Let it Snope Let it Snope Let it Snope! A Very Merry crowded Christmas! Nov Report updated and over

Screw you adulthood everything is real and i am not going against it.

Awww, poor Peanut. I don't remember how old I was when I found out about the Easter Bunny but I was about their age when I learned the truth about Santa. Even in adulthood, it's still nice to believe even though you know things aren't real. Seriously, how else could a vacation of meeting princesses and giant animal-humans make any sense otherwise???
Nope, we split up right after Soarin' because I had my lunch ADR at Garden Grill. We did meet up again very briefly in Mouse Gears after lunch. We walked together as far as WS and then I went left and you guys went right. I think you were headed to UK to do the Agent Perry stuff. I went left because I hadn't visited that side and was only planning on being in Epcot for a bit longer. I went as far as Germany and then turned around to go back to my room for a rest and then to MK for EMHs.

This is good to know! I would have totally forgotten!

Bad Mama! :sad2: Give those Midgets a hug from me! :hug: I figured it out super early. I was only 7 and the tooth fairy forgot to leave me money under my pillow for a tooth. Totally shattered my belief in all mythical creatures at that point. I don't remember it being too devastating for me but then I've always been a bit more of a logical person rather than emotional.

I am a bad mom. we don't talk about it anymore.. AT ALL.
7 is way too young! that's sad!

It cracks me up that people go crazy for that outdoor part of Test Track at only 60-some mph! I'm like, put me on the Tollway if you want to see fast!!!

I know! i want to rent a convertible one day with the kids. Here this is FAST.

Love the photos in line for Soarin', have to keep yourself amused somehow---though I'm not sure I'd like being tackled repeatedly to pass the time!!

Thanks! No him tackling me got a little old after the first time. he was like the line tackle monster!

The Easter Bunny ISN'T REAL?!!?!

He is and always will be i take IT ALL BACK.

Love the Test track photos. I don't think I've ever seen pictures inside Mission Space posted before. They are very cool.

Thank you!! Glad i got to show you!!!

Sorry about the Easter Bunny! That is really sad. I don't know how things will go when all my little ones figure it out. I remember finding out early about Santa and the Easter Bunny due to my older brothers. It does kind of deflate the excitement a little. I think I'd rather them figure it out and then ask me. I think you're brave to have such an honest conversation.

I can't stand it..
so we no longer talk about it. I take it all back..

That is really sad. I figured Midget would be upset after what happened with Duffy. But I am surprised that one of their friends, or enemies, didn't tell them first.

It is too sad to talk about! I am SURE the kids talk about it.. yet my kids march to a totally different beat. they don't care what other say or do. If they want to believe then they will.
I will never do this again. EVER. it was awful!!!
Awww, poor Peanut. I don't remember how old I was when I found out about the Easter Bunny but I was about their age when I learned the truth about Santa. Even in adulthood, it's still nice to believe even though you know things aren't real. Seriously, how else could a vacation of meeting princesses and giant animal-humans make any sense otherwise???

I thought it was about time and now i feel like the biggest jerk! I agree with you.. Disney is ALL REAL. i will never say anything otherwise!!!
I accidentally told Chelsea a couple of years ago. She asked while I was distracted and I answered without thinking and she was crushed. She was asking about Santa. She had asked, "Is Santa...fake". In my distractedness, I figured she would say real, so I said, "Yes." She was so upset and she was 10...so I added quickly...so are tooth fairy and Easter Bunny. All fake. She still hasn't forgiven me. Figured I would let her down all at once.
Oh, poor Midgets!!! We have never really taught mythical creatures to our kids. They have always known the presents, tooth money, and baskets were from us. We NEVER told them they were not real, because we sure didn't want to ruin it for other kids and parents. We have always just told them the creatures didn't have to come to our house because mom and dad took care of it for them. It was a decision we made before we had kids...and we sometimes wish we had gone the other way. But, anyhow...my kids still get baskets, and so does the hubster. LOL!
I accidentally told Chelsea a couple of years ago. She asked while I was distracted and I answered without thinking and she was crushed. She was asking about Santa. She had asked, "Is Santa...fake". In my distractedness, I figured she would say real, so I said, "Yes." She was so upset and she was 10...so I added quickly...so are tooth fairy and Easter Bunny. All fake. She still hasn't forgiven me. Figured I would let her down all at once.

oh no... That's awful!

Oh, poor Midgets!!! We have never really taught mythical creatures to our kids. They have always known the presents, tooth money, and baskets were from us. We NEVER told them they were not real, because we sure didn't want to ruin it for other kids and parents. We have always just told them the creatures didn't have to come to our house because mom and dad took care of it for them. It was a decision we made before we had kids...and we sometimes wish we had gone the other way. But, anyhow...my kids still get baskets, and so does the hubster. LOL!

