Got a survey about fp+ from disney

Because if I don't like spicy food, I know I won't like a spicy dish. I might try it if someone offers me a bite of theirs, but I'm sure as hell not spending a good chunk of my hard earned money to try something that doesn't appeal to me. Why should I?

but would you go out and express your negative opinion of the dish? Tell your friends that new dish sucks and you can't believe they would change it and you hate it?

That's what these people are doing. Instead of saying "it's changing and I don't know what's going on" they say they hate it.
but would you go out and express your negative opinion of the dish? Tell your friends that new dish sucks and you can't believe they would change it and you hate it? That's what these people are doing. Instead of saying "it's changing and I don't know what's going on" they say they hate it.

Well for starters, I have seen many many negative posts from people who have experienced it and do not like it. I don't buy into the 9/10 haters have not experienced it stat ;).

Why should they say "it's changing and I don't know what's going on"? They do know what's going on. There was nothing about FP+ that really surprised me when I finally used it. I am experienced enough with Disney that reading about it allowed me to understand the system exactly. If anything, the only "surprise" was how rushed it truly did make us feel. I didn't expect that, but something about only having 3 to use made us feel obligated to use them to them to their max.

Again, I don't agree that this is something an experienced Disney guest has to experience to form an opinion about. And why are positive comments not jumped all over with people scrutinizing if they've actually experienced FP+ to know if their love for it is valid?
The feeling is mutual ;).

But to play along, let's say my favourite restaurant serves a dish I absolutely love. This dish happens to cost tons of money, but I gladly spend it because I love it. One day the restaurant decides it's more beneficial for them to make the dish extremely spicy. I do not like spicy at all. Do I need to buy this expensive dish again to know I won't like it? Or can I safely say since I don't like spicy food I won't like the dish?

So there are two sides to that, and I see both.
My dog eats some pretty sick stuff. I am pretty sure I wouldn't like it. Example - stuff in the cat litter box. I have never tried it, and I really don't feel the need to. I can state with some good certainty that I would not enjoy that particualr dog treat. Yet she swears by it. I get that.

On the flip side, I was pretty sure I didn't like broadway plays. I kept that view for a very long time. never tried it, but never felt the need - I had seen them on TV and found them boring. I lived perfectly content with that belief for 30 years. After all, I HAD seen them on TV so I even argued I had tried them. My girlfriend dragged me to one in my late 30's. Now I love them.

So I know wht you are saying, but I am also not positivie it's an apple to apple compare.

For the record, I have tried the system. I don't hate it, but there are a few issues that I really do not like.

And I think that's legit. I also think tweaks are to be expected and it's fair and positive to have feedback for Disney. They may not always take everything you personally want done and do it, but I also think they care about the opinions of the masses and will enact reasonable changes to the system to make it better for everyone.

I just think it's ridiculous how people's negative opinions are constantly dismissed because they haven't tried it.
An experienced Disney fan can read facts about FP+ and know how it will impact them.

My concern is not the experienced disney fan's who mostly know better and know to take the internet with a grain of salt, and know what Disney can and can't and do and doesn't do.

My concern is the average newcomer who has never been and is starting off what should be one of the happiest times in their lives that they paid a lot of money in order to be able to do - maybe only once in their lives - and they are starting off with all these negative vibes.

It kind of ruins the magic that they should be able to enjoy. One can argue they do it to themselves by coming here, but on the other hand I don't think Disney is just a vacation. I think it's an experience and it should be enjoyed not when you get to the airport, but months before. Coming to boards like these and learning and seeing and PART of that experience.

But we few who should be the abassadors and help spreading the magic are ruining it.

Take the Disney Cruise lines as an example. My first cruise I had no idea was fish extenders were. By my second, we were fully engaged making FE's for all the cabins and doing lots of cool stuff. And it was cool and fun and the thing I loved the most is it WASN'T DISNEY DOING IT. It was US. The fans. The people on the ship. You and Me. WE WERE THE MAGIC. We were taking what Disney had created and making it better - not just for us, but for random people we didn't know and never really would. And that was COOL, because the magic wasn't Disney's. It was OURS.

Instead we here are killing it for the random others. And that's really, really sad.

Anyway... off my soap box.
Well for starters, I have seen many many negative posts from people who have experienced it and do not like it. I don't buy into the 9/10 haters have not experienced it stat ;).

Why should they say "it's changing and I don't know what's going on"? They do know what's going on. There was nothing about FP+ that really surprised me when I finally used it. I am experienced enough with Disney that reading about it allowed me to understand the system exactly. If anything, the only "surprise" was how rushed it truly did make us feel. I didn't expect that, but something about only having 3 to use made us feel obligated to use them to them to their max.

