which some don't seem to grasp.
I don't really think they're twisting anything. I posted a thread asking what people thought about a current event, and one of the first responses was that the poster didn't see the sense in using the DIS to get their news. That was never the intent of this thread; had I not already seen the news, I wouldn't have even thought to make a thread about it.

I will say that when I started this thread there was a lot of coverage but all saying the same thing and very little as to new developments, perhaps giving the impression that there wasn't sufficient coverage, but I would guess that's because there weren't any concrete new facts to report for awhile, as they were in the damage assessment phase.

I checked in on my MIL this morning and I don't think they are taking any special precautions... I think I probably would have gone to visit family out of state until the EPA has a handle on the extent of this, but to each their own, and I also have a toddler, so more of a sense of urgency for that reason. As it is, we get our water from the Ohio, so we've gone ahead and bottled about 15 gallons of tap water and bought a few gallons of water that was bottled before the incident, in case they decide to turn the pumps off while the plume passes by. Right now, our local water company is saying there's no threat based on what they're monitoring upstream, and charcoal filtering will take care of everything, but we're giving the toddler the bottled water for awhile to be safe. We have a LifeStraw filter, so we'll run the water storage through that before we drink it for the next few weeks. And I'm sure this is probably overkill, but... things feel different when I have a tiny human to look out for.
I also agree that when people are concerned about something, if there isn't a satisfying amount of new info coming from the media, they tend to go looking for the experiences of people who are on the ground at the event, or they start looking for discussion about the existing facts/speculation. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as long as it's not mistaken for verified fact.

I remember the 'eyewitness' accounts of things that went on during Katrina that turned out to be completely fabricated, not to say that enough horrible stuff didn't go on there anyway.
Some people have debunked that because algae can cause the same rainbow sheen. There’s several articles written about non petroleum sheen on water. Just do a google search. There is away to tell the difference. I believe if it’s algae it will break apart if it’s disturbed and petroleum it clumps together. This sheen could be from neither of those for all we know.

Or from other contamination in the past. A few of the drains and streams near me display some petroleum sheen when agitated, not from any documented spill or disaster but from the legacy of a time when people thought nothing of practices like dumping used motor oil or other petrochemicals out onto the ground rather than disposing of them properly. There's one in particular that runs behind a property that had been an auto shop from the 30s or 40s until the 90s, that is sort of interesting to kayak because paddling the shallower sections is enough to stir up the bottom and unleash the toxic rainbows.
That’s true. Case in point, a friend of mine on Facebook. She says she’s going to continue to post about the train wreck for the people of east Palestine. But what she posts is 2 TikTok’s. One has some random person throwing something into a creek and the rainbow effect coming to the surface. That might be ok but then there are disparaging comments about Pete butteguig and rainbows. The other TikTok is JD Vance in his clean white shirt poking at the water. If she really wanted to make some statements, she would use some more credible sources.
I don't have a TikTok or facebook, but your statement about a particular senator is based on an opinion. I don't think it's fair to say his video is credible or not. The same could be said of someone on the other side of the aisle.

Anyway, here is a NY Times article that goes into the EPA/FEMA/cleanup stuff. It states all the info rather clearly. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/16/us/politics/east-palestine-ohio-train-chemicals-fema.html

Also from PA: https://www.abc27.com/news/top-stor...ct-water-sampling-following-train-derailment/

Also the water sampling is done by a contractor at Norfolk Southern sampling sites. It's not particularly "independent," at least how I would judge.
Also the water sampling is done by a contractor at Norfolk Southern sampling sites. It's not particularly "independent," at least how I would judge.

I hope that people in the area take the time to test their own water, and going forward, probably the soil as well. There's not much that can be done on an individual level about the air quality, but state university extensions have a lot of resources for water and soil testing along with advice on mitigating any dangers that the testing reveals. And that would be a lot more independent, and therefore trustworthy, than the sponsored testing being made available by NS right now.
and one of the first responses was that the poster didn't see the sense in using the DIS to get their news. That was never the intent of this thread; had I not already seen the news, I wouldn't have even thought to make a thread about it.
For the bolded just to point out that poster you were quoting is the same poster who made the comment about DIS/posting current news.
I don't use Dis as a news or media site. Never understood the need to post current news on here when there are so many actual media organizations who already have websites.
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