Cass, Rob & Kira - Disneyland May 2019 - "Sniff...snifff. I think I smell Wi-Fi!!!"

May 12th, Part 5

Time for the show! :cool1:

I don't have the best pics to show you, I only use my iphone 8 for photos and videos so they're not the best but believe me when I say, it really is amazing!! And as much as I love the WDW version, the Sailing Ship Columbia (pirate-looking ship) and Maleficent (dragon) puts this show slightly above the Hollywood Studios version, in my books. :thumbsup2

The show has changed quite a bit too even from the last time I saw it, so that was a nice surprise too. ::yes::












After Fantasmic was over, they invite you to stay where you are and stand up to watch Mickey's Mix Magic, so we did and it was AWESOME!!!

The music is ridiculously catchy (I will see if I can use it in my trip video) and they project the mist screens on the Rivers of America and you get a great view of the fireworks. It's not as immersive as it is on Main Street USA but I really enjoyed this first real view of MMM. We all danced and bopped through the whole thing. :dancer:



After a great show, we slowly headed back to our hotel.



See you tomorrow, Walt :wave2:


We found this very cool treat awaiting us in the room....




Sometimes, Rob's friendliness pays off. ::yes:::thumbsup2

You should have seen Kira's very big eyes upon seeing all of these goodies :rotfl2:

She had some during the next few days and we brought the rest home with us. Thanks Joe & team :hug:

I love that music. I also like "Come one everybody get your ears on" I listen to it everytimecthat Disney depression hits me.
May 16th, Part 3

After our break, we headed back for our very last park time. We were all sad about that but we tried to make the most out of that last evening.



Back on day 4 or 5, Rob and I decided that we would surprise Kira with a second visit to Blue Bayou. We all loved it so much that first time that I ended up canceling our Lamplight Lounge dinner and then stalking the site for a BB reservation. I just kept refreshing and checking and eventually one popped up. Sadly, there was no Fantasmic tonight so it would be just a regular dinner.


We checked in and asked for a water table once again.


The wait was about 20 minutes so I walked around and got some pics...most people don't even notice Club 33 next door.


I just love this area, it is so neat. Small and a little cramped at times but sooo awesome!


Time to eat!


The regular menus light up, how cool! :cool1:




We were all very happy to be back and we totally scored for tables! We were right on the water at the other end this time! 🤗


This was my view, looking to the right. As you can see, Pirates was down once again and for most of the day so I'm glad we got to ride it earlier.


This is my happy place!


We joked that all 999 happy haunts from next door were taking a spin on this ride because boat after boat went by, all empty, for the entire meal!


So pretty! :love:


Rob and I got the gumbo, of course! :lovestruc


And we ate way too much bread! I think we ate two and a half of these loaves :rolleyes1 It was soooooo good! ::yes::


Rob got the chicken...


Kira and I got the surf and turf! 🥰

I gave the lobster to Rob and in return he gave me most of his potatoes. 😁 Pretty fair deal, I would say. LOL!

My meal was delicious, Rob enjoyed his and Kira even ate her lobster! She loves shrimp so I made sure she had a bit of my lobster last time just to try it. Now she knows she likes lobster :P

We were STUFFED!!! Service was slow at the end and our plates sat there for quite a long time, too long in fact, because I kept picking at Kira's potato leftovers. 😏

I was so full but it literally hurt me to see those amazing potatoes go to waste. 😜

Okay, now I was overfull, which I don't like. 🥴


Apparently, they were not stuffed like me because they decided they needed dessert 😲

#13 🍦


I made a pit stop and joined them just as they were finishing. I did not partake in this one, that's for sure. Rob was super sad that he couldn't get the strawberry after tonight. :rolleyes::p


I took some pics because this area is so beautiful at night.



It was almost time for Mickey's Mix Magic but Kira was getting cold despite wearing her Star Wars hoodie that evening. We went through the shops and we ended up buying her a nice hoodie. It was so nice that I ended up buying the same one the next day :rolleyes2

We sat on the curb until it was about to start and then we stood in the middle.


This third time watching it, I wanted to be right in the middle of Main Street so we could see the projections better. I knew just the spot. :flower:


If you want to get a great view of the projections, this is definitely the best place for it! Sadly, they didn't have the fireworks going off that night as it was too windy.