I don't know how i feel about this. The end result is you don't have to feel the horrible guilt i am feeling.. Yet your missing the magic!?! I like both ways!! LOL.. but there goes that saying you can't have your cake and eat it too-- (never understood that if i want cake i'll go to the store and buy it and eat it!!)

If you didn't read this on the PTR here it is again:

Yesterday sucked.

Sorry there is no other way to explain it except it was down right yucky. I was on my way to job #2 straight from the city job and as i am driving i hit the gas to go around a truck and... Nothing.. I mean NADA- Nothing- zip- zilch. Pressed the gas again and the RPM is going but the car is NOT MOVING.
oh no



I am on a busy expressway where people must go 70 or above they think it's the autobahn! Thankfully i have enough momentum to cut across the 3 lanes of traffic to the right shoulder... EVERYTHING is working on my car.. EVERYTHING but it's not MOVING. so i call for help on Facebook when i remembered being part of a tow truck page! WHO DOES THAT?!?!
Luck would have it and he would be there in 30 minutes. several friends called who would charge 150.00+ No thanks! i got this!

There is my battleship!

So everyone is telling me it sounds like my trans.


This old girl has been around the block a few times. Including TWO trip to Disney!! So i need to give her some TLC. I am PRAYING it isn't something expensive... PLEASE OH PLEASE let it be something small... I cannot afford something huge!
Also why is it i always have car issues when ON an expressway??? Why can't this happen when i am tutting around in a neighborhood?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOO must happen when people are going 90 mph!

I swear cars KNOW when you have a little $$ saved up because that is when something happens ya know? Right now it looks like instead of it being the year of the house.. It's turned into the yeear of the CAR!! Grumble!!!!

So the tow driver was able to get my battleship in front of the house like a PRO! it was a smallish spot.. and he did it!

Tomorrow i have to have her towed into a garage to see what exactly is going on! WISH ME LUCK!
I am so sorry to hear about your vehicle! :headache: Is it a Ford? I have a Ford Focus (2013), and I am terrified that the transmission will give me problems (it is known for problems). I also seem to be bad luck for cars...so much that my son just bought his first car (very used, but was excited because air/power windows all worked)...then I get a text telling me that he must of inherited my bad karma for cars...the power window went down and would not go back up. :guilty: All I could say was I am sorry. I know anytime I have a little tucked away (which is not often) something goes awry...but then I try to always be grateful that at least I had that tucked away. (even if it means not doing something fun...although that house stuff did not sound like fun...)

It is always a little sad when littles find out that people make the MAGIC. But I told my son (and anyone else who is part of my household) that if you talk about Santa and the Easter Bunny not being real, then they will not come for them...there has never been that sort of talk in my house, lol. because everyone in my house wants their Easter Basket and Christmas Stockings filled! MEg will come to terms with it in her own time...kinda like the boys did...they know it in their mind, but will always cherish it in their hearts.

Take care my friend! :hug: The MAGIC will live on! pixiedust:
I thought it was about time and now i feel like the biggest jerk! I agree with you.. Disney is ALL REAL. i will never say anything otherwise!!!

You are not a jerk in any sense of the word! The kids will be okay. Peanut is a sensitive soul so it doesn't surprise me she took it the hardest but I know she'll be okay too. Just because they know that the Easter Bunny isn't a physical being doesn't mean they won't stop believing in his magic!
I saw the truck pic on your FB :( I HATE car trouble and money especially. UGH :( I hope you get better news than a transmission problem!
I am so sorry to hear about your vehicle! :headache: Is it a Ford? I have a Ford Focus (2013), and I am terrified that the transmission will give me problems (it is known for problems). I also seem to be bad luck for cars...so much that my son just bought his first car (very used, but was excited because air/power windows all worked)...then I get a text telling me that he must of inherited my bad karma for cars...the power window went down and would not go back up. :guilty: All I could say was I am sorry. I know anytime I have a little tucked away (which is not often) something goes awry...but then I try to always be grateful that at least I had that tucked away. (even if it means not doing something fun...although that house stuff did not sound like fun...)

Thank you! No it's a Chrysler Aspen. I LOVE MY little truck!!! It is now on it's way over to the garage to see what is wrong!
I know! between the dogs and cars they KNOW when you have a little tucked away somewhere!

It is always a little sad when littles find out that people make the MAGIC. But I told my son (and anyone else who is part of my household) that if you talk about Santa and the Easter Bunny not being real, then they will not come for them...there has never been that sort of talk in my house, lol. because everyone in my house wants their Easter Basket and Christmas Stockings filled! MEg will come to terms with it in her own time...kinda like the boys did...they know it in their mind, but will always cherish it in their hearts.

It is awful when they find out!!! i feel horrible! I agree with you there is NO more talk about them being real or not. I can't handle it! LOL...

Take care my friend! :hug: The MAGIC will live on! pixiedust:

It will because WE ARE THE MAGIC MAKERS!