Again, I don't agree that this is something an experienced Disney guest has to experience to form an opinion about. And why are positive comments not jumped all over with people scrutinizing if they've actually experienced FP+ to know if their love for it is valid?

this is because the only positive posts seem to be ones where someone has actually used the system and enjoyed it. As with most things in life when something goes right it's as if it was never there. People will tend to complain more than compliment and that's why on this board there are less complimenters (Sp?) of the system.

I just don't like saying something sucks and having such a strong (which most people do here) opinion about it when they haven't experienced it for themselves. That's just my opinion and we all have our own.
I got the survey also and told them it sucks. I told them that we will not go back to Disney unless they fix it. They called me and gave me the money for all of my annual passes back.
this is because the only positive posts seem to be ones where someone has actually used the system and enjoyed it.

That is a bunch of bull. There are many many many posts from people, like me, who used it and didn't care for it. The Disney apologists just seem to skip right over those comments.
That is a bunch of bull. There are many many many posts from people, like me, who used it and didn't care for it. The Disney apologists just seem to skip right over those comments.

You're dreaming if you think that. "disney apologist" I don't even know what that is but it sounds like an excuse that if someone enjoyed the system and its benefits they're automatically disney brown nosers and disney can do no wrong.
Lol! Guess there's your answer!

I am grateful that they gave me the money back for all 7. Especially considering that we already used them for 5 days. I wasn't expecting anything. The guy was apologetic and said he completely understands that it is difficult for people who have been going for a while. he even said he wasn't very fond of it. at first he tried to offer me free dining for my next trip even though we are dvc members, but I told him there would not be a next trip. he said he is hearing that a lot.
Man, how nice it would be for once (just once!) to see a postive post about FP+ and let it be. Do we really have to be negative on every single post?!

To the OP, I'm glad you had a good experience with it. Makes me feel better about our upcoming trip. However, I don't know that I ever recall getting more than 1 snack credit a day???

The QSDP originally came with 2 CS credits and 2 snack credits/ per night of stay. They lowered the entitlements to 1 snack credit in leiu of a price increase a few years back.

That was never our experience. We are NOT rope-droppers, and consider ourselves to be "on schedule" if we are headed out our hotel door by 10AM. For the past 7 years, our annual trips have occurred either in mid-August or mid-March during college spring break, so not during slow times. The only headliner we were never able to get a legacy fastpass for was TSMM. Other than that, we were always able to get onto ANY headliner in any park, including Soarin' and EE, simply by using either legacy FPs or a single-rider line (EE, TT, RnRC), or a combination of both if we wanted to ride multiple times. (OK, I will 'fess up… the day we arrived in Epcot at 3pm, Soarin' was out of fastpasses- but we knew that'd happen!). At the uber-busiest times of year, perhaps you had to be in the parks early/early to get FPs for headliners, but as I said, that was never our experience during some other fairly busy times of year.

I don't go at peak times, but the only ride I have seen run out of fast passes very early is TSMM. I have never seen EE run out of FP.

Paper fastpasses for some rides (toy story in particular) required an insane run at opening to get a FP for any time before evening. For a family that thinks running is not a part of vacation, FP+ lets you ride on rides you could not have done before without a long line wait.

Unless they are staying offsite and want to ride TSMM. Then they will probably still have to wait in long lines.

Disclaimer: I used FP+ on my last stay in October, so does that make my opinion valid?
We just returned Monday night from WDW. I wish they'd send me a survey about FP+. My first comment would be that it should be named Fast Pass MINUS! As a loyal Disney veteran it's a horrible system that adds nothing-so why call it "Plus" as if it were enhanced with added benefits that made the FP system better. It does none of those things-it only took away the best parts of the legacy FP system. With FP+ you have to endure the tiering system which is a HUGE negative-before we could get FP for whatever rides we wanted. And the limit of 3 is a major detractor to this system. After 9 trips to Disney, one to DL in Nov & a Disney cruise, I know my stuff & love learning more. But it's time for me to hang up my mouse ears & take a break from Disney-this last trip was too much negative, too restrictive. It's not the same Disney anymore. It's magic their way now.

Fast Pass Minus-that's the new name in my book!
We just returned Monday night from WDW. I wish they'd send me a survey about FP+. My first comment would be that it should be named Fast Pass MINUS! As a loyal Disney veteran it's a horrible system that adds nothing-so why call it "Plus" as if it were enhanced with added benefits that made the FP system better. It does none of those things-it only took away the best parts of the legacy FP system. With FP+ you have to endure the tiering system which is a HUGE negative-before we could get FP for whatever rides we wanted. And the limit of 3 is a major detractor to this system. After 9 trips to Disney, one to DL in Nov & a Disney cruise, I know my stuff & love learning more. But it's time for me to hang up my mouse ears & take a break from Disney-this last trip was too much negative, too restrictive. It's not the same Disney anymore. It's magic their way now.