Once again, we danced the whole time and loved every second of it. :dancer:
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We joked that all 999 happy haunts from next door were taking a spin on this ride because boat after boat went by, all empty, for the entire meal!

Hahaha! Love that thought!
And we ate way too much bread! I think we ate two and a half of these loaves :rolleyes1 It was soooooo good! ::yes::

Mmm - Blue Bayou bread is delicious!

Oh, and I forgot - I did add SWGE stuff to my Trip Report; here is where it starts!
Can't believe it's the last day :sad: But what a fantastic last day! I can't imagine getting upset about being seated next door to Carnation Cafe, they connect for crying out loud!! Oy, people really WILL complain about anything.

Love that you scored another ressie for BB AND a water table view to boot!:dogdance:

13 dole whips, huh? Nah, you can't stop at 13, that's unlucky. I'm betting there will be at least one more......
May 13th, Part 1

Before I continue on with our second park day, I meant to write this at the end of the last chapter...

We had such an amazing first park day and the fact that I got to spend Mother's Day at Disneyland was just the BEST!!! I lost my mom over 21 years ago so usually Mother's Day for me is filled with a lot of sadness and is very hard for me to "celebrate". Back when Rob's parents lived closer, I would push him to take Kira and go be with his Mom, told him to cherish every single Mother's Day with her that he can because she won't be around forever. I mostly just wanted to be alone on Mother's Day, so I can just be sad and mourn my Mom in my own way and not have it affect Rob and Kira.

My first few Mother's Days as a Mom were definitely the toughest and it is getting a little easier as the years go on but I still feel a huge emptiness and despite my best efforts, I still feel a huge loss and get very sad. It hits me most on Mother's Day and around Christmastime, when we lost her.

This was the first Mother's Day in over 20 years that I have felt something other than deep sadness. It was our first park day of the trip so everything was so exciting and fun and there was zero stress and while I still thought about her that day, the day was filled with joy and laughter and fun with the two people I love most in this world. 🥰

So, yeah...BEST MOTHER'S DAY EVER!!! :cloud9::love::worship:

Okay, sappiness over, let's continue with our second park day! :goodvibes

We woke up to a beautiful overcast sky :cool1:


Kira wasn't even close to ready so Rob had time to grab their breakfast and come back up to the room.



Kira enjoying half of a chocolate croissant.


Then it was time for early entry again at DCA. :thumbsup2

This cute little van was parked near the ticket gates...


And a not-so-busy looking Esplanade...


We got here later than I had planned but still about half-way through the early entry hour.


We always struggle with which line to pick. Normally, the one I pick is the fastest but this morning Rob was feeling cheeky and chose the line next to us.


The thing here is that you never know if the people in front of you are going to be two seconds to scan their pass or five minutes because they don't have early entry and the CM needs to explain it all to them :rolleyes2

In my case, there was a party of 5 who needed to get their tickets and have their photos taken so Rob beat us into the park this morning. Kira wasn't too happy about it either :lmao:


We made it finally, I bought Kira's Max Pass for the day and we headed directly to....



Kira said she would wait for us while we rode it which worked out because there was something at this store that she had wanted.

Stan Lee has a cameo here, asking if they offer valet services :rotfl2:


Another great ride on my fave!


She was supposed to buy it while we were on the ride but I guess she couldn't find what she was looking for so we helped her find it ;)

She wanted the Groot that we had been seeing all over the parks on people shoulders and on top of hats. It was the cutest little thing! ::yes::


While she was fixing him up on her shoulders, I noticed these...I love how different and unique some of the flora and fauna is here! :thumbsup2


Groot was situated and then we headed off to Pixar Pier.


She often chatted with him too, it was super cute :lmao:


Follow Kira and Groot...



We had reservations for Lamplight Lounge later on in the week but we ended up cancelling it in favour of something else. :rolleyes1


The theming here is just soooo dang cute!




FYI, they have a single rider option on Incredicoaster. :thumbsup2


We had MP though.