You are not a jerk in any sense of the word! The kids will be okay. Peanut is a sensitive soul so it doesn't surprise me she took it the hardest but I know she'll be okay too. Just because they know that the Easter Bunny isn't a physical being doesn't mean they won't stop believing in his magic!

your so sweet! thank you for saying it! but i feel like the world biggest jerk! LOL
Ohhh I like this.. his magic will live on. that's exactly what is going to happen too!

I saw the truck pic on your FB :( I HATE car trouble and money especially. UGH :( I hope you get better news than a transmission problem!

you and me both!

my poor baby car is on it's way to the garage now. I hope they call with GREAT news..

Just wanted to tell everyone a


Hope you all have a wonderful time with family and friends!!!
I should probably do an update!!
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter as well Mo. I read your post about your car when you posted it and on Thursday by DH's car couldn't drive either. The garage said the part they need plus labour will be $2500...yeah no, not happening. It was a 2005 Santa Fe but we said if we had to put any more money into it that was it. So we are looking at a used car this weekend. We have mine but work in opposite areas so two cars are what we prefer.
I hope you get good news about your vehicle.
Take care.
Aww, poor kidlets! I'm sure they will come to terms with the news in their own time and still enjoy the magic of believing. A friend of mine had a similar time when her eldest found out about Santa, it was awful.

I'm sorry about your car troubles, I hope it can be fixed and isn't too expensive!

Happy Easter!
Happy Easter, Mo!

Sorry to hear about your car troubles. That's never good.

Wait... Whaddya mean the Easter bunny isn't real? :sad:


Ariana was with Peanut!

These are too funny! Sorry the other ones didn't show up.

After much discussion Tom and Zack went to the orange line while Ariana, Matt, Peanut and i went green!

Brave souls! I'd be so nauseous!

we swooned

He'll always be Leutenant Dan to me...

This is us... Listening extremely well to all the commands..
I apologize now for my TWO slip ups on potty mouth

Man! Why is the baby always asleep when you post videos?! I gotta get some earbuds...

I think this is where Matt started playing becoming the Line backer line man. As we wait in line i would periodically be tackled. It was NOT fun

Um, ouch Matt!

After this i needed a DSA!

I would have too; I'm sure being tackled by a football playing tweenager is no joke!

She breaks down hysterically.. Like she did when Duffy left Disney....

No! Poor girls. I'm sure it was as hard for you as for her.

He said "yeah.. I knew this conversation was coming.. I knew but didn't want to KNOW.."

I remember that feeling. I was 12, and I'd known these things weren't real, but I wanted them to be. It's part of why Disney is so great; we can remain in that mindset. Like Peter Pan says "in that space between asleep and awake, that's where I'll always be." That's where those mystical things live.

everyone is telling me it sounds like my trans.

No! We had to have our transmission replaced on our tiny Hyundai, $4000. I hope it's something small, a filter in the fuel pump or something.
Happy Easter, Mo! I was thinking about you and your kidlets when I was outside this morning hiding eggs. It was about 32 degrees out there and I was wondering when the bunny would stop visiting us, but seeing her run around the yard a few hours later made it totally worth it. She's only 9, but I feel like she's going on 19.

Yesterday, she was in tears because she wanted to go to our local bunny trail but thought she was too old for it. She's just as bad as me about not wanting her to grow up. We ended up going to see Zootopia instead.

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter!!!
I just had to nip in to tell you, you can tell the kids that I saw the Easter bunny yesterday…Riding his motorbike!! He is alive and well in England, bombing around country villages on a motorcycle! I tried to get a photo for you (we were at a stop light, he rode across the junction right in front of us) but he was too fast!
Oh man! I am not looking forward to that conversation. Abi, at ten, still believes everything. And not just a little bit with some doubt. She wholeheartedly believes in all magic. And I am just hoping I have at least another year.
I am all caught up on your entertaining TR:cool1:! I have been MIA for 8 weeks due to family health issues and have thoroughly enjoyed getting back to the Dis, a huge shout out to you talented people sharing your trips :disrocks:

:rockband: (Sorry just now replying about page 16 post). I love 5 Finger Death Punch after seeing them at Rocklahoma. Other favorites: Kid Rock, Theory of a Deadman, Buckcherry & Staind. Also just seen Machine Gun Kelly & they are amazing entertainers. All of the above are quite a contrast to Disney 8-):D

That Volley ball Mom sounds like a Witch with a Capital B!!! The sweet cards made by the kids were wonderful :flower:

I was really happy to meet your crew and be in on the group photo of our special bags! Your midgets are ADORABLE!

Now I am off to read your PTR and catch up on Ariana's TR.

Good Luck on the car situation, I love the Aspens!
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Ah, Mo...I saw the picture of FB of your poor car. That STINKS, big time!!! I do know how it feels to have a little money saved up...only to have to use it for something completely NOT FUN...it sucks, plain and simple. Hope it's a quick, easy, and inexpensive fix for ya! ((((good vibes)))) going out!


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