Fast Pass Minus-that's the new name in my book!

Thanks for at least posting this in an already open thread. Sorry the system sucked for you. Enjoy wherever your vacations take you!
We just returned Monday night from WDW. I wish they'd send me a survey about FP+. My first comment would be that it should be named Fast Pass MINUS! As a loyal Disney veteran it's a horrible system that adds nothing-so why call it "Plus" as if it were enhanced with added benefits that made the FP system better. It does none of those things-it only took away the best parts of the legacy FP system. With FP+ you have to endure the tiering system which is a HUGE negative-before we could get FP for whatever rides we wanted. And the limit of 3 is a major detractor to this system. After 9 trips to Disney, one to DL in Nov & a Disney cruise, I know my stuff & love learning more. But it's time for me to hang up my mouse ears & take a break from Disney-this last trip was too much negative, too restrictive. It's not the same Disney anymore. It's magic their way now. Fast Pass Minus-that's the new name in my book!
technically it does make the system better in ways. You can pre book FPs, you can change you FP times, and you have it all loaded on your magic band. The biggest problems or things that make people upset is that you only get three, you can't park hop, and it's two parks have tiers. I have not personally used the system yet but from the concept of it I think it's great. For me 3 FPs is enough yes it is disappointing I can't use them at multiple parks in one day it's not the end of the world. So in many ways the system is an improvement I also think people don't like change Disney wants to put everything together on your card or magic band so it's easier. I think over time CMs will get used to it and repeat guests will get used to it. Again for me FP was never a huge part of my trip but it was nice to have. It makes me sad when I keep saying I'm done I'm not going back but I don't think that will have an effect of attendance at all. Nor will it have an affect on Disney to change anything.
I am grateful that they gave me the money back for all 7. Especially considering that we already used them for 5 days. I wasn't expecting anything. The guy was apologetic and said he completely understands that it is difficult for people who have been going for a while. he even said he wasn't very fond of it. at first he tried to offer me free dining for my next trip even though we are dvc members, but I told him there would not be a next trip. he said he is hearing that a lot.
sorry about your bad experience but let's say you sell your DVC that still means money for Disney either way and I don't see Disney world attendance dropping a lot anytime soon so therefor I don't see the new system changing to much.
I told him there would not be a next trip. he said he is hearing that a lot.

I don't believe that. Not for a second. Not saying I don't believe you, but I don't believe you.

1. If he actually told you that and he was overheard or the recording played, he would be escorted off of Disney property. No CM is ever going to say, "Sorry to hear you are never coming back. A lot of people hate Disney and will never come back".

2. Even if people did say that, I doubt they will do it. I have told companies before to their complaint department I won't be back. It's an empty threat, and they know it. After a few weeks or months, we always come back. Same will be true of most of the people who are Disney fans but blowing off steam.
I am grateful that they gave me the money back for all 7. Especially considering that we already used them for 5 days. I wasn't expecting anything. The guy was apologetic and said he completely understands that it is difficult for people who have been going for a while. he even said he wasn't very fond of it. at first he tried to offer me free dining for my next trip even though we are dvc members, but I told him there would not be a next trip. he said he is hearing that a lot.

Wow! I am shocked that they gave you your money back for used APs as well. Happy for you though. If you hate it that much and are not returning, you won't have a need for them any more. And then for him to offer you free dining? How does that even make any sense when you said you won't be returning. Sounds to me like they really don't care much about those they are losing by the bolded parts of your statement. Again I am more of a FP- person, but so far will not stop going due to FP+, but if it eventually highly impacts my trip that may change.
The QSDP originally came with 2 CS credits and 2 snack credits/ per night of stay. They lowered the entitlements to 1 snack credit in leiu of a price increase a few years back.

Ah, that would be way I never noticed it...We don't do the quick service dining plan. We do the DDP that comes with table service and quick.
Thanks for the clarification.
I don't believe that. Not for a second. Not saying I don't believe you, but I don't believe you. 1. If he actually told you that and he was overheard or the recording played, he would be escorted off of Disney property. No CM is ever going to say, "Sorry to hear you are never coming back. A lot of people hate Disney and will never come back". 2. Even if people did say that, I doubt they will do it. I have told companies before to their complaint department I won't be back. It's an empty threat, and they know it. After a few weeks or months, we always come back. Same will be true of most of the people who are Disney fans but blowing off steam.
I agree 100%


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