Oooh, we have to stop here and try a cookie num-num soon! ::yes::


I pretended to be asleep for this one :earboy2:

Rob was supposed to ride with Kira but when the train pulled up, there was no shoulder harness in his spot so he had to ride with me. Weird.


Kira wanted to go again but Rob didn't care to join us. I was able to grab another MP for Kira and I right away so me and my kiddo went!


Rob took this from the walkway hahaha!


Yeah Mom, thuper babies!


We passed by Jessie's but Kira was still adamant about not riding but Rob and I wanted to try it so Kira waited for us :p


There's my party-pooper daughter :rolleyes::teeth:



It was a cute little ride with a cute song. ☺


We passed an Angry Dog...told ya there was great theming here! ::yes::


We headed into Bing Bong's just to check it out.


Lots of cute merch and Bing Bong himself.


Reached my photo limit again. 🙁
Love love love your shirt. Im having so much fun reading your trip report that Im making the hubs read it also.
May 16th, Part 4

Since our afternoon break, I had been stacking Max Passes in the app and we had three of them to do by this time. I just love how Tomorrowland looks at night, so beautiful! :love:

Also...Max Pass rocks!



No time to waste, we had one last race in space. :darth:

I was trying to give Kira and Rob bunny ears but I failed miserably. :earboy2:


We checked out this store one last time. Kira ended up buying a cute Chewbacca-ish purse. This was our fifth day and our umpteenth time in this store and the first time I noticed this rather large X-Wing :rolleyes2


We walked over to Frontierland for our Big Thunder MP.



And from the next photo, I'm sure you an guess where we made our third, yes THIRD stop today. :rolleyes1


Yup #14 🍦

It was my husband's last desperate attempt to eat as many raspberry dole whips as he could before the park closed. :lmao:

I did not partake in this one either, I was still full o_O


We had one final MP for Matterhorn but by the time we finished at Tropical Hideaway, we were all kind of done with rides so we skipped it and headed for the shops instead. Kira wanted to buy her one agreed-upon stuffie. I kept pointing her towards small ones and she insisted on bigger ones. :rolleyes2

When I last left her, she was begging me for two big ones and I said absolutely not! 😠 She was annoyingly persistent so I told Rob that he can deal with her, I was done!

She kept trying to bargain and the last offer I heard (because they had a special on for two) that she would get one big one and she was buying the second one for a friend. I wasn't opposed to that so I left them to figure out the logistics. This momma is sooooo done with anything stuffie related after 12 years of it! 🙄

Well, I found out later, that not only did she con her Dad into getting both of them, (she was supposed to use the last of her money on hers and we were going to buy the second one for her friend) but she didn't use any of her own money and somehow she ended up getting both for her. 😠

Yeah, that didn't go over well for her when I found out the next day. She automagically lost the rest of her potential earnings for the rest of the trip and is now banned from buying any future stuffies!


You have no idea how many stuffies we have in our house. :sad2: They are a huge waste of money, in my opinion! Kira will adore them for a month or two and then they get tossed in a bin or on the floor under her bed. I was more lenient about them when she was younger but she's almost 13 and we've even given a huge garbage bag filled with stuffies to the Fire Department and we still have tons!! 🤬

Sorry kiddo, this momma is putting her foot down.


Was I unclear on that, at all?



They went looking at another store while I enjoyed watching the windows on Main Street. If you go to Disneyland, these are a must-see!! They animate and the whole scene changes right in front of your eyes!! 🤩😍







We were now done in the parks, I took one last photo of Main Street and grudgingly left the park 😭


Dang it, Disneyland, why can't you sell 7-day hoppers!! 😫
We checked out this store one last time. Kira ended up buying a cute Chewbacca-ish purse. This was our fifth day and our umpteenth time in this store and the first time I noticed this rather large X-Wing :rolleyes2

Hahaha - really!

Funny/interesting story I heard from a client (who does work on automatic fire sprinklers). Disney installed this X-Wing and went about their business. Years later the Fire Marshal was walking through the store (don't know if he was doing an inspection or just a guest), looked up and realized the X-Wing covered up a bunch of automatic sprinklers on the ceiling. Which would mean if there was a fire in the wrong spot, the water wouldn't get to it and it wasn't safe. Disney obviously didn't want to remove it and didn't exactly want to extend pipes down and around the ship, so they worked with the manufacturer to stick sprinkler pipes through the inside of the ship. There are some square panels on the underside (I've found 3 but the guy said there was 4), which cover up the sprinkler head openings. Most of the time concealed sprinkler head covers are circles and plain white or black, but Disney didn't want that to be too obvious, so they had the covers specially made and painted to match the X-Wing and had to send it to a testing agency and everything! All for 4 sprinkler heads! I still end up looking up at it every time I'm in there!
Wait, what? 3 people couldn’t finish one cookie? You need to hang out with us more. We can show you how it’s done. :)
Well, in Rob’s defense, Chuck would’ve totally folded into that scheme too. I know better than to leave the “Disneyland Dad” in charge of anything like that. I learned the hard way. LOL!!

Automagically!!! I love that word!!

Why do I have the funny feeling that Kira will see plenty more stuffies....very very soon? :)
Oh momma, I am so with you on the no stuffies rule! Oh my goodness, there are SO many in our house, they could take over the world.

Beautiful last pic of main street at night :love:
May 17th, Part 1

Today was a chill day for us. I knew that with five straight park days that we wouldn't get much of a chance to really just relax and enjoy this gorgeous hotel so that was on the agenda for today.

Starting with breakfast at Steakhouse 55. :thumbsup2


It's so fancy in here, I feel so weird wearing shorts and a tee but it's just breakfast ;)



This restaurant is filled with great photos of celebrities back in their heyday, all sitting at tables, which I thought was a nice, subtle touch. ::yes:: We've eaten here before, I think this is my 4th or 5th time here and my third breakfast. It's always been really good and it's super convenient if you're staying at the DLH and don't want to shell out $45 per person for a character breakfast at Goofy's Kitchen. :crazy2:


This was mine...






Breakfast was good but it was pricey! For those prices, I would expect better food but this is Disney after all. :worried: We were all wishing we were eating at Carnation Cafe again. :rolleyes2

I do really love the photographs of Walt that line the entrance of this place though. :lovestruc


And here's some trivia for you. I recently heard a story (not sure how accurate it is but it totally makes sense!) about Walt and the origin of something that every big Disney fans knows about...the two-finger point.

Now, most of us already know that Walt was a smoker, in fact, he died of lung cancer, so it's no secret but what you might not know about some of these famous pics (and a few others in different locations such as on the Disney ships) is that his cigarette was photoshopped out of them. If you look closely, you can totally tell that he is holding a cigarette here but what I heard recently was that back in his day, when he was walking around, often, with a cigarette in his hand, pointing out where this should go and that should be, with two fingers together, holding that cigarette, that is the origin of the famous Disney two-finger point that all Cast Members are taught!

Totally makes sense if it is, indeed, true. ::yes:::smokin:


And then the girl at the front offered to take a family photo of us. :goodvibes

I had bought these shirts here last year so I knew we would have to wear them sometime this trip. :teeth:


Kira went back to the room to chill while Rob and I decided to take a nice slow stroll to explore this beautiful hotel. :cool1:

First stop was this wonderfully nostalgic hallway with photos and items from an era gone by.


In my Disney History and trivia books, I've read quite a bit about Disneyland history. I just love learning about how it all started and the way it all came together. There is a DLH book that I really want to get because I love this hotel and its history fascinates me. :worship:






One of the things I love best about this resort is its colour scheme! My favourite colour is blue so seeing hues of blue everywhere from the carpets to the outside glass is so amazing! :cloud9:



Just look at how much it has changed over the years! :oops:



Some of the memorabilia in this case is very familiar to us Disney fans! Brings back childhood memories, for sure! ::yes::


And here's the drawing that started it all. Basically, Walt and Herb Ryman spent a weekend together in a hotel room creating this now-famous first park map in order to convince the bankers to invest in Walt's dream. 🥰


We walked around for quite a bit. I shared some trivia with Rob and showed him the room where I have attended conferences in the past.










Rob's attempt at a selfie. It was bright out and hard to see the screen. 😁


Walked into the pool area to get some photos...




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And one parent was grumbling already!

That chicken Rob had looked so good!

We loved MMM! We watched it from the same spot both nights....I think basically right in front of the Penny Arcade.
We they showing it on the castle (scrim) too? I can't tell in your pictures. It's not easy to see though so I am glad they did it all down Main street. It was fun being able to stand right in the middle.

We actually saw several balloons fly away this trip, that's a lot of moohlah! 😱🤑

Yes, there were projections on the scrim but yes, right in the middle was the best places to see the projections. We saw it three times in three different places and loved them all, so very unique 😍

I didn't even know that had a name other than Death Trap!

Seriously though, I never really knew the name. hahaha

I never used it and should have. I was kind of afraid to try it, no clue why...or I just kept forgetting it was a thing.
Our trip was definitely not a normal trip anyways, where I planned and researched and I really just went by the seat of my pants

LOL! Yes, it's just the Death Trap now, I say it too now because of you 🤣

Gosh, I have nightmares about going on vacation and having nothing planned :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

That totally sucks!

I remember when we rode it together and my shoes were soooo wet....I hate wet shoes!

Yes, shoes get so wet! Mine were soaked that first time but the second time I remember to lift my feet up and that totally worked! I hate walking around in wet shoes. :scared:

Love Kira’s “Spoon Eyes”! Lol!!!!

HAHA, she's a funny kid! You'd like her :rolleyes1:lmao:

We walked slowly back to our hotel with no regrets......the sign of a ROCKIN' day for sure :worship: :rotfl:

Forget counting dole whips (I think you said #10 in this entry), we should be counting Incredicoaster rides :oops::rotfl:

Yes! I think it was 11??? But, that is not enough!! :rolleyes1:rotfl:

I think my favorite place to see the fireworks is on main street right near the Penny Arcade - that way you can enjoy the fireworks and projections!

Nope, nope! I never do that ride anymore, even the non-swinging ones! Too scary1

I do love those fries! The split top made me smile - The first place I had them was in Montreal and I was soo confused! But I got used to them!

Something fun we realized - you can set up your mobile orders in advance. So for SWGE, we would set up a dinner order for around the time we entered the land. Because once it got close to dinner time all the near slots would be filled up and you'd have to wait 1 hr to get a mobile ordering time. You can cancel too at any time before you click "prepare my order"

Cool! I've never seen it at Disneyland!

Yes, great spot to watch it from! :thumbsup2

HAHAH, that's too funny about the split tops!! I love them and now that I know AW has them, I will make sure to go multiple times each trip. :banana:

Yes, that is a great tip!! I only used that once but we had no problems getting the time we wanted but when it's super crowded, that would be awesome! ::yes::

That's where we watched!

Yes! I still don't get why they don't have an longer option.....well I know their reason...but I don't agree with it.

Tell me about it!

You should probably check on with them so they aren't bored. Then promise them they can go on vacation next time!

That is hilarious!

Yes!!!! Next time we go together (and there will be a next time) we should shout it out loud!

Really? What is the reason, exactly??? They don't want people spending 7 days in their resort, spending all their cash?? :rolleyes2

LOL! I will go keep them company today! :joker:

Oh we will! :p

Hi Cass! Caught up again. For your question about missed activities, I seem to forget the Dole Whips, and my family never wants to see fireworks, parades or light shows. I am always frustrated by that, and some day in going to just go rogue and stay for them.

Such a great vacay over too soon! The sun coming out so suddenly, and the overcast mornings are SoCal classic!

So funny about the "go left.". Jim's uncle who lived there and grew up at DLR, taught us to always go left when the line splits! It is even in my top sheet. LOL. It feels right to us too. :duck:

Ack! How can you forget Dole Whips??? :rotfl2:

Yes, going left is almost always a good idea! But on Pirates, it looks like it's better than it actually is. :lmao:

Exactly what we said!

If I didn't know better, I would swear you copied and pasted my Small World post. hahaha. Practically the same pics we took too.

Great minds ::yes::

I love that music. I also like "Come one everybody get your ears on" I listen to it everytimecthat Disney depression hits me.

YESSSS!!! The best song in the whole show!! Loved it!!! :cool1:

Hahaha! Love that thought!

Mmm - Blue Bayou bread is delicious!

Oh, and I forgot - I did add SWGE stuff to my Trip Report; here is where it starts!

Oh yay!! I will check it out, thanks! :goodvibes

Can't believe it's the last day :sad: But what a fantastic last day! I can't imagine getting upset about being seated next door to Carnation Cafe, they connect for crying out loud!! Oy, people really WILL complain about anything.
Love that you scored another ressie for BB AND a water table view to boot!:dogdance:

13 dole whips, huh? Nah, you can't stop at 13, that's unlucky. I'm betting there will be at least one more......

13 is actually a lucky number for moi but yeah, we did not stop there :rotfl:

Love love love your shirt. Im having so much fun reading your trip report that Im making the hubs read it also.

Thanks! :blush: I bought it last September in Disney Springs but I saw that it was still for sale here at the World of Disney Store. :thumbsup2

Hahaha - really!

Funny/interesting story I heard from a client (who does work on automatic fire sprinklers). Disney installed this X-Wing and went about their business. Years later the Fire Marshal was walking through the store (don't know if he was doing an inspection or just a guest), looked up and realized the X-Wing covered up a bunch of automatic sprinklers on the ceiling. Which would mean if there was a fire in the wrong spot, the water wouldn't get to it and it wasn't safe. Disney obviously didn't want to remove it and didn't exactly want to extend pipes down and around the ship, so they worked with the manufacturer to stick sprinkler pipes through the inside of the ship. There are some square panels on the underside (I've found 3 but the guy said there was 4), which cover up the sprinkler head openings. Most of the time concealed sprinkler head covers are circles and plain white or black, but Disney didn't want that to be too obvious, so they had the covers specially made and painted to match the X-Wing and had to send it to a testing agency and everything! All for 4 sprinkler heads! I still end up looking up at it every time I'm in there!

Oh wow!! I will have to look more closely on the next trip!!! How cool :earboy2:

Wait, what? 3 people couldn’t finish one cookie? You need to hang out with us more. We can show you how it’s done. :)

We were full and that cookie is more like three cookies! But yeah, it was pathetic! :earboy2:

Well, in Rob’s defense, Chuck would’ve totally folded into that scheme too. I know better than to leave the “Disneyland Dad” in charge of anything like that. I learned the hard way. LOL!!

Automagically!!! I love that word!!

Why do I have the funny feeling that Kira will see plenty more stuffies....very very soon? :)

Yeah, I know better :rolleyes1

NOOOOO! No more stuffies!! :sad2:

And even after I made you practice this kind of shot on our cruise??? Lol

Awww, BEST pic of the Vacation!!!


Oh momma, I am so with you on the no stuffies rule! Oh my goodness, there are SO many in our house, they could take over the world.

Beautiful last pic of main street at night :love:

GAH!! Stuffies will definitely take over this house :crowded::rotfl2:

Stuffies??? Say it with me now....just say no! :rotfl2:

Pace yourself on all those grapes, Cass. LOL!!!!!

What did Rob eat?

I was always wondering about the two fingered point. I thought it had something to do with it being rude to point. So if they used two fingers, it wouldn’t seem rude???? Next time you see Chuck ask him to point something out to you. He uses all five fingers spread out. Makes me nuts because I never know where to look. Whahahahahahaha.

Loved your t-shirts. :cutie:
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Pace yourself on all those grapes, Cass. LOL!!!!!

What did Rob eat?

I was always wondering about the two fingered point. I thought it had something to do with it being rude to point. So if they used two fingers, it wouldn’t seem rude???? Next time you see Chuck ask him to point something out to you. He uses all five fingers spread out. Makes me nuts because I never know where to look. Whahahahahahaha.

Loved your t-shirts. :cutie:

Those are tomatoes 😝 🍅🍅🍅

Rob had the porridge 🤢

Hmmm I will have to remember that when I see him next 😂

I thought it was because of the rude factor too, who knows? 😜
I had been stacking Max Passes in the app

Ok how did you do that. Was it that after 2 hours you added another one before using the first?

Really? What is the reason, exactly??? They don't want people spending 7 days in their resort, spending all their cash??

They told us at that AEP that they did extensive research and most people didn't feel the need to come any more than 5 days. A lot of it was based on the Texas market because they said that is the next biggest area that people who visit are from after California. I still think even a 7 day ticket would be nice. Is it gonna kill them to have that option, even if only 100 people buy it a year? (which I personally think they will sell a heck of a lot more than that.
May 17th, Part 2

This is going to be a quick, photo-intensive post as we spent the next hour or so just wandering around this beautiful resort hotel.



The walk up bar where you can order drinks and Dole Whips! Heads up if you are ordering a specialty drink that comes in a fancy souvenir mug/glass here, they keep your credit card until it is returned. And if you are ordering for more than just yourself, they will ask to see that person as they only sell 1 drink per person at a time. I overheard some very angry people that had a problem with both of these rules. :scared:


Here's some views inside and outside of Tangaroa Terrace...




We never ate here because I do not care for their new menu. :sad2:



Some drinks and grab and go items...


You can mobile order here too but every time we tried to do it, the times listed were at least 30 minutes away for the pick up window so we just went to the cashier.


Like my husband is currently doing. :rolleyes1


#15 🍦

When it's just for him, he always gets the float.


We carried on, walking and exploring while he enjoyed his float.




LOVE this photo 🥰


And then back to our tower...



This is the smaller store...


The old photos at the elevators. They were advertising for movie night at the pool but if you looked closely, it was for the pool at Paradise Pier, not here 🧐


And up to our floor...


We rested in the room for a few hours, checked emails and Facebook and just chilled.
And also a very cute hidden Mickey!

Very! :earboy2:

Ok how did you do that. Was it that after 2 hours you added another one before using the first?

They told us at that AEP that they did extensive research and most people didn't feel the need to come any more than 5 days. A lot of it was based on the Texas market because they said that is the next biggest area that people who visit are from after California. I still think even a 7 day ticket would be nice. Is it gonna kill them to have that option, even if only 100 people buy it a year? (which I personally think they will sell a heck of a lot more than that.

Yes! If you choose a FP that was not for the current time, they would list a time to get your next one and it was often less than 2 hours so I would set my alarm and get another one ASAP. Because we took afternoon breaks, we often went back to the parks with 2 or 3 FP's :thumbsup2

Okay but just because that is what MOST people buy, doesn't mean you don't have people wanting more! Geeez Disney, get with the dang program!! >:(

I need to win the lotto so we can get the Premiere Passports! ::yes::
May 17th, Part 3

After chilling in the room for a bit, it was time for dinner and I knew where we would be eating!



Black Tap Burgers & Shakes opened not too long ago and that's where I wanted to go!



We had passed by it all week and saw crazy lines at all times of the day! Thankfully the line was short when we went. :thumbsup2

You order at the cashier and they give you a buzzer that you place on your table and then the food is brought out to you.


Pop is refillable here, yay!


They are known for their crazy shakes and apparently were the original ones (in NYC) to offer these over-the-top shakes before they became popular every where.



I recommended to Kira that she get the chicken strips and fries but she was in a mood and said she wanted Chicken Caesar Salad. :rolleyes2

We found a table (it was crowded and not easy to find a decent one) and sat down and placed the buzzer on the designated spot. As we sat there for a few minutes, we noticed how CRAZY loud it was!! Rob and Kira filled our drinks while I went to the bathroom. Not only was the restaurant loud from people noise, they had the music BLARING!! When I was in the stall in the bathroom, I heard a kid screaming at the top of his lungs and compared to the loud music they were playing, it didn't seem too loud. o_O



I am very sensitive to noise in my old age and kids screaming really bothers me, like...REALLY bothers my bones. This kid's scream hardly bothered me because my senses were already overloaded with the stupid-loud music!

By the time I got back to the table, it was really affecting me as well as Rob and he's not bothered by noise like me! We decided to check out the patio to see if it was quieter and thankfully, it was! It was warmer out there but I will take the heat over that craziness! Problem was, after sitting there for a few minutes, we noticed we were near the employee entrance and the gate, if the employee did not soften the blow, would SLAM shut!! 😲😵


It must have been shift change time because SO many people were going through this gate. :eek::eek::eek:

I felt like I couldn't win! Either crazy-loud music and talking inside or this stupid-loud gate slamming every 5 minutes. :faint: Thankfully, there were some employees who softened the blow and didn't let it slam!


Just as I was starting to think that eating here was the worst decision ever, out came our food.

Oh. My. Dog.

This was some of the best food we had the entire trip!! I mean, that's saying something because we really only had one bad meal (and really, that was Rob's :laughing:) and we had some amazing food!

Rob and I split the regular cheeseburger as well as the turkey burger. I am so lucky that my hubby's main goal in life is to make me happy. He goes along with whatever I want really :love:

He never would have ordered a turkey burger but I had heard good things about it and wanted to try it. So, I tried the cheeseburger first....oh my!! It was incredibly delicious!!


The fries were also amazing!! The only thing I didn't care for was the "pickle" because it was less pickle than it was a cucumber.....needs more pickling!

Next up was the turkey burger and holy crapolla was this ever goooood!! I preferred the fries over the sweet potato fries but I always do The sweet potato fries were for Rob. Again, we tossed aside the "pickle" and devoured the rest of the plate.

I honestly don't know which one I preferred??? They were both amazing and I am so glad we got both to try :worship:


Kira's Chicken Caesar Salad on the other hand was... less than stellar. Well, the strips were delicious but the salad was hard to eat and then you had to mix in the dressing yourself, which makes it harder. It was massive though and could easily feed two people. She regretted not getting just the chicken strips with fries but she didn't complain. I ended up ordering a side of fries for her and she was happy with that.


The burgers were SUPER messy though and Rob was laughing at the mess I was making. I can't help it, I love condiments :rolleyes1:p



What most people don't know is that you can order dessert from the servers that walk around so you don't have to go back up and wait in line. Most people order their shakes when they order their food but then they sit and melt and get gross so I had done my research and knew we could order something after we were done eating.

We decided to split the crazy Oreo shake and it was definitely crazy! :crazy2: :laughing:


It came with an entire Oreo ice cream sandwich!!



It was delicious but WAY too much for us! Next time I would order a regular oreo shake. ::yes:: It was fun to have and see an over-the-top one though. :earboy2:


So, if you are heading to Downtown Disney and you like burgers or shakes, Black Tap is a MUST do!! Just maybe bring some ear plugs! :rolleyes:

I cannot wait to go back actually! I'm already trying to figure out a way to get back to Disneyland sooner than later. Our priority is Florida though so that probably won't happen for some time :sad:

We rolled ourselves back to our hotel and found this...


How did they know we were going to be enjoying some pool time this evening and would be making use of these robes?? And we are pretty sure there were only two robes in our room but there were three laid out on the bed for us. :confused3:cool1:

Oh look, Kira's collection has grown. 😶


We were talking about MMM on the way back and I told them that we could watch it from our room and listen to the music on the TV later tonight. Kira was super stoked about the music so I double checked that they still had it on the TV and they did. :thumbsup2


After digesting our food a little, we headed down to the pool. Oh look...bunny eared Kira :goodvibes:rotfl2:



We had the hot tub to ourselves :cloud9:


Eventually, Rob headed out and got a coffee and #16 🍦 for himself and Kira. I was still way too full from dinner to even think about food.


As I was swimming, I had noticed something weird about the Disneyland sign. I wasn't sure if it was my perspective or what but it totally looks like the "s" was put on upside down. 🤔

Can you guys see it? 🧐


Look how much lower the "s" is than the "i" and the "n". :magnify:



Kira swam a little with me but it was too cold for her and she spent most of the time in the hot tub. It was definitely colder than our first night here but I love swimming and hot tubbing at night so much, I can put up with it. ::yes::

Other than not cooking, and of course, eating, it is the thing I love most about vacations. :lovestruc

How many legs do I even have??? 😜


Rob enjoyed his coffee, reading the news on his phone and the gorgeous view. :cloud9:


It was a wonderful, relaxing day and I am so glad I decided to have two chill days before we had to go back home. Kira was less than thrilled that we couldn't go back to the parks to do the rides but well, she doesn't pay for these vacations so what she thinks doesn't really count, now does it? 🤪😂
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